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Nereus: The Undesignated


Lord of Altera
Name: iAMsuperJEW

Nickname/Alias: Nereus "The Undesignated"
Race: Commiscean
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 150
Hair: None, Brown in some forms.
Eyes: Naturally White, but when I take a new form I prefer brown.
Skin: As I am a shapeshifter, I have many skins.
Identifying Marks: I am hard to pick out in a crowd, but my natural skin tone is blue.
Appearance: I am naturally blue, and have white eyes, but I take the form of elves and humans. My race is very emotionless, this shows even in our different forms.
Strengths: Very powerful in water, as I am water based. Along with that I can change forms making me a skilled spy, Commisceans also heal very quickly. We do not die in normal life, but a lack of water and/or serious injury can kill us.
Weaknesses: Fire is a very devastating to my race, since we are even more water than humans we must immerse ourselves in water quickly if ignited; moreover, because of this we must always keep water handy. Changing my form takes some time, so it is not a viable solution in battle.

Backstory: Memory....something everyone takes for granted, my past is like a distant vision, so easy to notice, but impossible to see. All I can remember is the reason for my arrival in Altera, and how I got here....My people, The Commisceans, were the first sentient beings in this world you now call Altera, we lived in harmony with nature, but there was just one problem. We were originally formed from water, but when the ice age came the most important recourse in the world was harder and harder to come by. The last remaining sources of water were found, but quickly depleted. My amicus Phorcys and I were sent out as scouts to find a new village to partner with, and mate with its females; however during the long journey towards a new home an ice-cap we were walking on melted, and we fell in. Soon after that the ice-cap refroze trapping us inside in a coma for many millennia.
When I was freed from my icen prison I looked at Phorcys, words were not necessary, the feeling of warm water on my body was incredible, much different from the cold I felt all those years ago. It took some time, but eventually my amicus and I found civilization, but what we saw was incredible. There were things walking around with some type of protective armor around their muscles and organs, something like film, along with some type of string all along their body, and it grew from their skulls!! These things vaguely reminded me of the description our tribal leader gave us of savages that lived in the south, and had language of grunts and yelps. Soon after I started to understand the basics of this species' physiology I started to blend. Soon after I fainted....
When Phorcys and I awoke we realized what had happened, since when The Commisceans change form we must "reboot" before finishing the blend. One side effect of our blend is that while in a different for our voices take on the "ultimate" version" of their accent and mannerisms. The blend also gives us a incredible cognative similarity with the blended species. This ability helps us learn language, philosophy, and the ideas of trade very easily. Though some of their beliefs will take some time to fully understand. While walking through their town Port Silver Phorcys and I were shocked by how advanced these savages had become, although their beating of so many trees took some time to get used to. After a few days I started to realized the flaws in the human condition like their unfathomable draw towards violence, but sadly some of that is starting to rub off on us. Because my amicus and I are the last of our species reproduction is very inportant, Commiscean physiology allows us to mate with every specie.Phorcys' and my favorite blend is that of the elves because much like our people they are more, mature, un-violent and not limited by a very short life span.
There is one thing I remember from before I went on this journey....our leader said, "Vos autem potentes estis. Te duo semper mutans, sed simul te sustinebit." Meaning: you are strong, you two are always changing, but you will sustain. A creed Phorcys and I live by.