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Active ♦︎ ❊ ♦︎ Paige de Courtnay ♦︎ ❊ ♦︎

Princess Wizard Laura

Lord of Altera
♦︎ ❊ ♦
Paige de Courtnay
♦︎ ❊ ♦

Status: Quiet and brooding. Waiting.

(art by the lovely Horuss )
Physical Appearance:
Main Body Features:
Race: Human
Skin Color: She has grown relatively pale in recent times.
Age: Appears in her early twenties.
Height: 5’6
Weight: 146 lbs, most of it muscle.
Hair Style: More often than not it is left down, but could be found in a loose ponytail down her back.
Hair Color: Golden blonde.

Further Body Features:
Face Shape: It has thinned out to a more ‘inverted triangle’ look.
Eye Type: Thinner, almond shaped.
Eye Color: A very light blue.
Nose Shape: Upturned.
Scars: None that are noticeable to the common eye.
Piercings: Her ears are pierced as well as a stud on her lower lip, though it rarely has something in it.
Tattoos: None visible to the common eye.
Hair Length: Reaches to her mid-back.
Hair Type: Soft ringlet curls.

Jewelry and things of that sort were moved down to 'Possessions'.
Outfit 1:
+A short-sleeved shirt in a lighter beige color.
+A brown corset that buttons up.
+A pair of thick, somewhat-poofy beige pants.
+Above that is a thick overpants that only goes around her legs, fastened tightly on her lower waist, just under the corset.

Health and Fitness:
+A 2-inch long, 1 1/4 inch wide pale splotch on her neck. Not in any particular shape.
Diet: Nothing special.
+She’s not been working out as much as she used to. She enjoys swimming and practicing aerobics when she can.
Figure: Currently a ‘petite’ body figure, though it is a muscular one.
Fitness: Lacking more than her previous years.
Hygiene: Paige is often quite clean.
Posture: Often stands straight, but not so much that it would be seen as uptight and formal.
Somatotype: Mesomorph.

Strong Traits:
+Curious: “Ahm fond of learnin’ and experiencin’ things I want t’know more ‘bout..”
+Observant: “Everythin’ is part of one big thing, an’ I like t’see each little piece mold t’what it’s s’posed t’be.”
+Energetic and enthusiastic: “I love t’make people smile and laugh.”
+Knows how to relax: “I like t’take in m’surroundings. It doesn’ always have to be go, go, go.”
+Friendly: “I like t’think of myself as approachable and make myself approachable to any’n who wants t’be friends."
Weak Traits:
+Finds it difficult to focus at times: “Sometimes I ge’ really distracted ‘bout other things, bu’ if th’conversation’s serious enough, I can keep focus.”
+Overthinks things: “I stew on a lotta my problems and stuff and just le’ it get into a big blob’a frustration.”
+Gets stressed easily: “A lotta things can stress me out, ‘specially when I overthink stuff... see th’loop?”
+Highly emotional: “I get real attached real easy, and I care lots ‘bout people.”
+Independent to a fault: “I like t’do things on m’own, and don’ much care for havin’ rules. People say I can’t and I like t’try and show ‘em I can.”

Mental Characteristics:
Known Languages:
+Things that pique her curiosity.
Memory: Her memory is very, very vague until around age seven; since then, it is nearly photographic.
+Claustrophobia: “I like t’be in large places, large spaces.”
+Necrophobia: “Who knows what happens when we die! I’m too scared ‘bout it.”
Temperament: Almost always in a playful, sarcastic, and happy mood.

Intellectual Characteristics:
Logical-Mathematical: To a degree. Paige often notices patterns and whatnot due to her observant nature, but she uses her heart sooner than her head.
Spatial: Very. She finds it easy to visualize things in her mind.

Linguistic: Quite. She has been tutored by many people- mainly her mother- over the years, therefore finding it easy to both read, speak, and write.
Bodily-Kinesthetic: Very. Paige is rather skilled when it comes to hand-eye coordination, and her motor skills are well.
Musical: Paige is very soothed when it comes to music.
Interpersonal: Very. Paige has many people skills and knows how to work others
Intrapersonal: Very. She is aware of her goals, emotions, and etcetera; however she doesn’t always know how to act on them without influence of others.
Naturalistic: Not quite. Paige doesn’t know much about animals and plants, but she does find it easy to study patterns and cycles alike.
Existential: Not at all. She actually finds it quite frightening to think about the deeper questions in life.

Philosophical Characteristics:
+”Do not count y’chickens ‘fore they ‘atch.”
+”A man is known by th’company ‘e keeps.”
+”A nod is as good as a wink t’a blind bat.”
+"Don' try t'swim hard 'gainst the current. Save up yer energy an'swim 'gainst it when ye ain't got any other choice."
Etiquette: She is certainly polite to those that are above her, but more often than not she teases and plays, so... playfully impolite.
Attitude: Cheerful and playful.
Outlook on Life: “While I’m ‘ere, I am gon’ enjoy it as best as I can."

