Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Ealasaid Duggan [Just the Basics - Feedback/Relationships Welcome!]


(This is just some of the basic information I have for Eala. I'll plan on adding more details to this post as I go and discover more about the character. As of right now, I don't have any friends or acquaintances for her, so if you're interested, just let me know! I'd especially like for her to meet a friend/mentor to go on adventures with and learn about the world from.)


Name: Ealasaid Duggan
Nickname/Alias: Eala
Age: 15 - young adult
Gender: Female
Race: Caparii

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 145 lbs
Hair: Curly, reddish-brown, falls about halfway down her back; usually pulled back into some form of braid, often decorated with leather, bone, or copper ornaments; usually neatly combed, but occasionally tangled
Eyes: Bright green, mischevious
Skin: Tanned, work-scarred, freckles across her cheekbones
Identifying Marks: None of particular note
(From whitelist app) Eala is of fairly average stature for a Lighthoof female, if a little tall, though this and her slightly stocky build has led to some speculation that she might have a bit of Greathorm blood. Her skin is tanned, both naturally and from many hours outdoors, with a few freckles over her cheekbones and bears the marks of physical work. In particular, her hands are rough and calloused, and she has a number of scars on her arms and legs from various accidents or combat encounters. She has vibrant green eyes, her favorite physical feature, which she enjoys accenting with green and copper colored clothing. Typically, she dresses in simple green or brown traveling garb accented with leather or bone inlays, but also has a beautifully embroidered outfit from her mother that she saves for special occasions. Regardless of the situation, she will rarely be seen without some form of bone or copper jewelry, whether sewn into her garment, dangling from light brown horns, or braided into her long, red-brown hair, and has been known to occasionally spend more than she could really afford for a lovely new trinket.
(I may draw a picture soon...)

Outgoing - Despite growing up with few outside her family and the small local village for company, or perhaps because of it, Ealasaid is a very friendly and outgoing individual. She loves to meet new people and learn about them, though occasionally with a little too much enthusiasm.
Quick Learner - In addition to an interest in other people, Eala also has an insatiable curiosity regarding the world in general. She's always eager to learn a new skill or discover some unfamiliar piece of knowledge, and is usually pretty good at picking it up once she's taught.
Good "natural" education - Most of Eala's education has been that passed through her family and usually took place in action out in the woods. She has at least a decent knowledge of most basic survival, farming, and medicinal skills, but is especially good at working with animals.
Determined - Eala and her family took a big risk in her leaving with the travelers, so failure is simply not an option for her. Once she sets her mind to something, she is immovable from that goal. Sometimes this also manifests itself in an equally unrelenting stubbornness.

Weaknesses and fears:
Uncouth - Though not intentionally rude, Eala is still a little rough around the edges. Not having much experience in formal company, she can be uncomfortably loud, intrusive, or sloppy. She also has not yet mastered the art of thinking before speaking.
Naive - The wild can be a harsh and brutal place, but "civilisation" can be even more treacherous and dangerous, especially for a young traveler unaccustomed to the ways of the world. Though knowledgeable about the bloody dance between hunter and prey, Eala has little experience with human intrigue and proceeds with a wide-eyed idealism that may lead to her downfall.
Little formal education - Eala never attended a formal school in her youth, and as such only has the most basic of reading, writing, and math skills relevant to her family's profession.
Foolhardy - Much to her cautious and reserved parents' alarm, Eala is very much a leap-first-ask-questions-later type of girl. She is often charging ahead after whatever has caught her attention, not necessarily thinking about the consequences or best way to approach it.

Drowning - With her heavy weight and hooves, Eala finds it very difficult to swim and thus dislikes being in water where she can't touch the bottom. However, while standing in shallow rivers, she enjoys looking at the small plants and animals that live there.
Undead - While most beings hate and fear the undead in general, Eala regards them with a particular horror. She may be willing to stand and fight most other enemies, but is likely to run in terror from a single undead.

Religion and cults: None currently, besides the usual connection with nature. She is slightly superstitious, especially in regards to avoiding bad luck and reading omens into unusual occurrences.
Profession: Traveler/Adventurer - working odd jobs and miscellaneous quests, especially farm work, crafting, and hunting.

Backstory: (From whitelist app)
Sunlight streamed through the leafy screen separating the young woman's sleeping quarters from the waking world outside, casting a dappled pattern on her snoring face. She grimaced, rolling over and throwing a furry arm across her face, before suddenly snapping awake and leaping to her feet. Hooves clattered over the wood planks of her upstairs loft as she hurried over to the window and stuck her head out to greet the morning. Her canine companion looked up at her from his shelter on the ground, cocking his shaggy head in confusion at his mistress' exuberance. She was never this cheerful so early in the morning.
"It's today, Cullen! They said we could go!"
The wolfhound barked once and wagged his tail at the mention of his name, perhaps expecting to be going on an early-morning hunt, but Ealasaid didn't see it before ducking back inside to pull on her usual working clothes and run a bone comb through her long brown hair before tying it back into braids. Normally, she took her time with her hair and choosing a tasteful ornament or two, but today impatience caused her to tug through the knots with frustrated haste until she sat scowling at the matted clump clasped in her left hand.

