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Abermore Government





♚ Governmental Rulers ♚
The government is ruled by a council, which has three heads:

The Monarch (Head of Nobility)

The High Priest (Head of the Faith)

The Governor of the Capital (Head of the Commoners)

  • All three heads are equal in power and position, however the Monarch holds a higher ceremonial position.
  • The Three Heads enjoy immunity for any crimes which they may have committed while serving as heads. This is put here to ensure that The Heads could take upon themselves difficult decisions without fear of their personal safety.
  • The immunity does not apply to any crime related to treason, and if accused of treason the Head may suffer judgment for any other crime he may have committed while serving as Head.

The Monarch is the head of the Royal Family. The title passes by line of succession.

Responsible for
The Monarch is to prioritize the security of the lands as well as expanding them. To those goals the Monarch shall have two advisors; the Confidant and the Master of Defense.

The High Priest is the authority of the faith in the Kingdom. The High Priest’s position is granted by the main church of the Kingdom. Once a year, the church will join together to celebrate the gods, yet a shift of power is unlikely unless the High Priest dies. However, once a year, there would be a chance to all of those who question his ruling to speak up. The Church of the Kingdom shall respect all gods of the pantheon, and as such the High Priest shall also have the power to designate priests for each of the gods.

Responsible for
The High Priest is to act in order to make the god's divine decrees real on Altera. He is to defend and expand the faith, as well as keeping the followers safe and happy. He is also to facilitate the maintenance of scholarly records and a robust legal justice system. To those goals the Priest shall have two advisors; the Master of Scrolls and the Lord Justice.

The Governor is to be elected once a year with each of the citizens of the capital having an equal vote. If within the year the Governor can no longer act as Governor, new elections shall be made to elect a new Governor. The Governor may not be a head of house, or his heir. The Governor cannot be a devout follower of the church.

Responsible for
The Governor is to act to ensure the welfare of the common citizen. He is the voice of the commoners in the world of the nobility. He is to ensure that the coffers are neither too low nor too high, and to those goals the Governor shall have two advisors; the Master of Architecture and the Master of Coffers.

♚ The Crown Council ♚
  • The Crown council is made by the three Heads. During said meetings, which shall happen as needed, Advisors should attend too and can be called upon to share their expertise, but shall not vote in such meetings (the power to vote in a crown meeting shall be reserved to the three heads). If advisors cannot attend a crown meeting in which they are expected to share, they may write out their views, which shall be admissible to the meeting if the writing’s seal is unbroken.
  • The business of the Council includes matters that fall within the scope of interest for at least two Heads. Examples include but are not limited to; war, treachery, grant of Noble Title by means other than through qualifications, and actions by a Head that the other Heads view as entirely unreasonable.
  • After hearing the counsel of the advisors, the heads shall vote on the matter. They are not allowed to abstain and they may not use proxy votes. A matter must have at least 2 votes in favor to carry. After a vote was made the Crown Council needs to announce its outcome unless all the Heads have decided as one to not advertise it.

♚ The Advisory Positions ♚
  • Advisors may make decisions within the scope of their authority, which shall be so held unless overridden by the advisor’s respective head. With the exception of the Confidant, advisors may hold any social status. Advisors must, however, be citizens.
Advisors of The Monarch
  • Confidant- The Confidant shall be the Monarch’s general advisor. The role automatically defaults to the spouse of the Monarch. If the Monarch is not married, the Monarch may nominate three candidates, and the Council of Lords shall elect one by majority vote. If no majority is obtained, the candidate with the least number of votes shall be dropped and the election shall be recommenced. The Confidant shall have the full faith of the Monarch to make general decisions on the Monarch’s behalf.
  • Master of Defense- The Master of Defense is in charge of defense of the Kingdom and all militaristic endeavours, including espionage. He alone does not have the power to declare war; his job is not one of politics but one of strategy. When not at war, the Master of Defense shall act as guard and prosecution.
Advisors of The High Priest
  • Master of Scrolls- The Master of Scrolls is the highest scholarly authority in the land. The Master is in charge of maintaining an archival record, advancing the academic interests of the Kingdom, and advising the Heads on historical and academic knowledge.
  • Lord Justice- The Lord Justice is the highest legal authority in the land. The Justice is in charge of maintaining and publishing the laws of the land, administering fair and swift legal justice, and advising the Heads on legal matters. The High Priest may overrule the Lord Justice, and the other two Heads must both vote against the High Priest to overrule his decision.
Advisors of The Governor
  • Master of Architecture- The Master of Architecture shall be in charge of planning, construction, maintenance, and growth of the city. The Master shall advise the Governor and the other two Heads on matters within the scope of his duties
  • Master of Coffers- The Master of Coffers shall maintain the treasury of the entire Kingdom. The job entails ensuring that the coffers do not dip too unreasonably low or too unreasonably high, and the Master is required to maintain a record of finance. The Master of coffers shall determine the appropriate tax rates for the Kingdom and shall act to collect taxes accordingly.

