Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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{Slight Blood} Short Story - Tides of War


Lord of Altera
Just a little something I whipped up in English last week for my first assessment:
Set during World War 2 in the jungles of Papua New Guinea, the main character is Australian Defense Force (ADF) Lieutenant Booker Davis. I tried to research this as best I could, don't think I did too bad for only 3 days writing though. Enjoy!


Tides of War​

Explosions rained down around me as I took cover under a rusted pick-up. The Japanese soldiers were bombing the farmland around us, stopping us from moving forward without killing them. The jungle ahead was dark and foreboding with flashes of bright light caused by the barking of the enemy guns as they shot at us. None of them had seemed to notice me diving under the truck so I got into a prone firing position and started to line up my shots on the jungle.

My Lee-Enfield flashed once and an enemy soldier ceased barking. Then I shot again; another died. They started to notice this and began moving around giving my platoon time to find cover between shots and advance on the enemy line. Suddenly, shots rung down all around me, someone had seen me. I quickly slithered out from under the pick-up and belted for a low dividing wall to the side. As I dived over the wall, a bullet pinged past and then there was a sharp pain followed by blood everywhere. I felt a warmth trickling down my face. Feeling for the source, I was dismayed to discover that I had been shot in the ear and it had come clean off.

As I flagged down a field medic, I tried to evaluate the situation. About ten others were out of the fight, either dead or heavily wounded while I had no clue as to the numbers of the Japanese. It did not look good for us as there could be vast numbers of Japanese hidden in the bushland.

When the medic finally arrived, he quickly evaluated my damage before applying a compression bandage.

“Now, no heavy lifting or drinkin’ ya hear? Doctor’s orders!” the medic yelled nervously to try and unsuccessfully break the tension.

“Yeah, yeah now go help someone else already!” I replied,

“And keep your head do-!” he added as I watched him being shot straight through the temple; killed instantly. After the surge of fear was gone, I hesitated, then closed his eyes and said a last farewell.

“Back to the battle” I thought to myself. I carefully looked through a hole in the stone wall searching for the enemy. Poking the barrel of my Enfield through one of the larger holes I again started firing at the enemy only managing to take out one before I exhausted the last of my ammunition; the pitiful amount it was.

“Simons, Marshall and Johannes!” I yelled calling the name of three wounded who wouldn’t be able to make it back due to leg injuries. “Hold off the enemy while we fall back! Everyone else give them three bullets then fall back! Now damnit!” It is evident that we cannot stay here any longer. Slowly my men manage to disengage and fall back till only Simons, Marshall and Johannes are left doing their best to keep the enemy at bay as we beat a hasty retreat.

“Quick men! Find any good firing position you can and get ready to fight them off to the last man!” I call out

“We have no chance. They outnumber us at least 3-to-1 and that’s including most of our injured!” called out one of the Privates shakily.

“If we don’t make a stand here, we don’t make a stand anywhere and then we all get picked off trying to make it back to headquarters” I retorted “This hill will help us. They’ll be slowed trying to get up and they’ll be wide open to attack. Now go, and get ready for the battle to come! If we don’t it’ll be our wives and our children that they kill after us! Each of us will be remembered as either the heroes of Australia or the dogs of the resistance against Japan. I don’t know what you want to be known as, but I certainly would rather be remembered as a hero! If they get past us here, they will kill your fathers, mothers, your brothers and sisters. They will kill rape and pillage in every town they take until everyone is either with them or dead! Now who’s with me? Who will stop them with blood sweat and bullets alongside their adoptive brothers?”

“I will!” called out the Private

“Me too!” one of the Sergeants yelled hoarsely

“Hell no are they killin’ my ma!” bellowed a Lieutenant

“For our families! For our country! For Australia!” shouted my second-in-command

“Now go find yourself somewhere to shoot them from! And quickly we haven’t much time!” I said. With that, I went and found a firing position of my own as my men scrambled to do the same. After finding my position I fished around in my pocket for the photo of my family, as well as a scrap of paper and a pen. I then began to write before they got here. My final farewell, for here I will give my life to my country


Maria, my love

I pray you need not read this and that I will make it home, if not then let this be my final message. I love you with all my heart and I wish I was still alive to be with you and that this ware had never come. Tell Wilhelm his father misses him and hopes to be home soon. I must go now, the enemy come in number far beyond our own.

~Lieutenant Booker Davis, Australian Armed Forces