Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

XYLOWG Application (Declined- Lannis)

2. 17
3. Luxembourg (Fluent in three languages, including English)
4. I have read the guides
5. My name is Jasper and I live in Luxembourg. I am currently a year 3 at LJBM. My favorite part of school are the friends I've made. I enjoy playing football (I am a goalkeeper) and playing CSGO and Minecraft. I highly enjoy cooperative games because they allow me and my friends to work together.
7. I explored the world and did a few missions.
Name: Jasper Thunderhelm
Race: Dark Elf (Couldn't go to the core races so I guessed)
Appearance: 1.98m tall Gray skin, purple eyes, medium length straight black hair, lanky but muscular limbs

The leaves slap my face as the dim light shines through the forest canopy. I suddenly stop on the edge of a thick branch. The sunlight is blinding, as my kin were born in caves. I pull over my hood to shield my eyes. There they are, men of the city. I depsise them, they fought against my kin and killed my brother Astren. That was when I donned the hood and became the hunter, rather than the hunted. I reach over my shoulder and grab an arrow. I admire my father's craft. Dark Elven arrows are a miracle of craftsmanship. I mustn't admire it long however, as my only chance to eliminate members of the city's hierarchy. I let an arrow loose, and it hits its mark on the temple of Geoff Battlewinds, the priest of the city. He falls, but it attracts attention. Men notice me atop my branch and chase me up the trees. I begin sprinting one foot in front of the other along a flimsy branch. I hear shouting and wooden arrows fly around me, none making contact. I grin, this is what I live for.


You've yeed your last haw
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Heya! I'm not sure what's going on with your lacking access to the lore section of the forums, we'll investigate/get that sorted with haste. Once you have access to the relevant lore, I'd like you to rework your test; both to meet the 400 word minimum, and with proper knowledge for continuity in our setting. xD
I'd also advise against writing/playing the classic Drow archetype, as the community generally discourages such. Thanks!


You've yeed your last haw
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Declined due to inactivity. Please feel free to reapply!