♚ The Council of Lords ♚
  • The Council shall assemble only to establish a new royal family, to elect a Confidant, to veto a decision of the Crown Council, or to attempt to impeach one or more of the Heads.
  • Only Lords, who are granted title by the King or possess title to land or radiant assets worth at least 250,000 radiants, are invited to attend. Lords may send a proxy; that proxy must be their presumptive heir. Failure to send a Noble or presumptive heir shall result in forfeiture of right to vote during that session.
  • Advisors may also advise Council of Lords, but do not have the right to vote.
  • For all business except to attempt to impeach a head or veto a head’s decision, a simple majority is required. To impeach or veto, a two thirds majority is required if no heads support the action, a simple majority is required if 1 head supports the action, and a ⅓ vote is required if two heads support the action. After impeachment, the Lord Justice is tasked with investigating whether the alleged charges are legally viable and enough to remove the Head. If so, the Lord Justice may conduct a trial that provides due process and is fair. If the Lord Justice finds the Head guilty, the head shall be forced to abdicate, with the replacement being determined according to conventions laid out in this document.

♚ Nobility♚

  • The position of Lordship may be bestowed by the Monarch to any citizen for acts committed in furtherance of the interests of the Kingdom. Likewise, the position of Lord shall be bestowed upon all citizens who swear fealty to the Kingdom and possess land title or radiant assets worth at least 250,000 radiants in furtherance of the Gentry requirement of 50,000 radiants (If you are warden in prestige, it counts, but we’ve added another way). Family members of Lords hold honorary title.
  • If a Lord loses his house/wealth/needed knowledge or experience he is to lose title; his presumptive heirs lose their potential interest as well.
  • If a Lord dies with an heir, said heir must swear fealty to the Kingdom before inheriting land and title. If a Lord dies without an heir, the position is lost.
  • Lords do not enjoy immunity.
  • Lords participate in yearly Governor elections.
  • The position of Baron may be bestowed by the Monarch to any citizen for acts committed in furtherance of the interests of the Kingdom. Likewise, the position of Baron shall be bestowed upon all citizens who swear fealty to the Kingdom and possess land title or radiant assets worth at least 125,000 radiants in furtherance of the Gentry requirement of 50,000 radiants (note the difference from prestige nobility to ours; in prestige you just have to own 1 plot, but for us you have to either have 125k worth of rads or plots). Family members of Barons hold honorary title.
  • If a Baron loses his house/wealth/needed knowledge or experience he is to lose title; his presumptive heirs lose their potential interest as well.
  • If a Baron dies with an heir, said heir must swear fealty to the Kingdom before inheriting land and title. If a Baron dies without an heir, the position is lost.
  • Barons do not enjoy immunity.
  • Barons participate in yearly Governor elections.
♚ Citizenry♚


  • The position of Gentry may be bestowed by the Monarch to any citizen for acts committed in furtherance of the interests of the Kingdom. Likewise, the position of Gentry shall be bestowed upon all citizens who swear fealty to the Kingdom and possess radiant assets worth at least 50,000 radiants (purchase Gentry from the prestige plugin). Family members of Gentry hold no honorary title and must specifically be bestowed the title of Gentry as aforementioned to join the Gentry class.
  • If a Gentry loses his wealth/needed knowledge or experience he is to lose title; his presumptive heirs lose their potential interest as well.
  • If a noble dies with an heir, said heir must swear fealty to the Kingdom before inheriting title. If a Gentry dies without an heir, the position is lost.
  • Gentry do not enjoy immunity.
  • Gentry participate in yearly Governor elections.
  • Commoners are not nobility; they possess no land and no title.
  • Commoners do not enjoy immunity.
  • Commoners participate in yearly Governor elections.

♚ State of Emergency ♚
  • A state of Emergency may be declared by the majority of the Heads who are in the capital at the time.
  • If there is only one Head at the capital at the time, he may as well declare a temporary state of emergency which will last until another Head will arrive at the capital or one day. A single Head may call up to three temporary state of emergencies. After three days of temporary state of emergency the Council of Lords will vote if the state should be lifted or not. If the council voted that it should not be lifted, the state will be considered a normal and lawful one. At a state of emergency the Monarch takes charge. If the Monarch is not present, The High Priest or the Governor will take command of the Kingdom until the Monarch or his anointed successor are present.
  • In a state of emergency the Monarch’s power becomes absolute. To limit it, the Monarch may enjoy this power for seven days. Afterwards the council would gather and would vote both if the state of emergency is to remain and if the Monarch is still fit to rule at this state.
  • This process will happen every seven days while in a state of emergency. After 28 days the Crown Council would vote alone on this matter.
(written by Mryosi, AdmiralAegir, and Antilogy)
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