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The Frenchmen's Tongue - (House category)


Lord of Altera
(A guide to understand when the Lavoyards use French words/to be able to act like a proper Lavoyard/Arcturian)


Old Arcturian, or commonly called Lavoyarde, is the language actively spoken by the entire nobility and most of the peasantry of the realm of Haven, and by a large part of les chevaliers of the Order. it is a culturally very rich language, that has a very long RP history that goes back to now two years of continuous roleplay lore and events, even though I am properly making this today. The Lavoyarde tongue, RP-wise, is a mix of modern Arcturian (Lavoyarde, brought over by the merge between the Imperial Arcturians and the Angiris Magisterium) and Old Arcturian, the language spoken in the House Arcturus, back in the old world, prior to even the First Game of Crowns. OOC-wise, it is a mixture of Modern French with Latin additions, by extend making it an unexisting language that easily ressembles (and works the same way grammatically as) French. The Latin part comes from old Arcturus and Imperial Arcturus, where the tongue was further worked into what could closely ressemble Latin under the rule of Emperor Arcturus III, then, following the Imperial decadence and the fall of the Golden Throne, it has, for a little while fallen into darkness, before shortly being reborn in a slightly different culture, but essentially the same population and speakers. This brings us to the realm of Haven (Capital : Knight's Haven), present day, where the tongue spoken is mostly considered ''Lavoyarde'', a French-Latin hybrid language.

It is important to know that due to immigration and diplomatic purposes, most, if not all of the ethnic Lavoyards/Arcturians also know and perfect the use of Common, even if the Realm of Haven enforces the speaking of the national tongue in the nation. Here is a short but pointy and pertinent translator/dictionary for names and usual sentences that would probably be able to be bought in RP in Haven and also in most trade hubs/metropolis.

Dictionnaire Lavoyarde, deuxième édition.
De L'arcturien à la langue commune

(How does this works? The English word is on the left, the French word is on the right. If there is a Latin word that is also applicable due to Old Arcturian, it shall be in bold next to the french term. Furthermore, if the author of the Dictionnaire (Me) is not sure of a word, there will be an interrogation mark)

Chapitre Premier (Names):


Kingdom - Royaume
King - Roy, Caesar

Duke - Duc
Duchy - Duché

Count - Comte
County - Comté
(These two words are special, because you are required to put the accent on the ''e'', or both words will mean the same thing, a Count, instead of meaning a County in the second case.)

Marquess - Marquis
Marchioness - Marquise

Lord - Seigneur
Knight - Chevalier
Estate (as in a small, noble estate) - Seigneurie/Province

Ambassador - Ambassadeur, Legate
Diplomacy - Diplomatie
Politics - Politiques
Council - Conseil
Republic - République
Order - Ordre
Church - Église
House - Maison/Famille
Liege Lord/Religious authority - Monseigneur
Empire - Empire, Imperium
City - Ville
Capital - Capitale
Trade hub - Métropole/Centre commercial
Small village - Hameau
Farmland/countryside - Campagne
Neighborhood/housing district - Faubourg/banlieue
Castle - Château
Palace - Palais
Fortress/Stronghold - Forteresse

Woman - femme/Dame/Madame/Mademoiselle
Man - Monsieur/Messire/homme
Man - Humains
Dwarf - Nain
Elf - Elf
Earthspawn - Orc
Caparii - I Don't Know?
Halfling - I don't know?
Nakam - I don't know?


(an) Army - Légion, Legio
(a) Fleet - Flotte/Armada, Classis
General - Général, Praefectus
Captain - Capitaine, Centurio
Commander - Commandant, Imperat
Admiral - Amiral, Praefectus Classis
Soldier - Soldat
Sailor - Matelot/Navigateur
Battalion - Batallion
Swordsman - Spadassin/Épéeiste
Footman - Fantassin
Bowman/Archers - Archer
Cavalry - Cavalier/Cavalerie
Knight - Chevalier
Horse - Cheval
War - Guerre
Battle - Bataille
Victory - Victoire
Defeat - Défaite
Conquest - Conquête
Invasion - Invasion
Skirmish - Escarmouche


Pope - Pape
Archbishop - Archevêque
Archbishopric- Archevêché
Bishop - Évêque
Bishopric - Évêché
Priest - Prêtre
Inquisitor - Inquisiteur
Inquisition - Inquisition

Holy - Saint
Saint - Saint
(The word Saint here is used for both terms, one is an adjective, the other a name)

Holiness - Sainteté
God - Dieu, Dei
Heavens - Paradis
Exorcism - Exorcisme
Holy Scriptures - Écrits saint
Oracle - Oracle
Curse - Malédiction
Religion - Religion
Cult - Culte
Heretic - Hérétique
Heathen - Infidèle/non-croyant
Apostate - Apostat


Wood - Bois
Stone - Roche
Sand - Sable
Glass - Vitre
Gravel - Gravelle?
Logs - Bûches
Planks - Planches
Woodcutter - Bûcheron
Miner - Mineur
Metal - Métal
Iron - Fer
Steel - Acier
Gold - Or
Coal - Charbon
Diamond - Diamant
Redstone - (There is no such word in French, litteral traduction would amount to Rocherouge?)
Emeralds - Émeraudes
Ashes/Embers? - Cendres
furnace - Four
Crafting table - Établi
Chest - coffre
Clay - Plâtre? Terre cuîte?

Money - Argent
Silver - Argent
(One is the metal, the other is the currency)

Trading - Commerce
Merchant -Marchant/Commerçant
Shop - Commerce/Boutique/marché
Fire - Feu


Bread - Pain (Baguette is not bread, merely a type of bread)
Wine - Vin (Champagne is also only a type of wine)
Steak - Steak? (we use your word)
Meat - Viande
Porkchop - ? de porc
Cheese - Fromage
Mushrooms - Champignon
Mushroom soup - Soupe aux champignons
Milk - Lait
(a) drink - une boisson
Chicken - Poulet
Eggs - Oeufs
Cake- Gâteau
Cookies - biscuits
Pumpkin - Citrouille

etc, etc... you don't need to know all of the food types.

An addendum on using determinants with names:

For example: I was walking on the dockside with a lady.

the ''a lady'', in this sentence, if you want to put it in Lavoyard, remember one rule:

A Lady --> Une Dame
A Man --> Un Monsieur

Un = masculine names
Une = feminine names

(Futhermore, if you want to know words that aren't in there, there's a lovely tool on the internets for which i'll give you a link shortly, its called google translator. however, translating entire sentences often give wrong or even funny-looking sentences, so please not! ;) )

@Scardrac @GregorWaldstein @Ruukasu Lawliet @The Courier @Ouderless Block @Lemarc @Samchrist @blargtheawesome @CatalysTftw
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Lord of Altera
French non-violent/offensive insults and swears:


-Mon Dieu! (My god)
-Et mille misères!
-Enfer et Damnations! (curses!)
-Malédiction! (also curses!)
-Maudit! (Also curses!)
-Pour l'amour de Dieu/du Ciel! (For the love of God/the heavens!)


-Mauviette! (Coward!)
- Va-nu-pieds! (Beggar/Buggar!)
-Rat! (rat!)
-Chien! (Dog!)
-Chienne! (Female dog!)
-Courtisane! (still somewhat friendly way of saying a woman who sleeps with multiple men for money/whatever reason)
-Vers! (worm!)
-imbécile! (idiot)
-Crétin! (idiot)
-Nabot! (disgracious way of calling a dwarf)