"Ma!" she called plaintively after another unsuccessful attempt to subdue the mess she'd created, "Can you help me, please?"
A few moments later, a fair-haired head poked up from the ladder leading to the common room and small bedroom nestled on the other side of the larder, and small wrinkles lifted around the woman's homely eyes as she gave her daughter a gently scolding smile.
"I've told you before, Eala... You've got ta slow down a bit, can't keep rushing round like this. You'll just find yourself a mess that's longer to get out of than to avoid in the first place."
Ealasaid pulled a face and heaved a sigh.
"I know, I know... But I've been waitin so long, and now they're here! I can't miss 'em, it'll be another year afore they're back! Why, I couldn't hardly stand to wait any longer, I think I'd... Ow!"
Her hand flew to her head and she twisted around to look at her mother with an accusing glance. Katha smirked and held up a mass of hair tugged free from its captivity, which she shook at her daughter with mock severity.
"None of your threats now, little lady. You may be goin out inta the wild world now, but you'll not lose your manners. Remember what you've been taught; watch your words, respect your betters, and keep your eyes open wide. Don't go chasing off anything without thinkin about it first, you understand?"
Katha's words were teasing, but out of her daughter's sight, she blinked back bittersweet tears as she lingered over the finishing touches to Ealasaid's hair. Giving her shoulder a gentle squeeze. she repeated more emphatically, "Understand?"
The young woman lifted her eyes to the heavens and made face halfway between annoyance and amused affection.
"Yes, Ma... I won't get in no trouble, promise."
Katha pulled her into an embrace, which Ealasaid accepted given the occasion, but soon squirmed out of to throw the rest of her things together into a pack. While she chattered excitedly to her mother, Katha slipped back down the ladder to fold up a loaf of bread, some potatoes, and a handful of coins into a small pack.

A few minutes later, the last of Ealasaid's personal goods were stashed away into her pack and she was standing outside staring up at the two-room cabin she'd grown up in. A sudden wave of nostalgia hit her with a thud like a felled tree and she found herself turning her face away and wiping her nose on her sleeve. She'd been eagerly waiting for the day when she could see the world beyond their small plot of land and their cramped hut, but now that the day had come, she suddenly felt that she was leaving an old friend. Katha came out of the door holding two parcels and placed the smaller one into her daughter's pack without a word. Ealasaid smiled. Though she had been adamant that she was going to take care of herself from now on, both knew that her mother wouldn't let her leave without a bit of food. But she hadn't been expecting the second parcel. Katha unwrapped it gently to reveal a soft-clothed dress of darkest green trimmed with white fur and an intricately embroidered bodice. She stroked the material slowly as memories flooded back to her and she spoke quietly to her daughter.

"My mother made this dress for me, she sewed the knotwork there so'd I have something pretty to wear when I married your father. She died afore she saw me wear it, and I can't wear it anymore, but I think she'd like to see you wear it now. Take it with you. You can save it for a special occasion, maybe to meet a young buck sometime, eh?"
Ealasaid blushed deep red and stammered a protest, but Katha laughed and waved it away as she pushed the parcel into the pack.
"You don't have to bring home a lad, you know that. Just make you sure you come home so's I can see you wear it someday, alright?"
"I will come home, don't worry. And I'll have so much to tell you, and gold too! Just you see, my fortune's out there, and I'll bring it home to you!"
"We don't need no gold, my love, just to know you're safe. But you'll be late if you don't get goin. Go on, say goodbye to Alkar, and go find your friends."

A broad grin spread across Ealasaid's face and she gave her mother one last hug before bounding off towards where her father was chopping firewood. They had plenty stacked already, but he'd been adamant that he needed to be back there while all the preparations were going on inside. When she ran up to him, she thought that his eyes looked a little red and swollen, but his face was dry by the time she approached.
"It's time for me to go, Da. The travelers are leavin today, and I'm to go with them."
"Oh aye, are you now?"
His face was impassive, but there was an unfamiliar tremble in his voice when he spoke, which took Ealasaid by surprise. He hadn't said much about her plans before, and now she was suddenly afraid that he would stop her. She hurried to explain before he could object.
"Yes, Da. You said I could go, two summers ago. I'm goin out to see the rest of the world, and to bring home gold for you and Ma so's you can live easy. And I will, too! They tell stories of a world of opportunity out there."
He was silent for a long while, staring off into nothing, before he grasped her shoulder and pulled her close into a tight embrace. As she buried her face into his burly chest and breathed in the familiar scent of his knotted beard, Ealasaid found her brave face starting to crumble and she wept openly in her father's arms. For a moment, it seemed that he was uncertain of what to do with the sudden display of emotion, but finally, if a little awkwardly, he began to gently stroke the back of her hair and declared
"I know you will, my little fighter."
Another silence stretched out for a while and Ealasaid was about to turn away when he stopped her, hesitated a moment, then whispered a couple more words. Surprise ran across her face, followed by joy and pride, and she hugged him ever tighter before whispering back,
"I love you too..."

At that moment, the sound of voices coming through the forest announced that the travelers were approaching. Alkar quickly wiped his face and pulled stoic reserve around him like a cloak, but Ealasaid couldn't hide the waves of feeling that were washing across her face. Excitement coursed through her blood and she beamed as though she would burst. She hoisted her pack onto her shoulder and hurried over to loose Cullen from his shelter, holding the leash in one hand.
"C'mon, Cull!" she called, slapping her leg to call him over "It's time to go!"
The pup yipped and jumped up to lick her face, but stayed curled close around her hooves, watching the strangers with wide eyes. She patted his shaggy neck encouragingly, then twisted around to wave to her parents one more time.
"I will come home, promise! You won't be sorry! I love you!"
With that, before she could back out of it, Ealasaid turned and immediately took her place in the travelling caravan bound for who-knew-where. Today, her new life would begin.
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