Animal: “Ah’m still fond’ve the tiny birds from Myrneth.”
Color: “Th’dark blue the sky gets before a storm.”
Drink: “Wine, always wine.”
Food: “Ah’m not partial to any, really.”
Musical Genre: “Th’festival musics y’hear, and can dance real fast to.”
Number: “Ah still quite like five.”
Pastime: “Messin’ ‘round at th’crossroads.”
Place: “Myrneth, or Thiil.”
Quote: "Life is short, so I take th’time every day to yank William's hair-man-pony-bun-thing ‘cause I never know if it'll be the last time I do."
Season: “Winter. Ah love winter.”
Story Genre: “I like th’make believe ones.”

Least Favorites:
Animal: “I don’ like them black birds, th’ones that always eat th’dead stuff.”
Color: “Any kinda grey really bores me.”
Drink: “I don’ like tea. Tastes too natural.”
Food: “Any kinda soup. Nasty.”
Number: “Seven is silly.”
Pastime: “I ‘ate readin’. So borin’.”
Season: “Summer is th’worst. I don’ like bein’ real hot.

Common Speech:
Voice: Kiara from the Lion King 2, but with a more northern sound to it.
Compliments: “I like t’tell people they look nice. Makes ‘em feel good lotsa th’time.”
Insults: “I like t’give playful insults... but sometimes they ain’t so playful.”
Expletives: When she does curse, it is in Lavoyarde.

+”See you.”

Residential Information:
Current location: Traveling to and from the Crossroads.
Abode: None, at the moment.
Hometown: Thiil

+ Becoming quite the archer. She practices any chance she gets. (7/10)
Flexibility and Acrobatics:
+Very flexible. She can easily perform things such as backbends, arches, or splits. (9/10)
+Acrobatics comes easy to her. She has spent years training in the art. Can easily perform things such as handstands, handsprings, back handsprings, cartwheels, front flips, and back flips nearly perfectly and without injury. (9/10)
Everyday Life:
+Very skilled when it comes to sewing. She can create her own outfits and clothing. (8/10)
+She is a very good nurturer, when it comes to children, she adores being with them and soothing their needs. (9/10)
The Arts:
+ She used to play the fiddle, and knows how to by heart, even after going so long without it. (7/10)
+Also used to play the flute, though she has forgotten many of the songs she learned. (4/10)
+Although she wouldn't show it, she has learned festival dances over the years as well as simple ballroom dances. (8/10)
+As far as building goes, she is rather fond of the activity and considers it an art. (6/10)

(Almost) Always on her person:
+Golden Fleur Necklace: A pure gold, thin chain with a small ‘Fleur de Lis’ charm on it, embedded with small diamonds. Currently with Benjamin.
+A Rope Necklace with a Silver Ring attatched: A simple piece of rope tied to a knot with a plain silver ring through its hoop.
+A necklace with a small blue gem on the end, as well as a bracelet with a small red gem, made in a similar style.
+ A rabbit paw necklace.
+ Her polar bear cloak.
+ A black and blue yarn bracelet made by Remi.
Treasured items:
+Fiddle: Her beloved fiddle. She adores it, as she and her mother built it herself as one of their first creations.All she has left of it is the bridge.
Goals:Grey means it's been put on the back burner for now.
+ Be legitimized. [X]
+ Get publicly married to Benjamin.
+ Find him. [X]
+ Recreate her flute.
+ Visit Myrneth... maybe.[X]

If you’d like to know an in-depth description of your character in Paige’s eyes, feel free to let me know.
+Mother: Fleur de Courtnay (Aliases: Sky Rock, Evangeline Haddock-Wrenne) (deceased)
+Father: Drake Rock (estranged) (Ace19 )
+Siblings: None that she has yet to meet.
+ GRANDPA GARRICK. (estranged but should totally be a thing again) (zXzMAGIIKzXz )
Adopted Family:
+Audrey Haddock- Aunty (deceased)
+Ater Impes- Uncle (seen as more of a friend, now, than anything.) (zXzMAGIIKzXz )
+Fjör Wilkström- Aunt/Mother Figure (estrangedish) (Cukie1 )
+William Eldsvärt- Father Figure (estrangedish) (Paint )
+Jaden Seeker - Uncle (CloakedReaper )
Willin' to Catch Cooties Over:
+Benjamin Hotspur (Fishymatt )
+ Arien (FeignedMusician )
+Ri’ita (Raykaystar )
+Benjamin du Beaumont (Deathmoron )
+ Azrai Galeran (BrianAT16 )
+ Remi Wise (Ddaug )
+Injured man (Althalos) (Electric )
+Moriarty Windsor-Lydel (BoredBrit )
+ Sebastién de Courtnay (BrianAT16 )
+ Kellian (BrianAT16 )
Unsure of:
+Drake Rock; 'Pa' (Ace19 )
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Lord of Altera
* Kicked his legs up over the table, enjoying some rum as he /awkwardly/ winks at Paige. *


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
It's probably as in depth as it can get, just not all in one place. Facial stuff is under 'physical appearance' and her body shape is under Health and Fitness. C:

If you’d like to know an in-depth description of your character in Paige’s eyes, feel free to let me know"
