Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Terrone2 - The Last Geo-Mason


Name: Terrone2

Nickname/Alias: Terr One Tu
Age: Old as the things he has built... All that is left of his world and craft is the portal that brought him here...
Gender: Male
Height: 5'6 Tall 4 '5 Foot Wide
Weight: 275
Hair: Shaved - As his father before him
Eyes: Grey like Stone
Skin: Pale as polished marble
Identifying Marks: The Hammer on his back it the last of the Masons Rune-Tools

Terr One Tu -is the last of the Geo-Masons. He was trained in the Ancient Arts of Geomancy on a world very similar to Hollow World.

A world in crisis... The Proto-Alchemists were bent on destruction, their goal was to break down the elements of Stone, Wood and Gem to gain the "Source" of all power. The Geo-Masons knew that this was folly. The destruction of the elements would eventually lead to the destruction of the "Source".

It was only through careful crafting and combination of these very elements that true power lay. For this rejuvenated the "Source" and elevated the very people who worked and crafted with these elements.

The Proto-Alchemists scoffed and continued there quest and grew in strength. They cared little for what destruction they caused if it increased their unbridled power. The Geo-Masons first warned, then pleaded and finally battled valiantly, but alas - their world was now doomed.

With the last of their raw strength and the enemy drawing close and bent on total destruction, The Master Masons sent Terr One Tu through a portal of rare purple obsidian he had created in hopes that the heritage of Geo-Masons would be carried on and that this new world beyond the portal would not face the same fate as their own.

The passage was not risk free - Terr One Tu was stripped of his ancient runes of power, His memories clouded by the strange fires of the realm between the worlds.

When he emerged on the other-side, This world was a Marvel!!!

Grand works of Masonry marked the landscape! Yet as darkness fell - familiar sounds of creatures that had served the destroyers of his realm echoed in the distance....

Terr One Tu must share his craft and relearn the ancient Runes from the Masters of this world before it is too late.