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Reflecting on Shadows


Lord of Altera
You've stumbled across a blackened book, embroidered with blue vines, and a pale, three-eyed guise set upon the center. Beneath, in fine lettering, simply a 'Vol. 2'
The book seems weathered, yet not old, it holds an air of uncertainty that urges you to keep turning its dry pages.

Reflecting on Shadows - 2nd Edition
Otherwise known as The Lexicon of Lies, The Compendium of Cons, The Enchiridion of Exaggerations, The Primer of Prevarications, The Tome of Taradiddles, The Fabricated Fiction, The Guidebook of Gull, The Nonfabricated Nonfiction, The Manual of Mendacity, The Scripture of Slander, The Dictionary of Defamations, The Creed of Calumny, The Atlas of Axioms, The Journal of Jives, The Bible of Libel, The Traitorous Treatise, The Big Book of Bluffs, The Canard Collection, The Diary of Deceit, The Opus of Obliquity, The Fib Folio, The Hyperbolic History, The Dishonest Dissertation, The Contemptuous Codex, The Ersatz Encyclopedia, The Surreptitious Scroll, The Veiled Version, two time winner of the Earthspawn Reader’s Choice Award, and the Perfectly Normal Book of Nothing Noteworthy or Strange.

By Pierrot


This is the everlasting testament of The Scorpion, the God of Many Masks, The Master Puppeteer: Visage. Within lies the teachings directly from the word of our Dark Father, to serve as a guideline for all who understand his nefarious inevitability. You do not understand, nor shall the Watcher Above make all things clear to the undeserving. Only the most devout and insidious will find the truth. The ignorant will only gain half-truths amongst these writings, and some outright lies that only the zealous will recognize. Unquestioning loyalty to our Everlasting Lord will reveal His secrets. May Shadow guide your path.


-Article 1-
The Scorpion and the Frog

Our all-seeing master Visage goes by many names and titles. One of great importance is The Scorpion. The name stems from a tale told to every new initiate of the faith, and should someone that believes in the grand and terrible works of our god not know of the story, it is imperative they learn of it, as it holds some of our most intrinsic teachings within. The story goes as such:

“There was a Frog and a Scorpion sitting on the bank of a wide river. The Scorpion asked the Frog, "Brother Frog, may I please ride your back so that you may carry me across the river?" The Frog replied, "But Scorpion, if I let you ride my back you will certainly sting me." The Scorpion then responded, "But Frog, I would not sting you because if I sting you, we will both drown." The Frog saw the wisdom in the Scorpion's words, and agreed to ferry him across the river.

Midway across the river, the Scorpion stung the Frog. The Frog shouted, "Why did you sting me? Now we shall both drown!" To which the Scorpion solemnly replied, "Brother Frog, it is simply in my nature to sting," as they both sank under the water.”


-Article 2-
The God of Many Masks

The God of Many Masks is called such because our Infernal Lord is a master of changing faces when needed. Aspire to be as he is, and commit to a lifetime Masquerade. Learn to wear the appropriate mask for each occasion. The veil of culture and refinement when in the presence of nobility; The shroud of an outlaw with those of criminal intent; The mantle of a dutiful student when aspiring to learn the secrets of masters. You must learn to wear each fabricated visage as comfortably as your own skin.

This includes the mask you wear to serve the Scorpion. Wear not the false masks and conjured aliases when in observance of the Watcher Above, but bare your true self unto his gaze. Only to Visage should your identity be known; If the unworthy stumble upon this secret, sacrifice is the only remedy.


-Article 3-
The Master Puppeteer

The Master Puppeteer controls all that we are. All we can be. Only through acceptance and subservience will the Scorpion grant us places of importance and reward us with our darkest desires. Our Father does not threaten nor make violent gesture against his enemies - he simply acts when there is a need to do so. Follow in his ways. Threats simply give your enemies advance notice of your ill will, and they will become less predictable as a result. If the need arises to eliminate an enemy, then prepare and bring ruin upon them when the time is right. Likewise, should your enemy threaten you, know they are weak and easily dispatched.



Lord of Altera
-Article 4-
The Scorpion

The Scorpion has many methods of attack, and so should any zealot that follows his teachings. Understand that confrontation is not the goal of our god, nor should it be yours. However, sometimes violence is necessary. Sometimes it is unavoidable. Should that be the case, it is imperative to be aware of and effectively use any advantage that you may have. To the simpleminded they call such tactics as dirty or underhanded, but understand that mindset is selfish and delusional. Cast your ego aside, as it has no place in service to Visage.


-Article 5-
The Watcher Above

The Watcher is named as such because patience is considered to be the highest of virtues. Keep your eyes open at all times, and see the opportunities as they arise. Do not rush headlong into a situation without knowing what lies ahead. If you take the time to know more about yourself and the enemy than the enemy does, there is no method in which they can best you. Conversely, always take measures to obfuscate your schemes, so that your enemies cannot predict and counter them. Take actions with no true motive, even some that may hinder you, as this will keep your foes in the dark to your true goal.

Do not only watch for opportunities, but be vigilant against those who wish you ill also. Watch the uninitiated herds for any that have real potential to harm you or your fellow believer. Those with determination, guile, and conviction. Those must be watched carefully, as they have potential to do real harm. The weak, the ignorant, and the cowardly are all incapable of anything truly dangerous. Understanding the potential in a person is oft times as simple as viewing their station in life. Peasants wish only for food and shelter, which makes them simple and predictable. Nobles have ambition, and that makes them untrustworthy. Should your enemy be of noble blood or stature, watch him closely.


-Article 6-
Dark Father

Our Dark Father is called such because like the head of a family, should be treated with respect and admiration above all others. Visage demands the faithful’s devotion and loyalty. It is your duty to Him should you aspire to follow in the wake of his void. Visage must be given your highest regard. Infatuation over other sentient beings is unbecoming of a true follower. Should you marry, marry to strengthen The Scorpion’s ambitions. If you procreate, do so to train new tools for the Master Puppeteer to wield. Should you take a spouse without benefit to your God, it will be an act taken selfishly, and you will have betrayed the God of Many Masks for doing so.


-Article 7-

Visage discarded pity as He saw the truth of the inherent weakness. Be as He is. Pity is for the weak. As is your God, You shall strive for ambition and power. Giving into pity is foolish, and dangerous. To pity others creates an environment of entitlement, which will cause a backlash in those you pitied the moment you withdraw support. Create in yourself a heart of black, or else your efforts will be met with ruin. Remember, your enemies will not ease their attacks on you and should they do so your only response must be to annihilate them for their foolishness.


Elz Lannis Solus
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Lord of Altera
This book can be found in the oddest of places- various taverns, benches, outhouses, even on rooves, but almost always found right after somebody is feeling watched.
The copies of this book are not as elaborate as the original- that is to say, the hardback is of lesser quality, and simply stained dark, but the page contents are precisely the same.

(Basically, you're free to claim you have found and read a copy of this. That is to say, the book and it's contents are 'public knowledge.')

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Lord of Altera
This book can be found in the oddest of places- various taverns, benches, outhouses, even on rooves, but almost always found right after somebody is feeling watched.
The copies of this book are not as elaborate as the original- that is to say, the hardback is of lesser quality, and simply stained dark, but the page contents are precisely the same.

(Basically, you're free to claim you have found and read a copy of this. That is to say, the book and it's contents are 'public knowledge.' Bartooliinii this means you can have one.)​