Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Let the Game of Crowns Begin: Choose Your House



Okay guys, some changes.

Because of my failed math skills, I thought 100*100 was 6 plots while in reality it is 39. I have adjusted this by setting the plot sizes to 50*50.

About all your questions about Knights becoming Noble for free. We have very few Knights who donated 5 dollars to become Knight, mostly because there is little benefit. The vast majority of our Knights have spent 50k to become Knight. Since we are removing knight, I'm not just going to throw away their 50k. This is why I am granting them noble title for free. Donator ranks stay just as they are, nothing is changed about them. There is no reason to give them noble title for free. Giving noble title as a donator perk will destroy the whole purpose of the nobility, something exclusive that you work for. Donators received money when they donated, but it was their choice what to spend it on. In the case of knights im taking something away that cost them money.


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
Sounds fair to me!
I donated because I love this server and to be able to build a bit faster with the flymod.
Not sure if I would have used the ability to start a house... (I'd rather build them ;))


Legend of Altera
What about people that payed their 50,000 radiants to become Knight, but then later donated and became Lord?

Also, do you need to pay another 50,000 radiants every time you want more land for your town?


Lord of House Hawklight
This is what happened to my sister too, we originally worked together and donated the 50k, but later she became a Lady(Lord).


Hollows Explorer
Lars, something i think will be an important issue is that because people are going to be saving most of their money for noble and families, etc, nobody will be buying items from stalls and people will be selling items really cheap. So could you set a price marker for certain items such as diamonds? Like 200 or something. This way it stops shops competing for a lowest price and also people who are wealthy enough to buy diamonds will be helping the people trying to make money

Deleted member 61

I think that the people saving up should be well stocked for picks and tools ect. Most people already are.


Hollows Explorer
headbudgie said:
I think that the people saving up should be well stocked for picks and tools ect. Most people already are.
I know but when you go mining you earn money from breaking stone and its more profitable to do that than actually find diamonds so if diamonds were worth more, people would try and find them. And also a precious gem such as a diamond in medieval times would only be bought by the wealthy.

Deleted member 61

I know but when you go mining you earn money from breaking stone and its more profitable to do that than actually find diamonds so if diamonds were worth more, people would try and find them. And also a precious gem such as a diamond in medieval times would only be bought by the wealthy.
'Tis is true. But do people not find diamonds while mining stone?


Hollows Explorer
headbudgie said:
'Tis is true. But do people not find diamonds while mining stone?
Bit of a dumb thing to say wasn't it XD if i mine stone at level 60 i won't find diamonds XD and i can't see why you replied to my post in the first place it clearly says Lars.


Grand Lizard
Thats why you mine at 12, on the mining world. Its also an open forum where any one is allowed to comment.

Deleted member 61

Bit of a dumb thing to say wasn't it XD if i mine stone at level 60 i won't find diamonds XD and i can't see why you replied to my post in the first place it clearly says Lars.
:oops: Ima sorry, I go to sleep now and leave it all alone. *climbs into bed*


Hollows Explorer
Kaies said:
Thats why you mine at 12, on the mining world. Its also an open forum where any one is allowed to comment.
I was just saying that you cant just mine stone anywhere and find diamond and also i know its an open forum but i aimed my reply to Lars and other people can comment but doesn't mean i will listen to what they have to say if what they put is in no way in relation to what i was asking.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
probably not for a bit tant i don't think the plugin is up yet and we've got a ways to go on the exodus planning.