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Let the Game of Crowns Begin: Choose Your House


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
I think there will be a lot... Knights, Mayors, (Kings?) and everybody who can save up 150k.


Lord of House Hawklight
150k is a fair bit for the average Alteran, I can't really think of anyone outside of a town who can afford the creation of a house really, so it's going to be restricted mainly to current towns, and even then, it's not viable for places like Shipwreck to have a house considering they are pirates etc.

frank frappuccino

Lord of Altera
Why the sadface? You never paid for it so you're not losing anything. I'm just giving mayors and knights what they already paid for.
The sad face was for two things: 1. (a minor one) i didn't get my last 30k when i donated 2. i just don't think it makes sence that lords who (to my knowledge) were a part of the nobility. I understand that this would make this whole new system pointless.


The sad face was for two things: 1. (a minor one) i didn't get my last 30k when i donated 2. i just don't think it makes sence that lords who (to my knowledge) were a part of the nobility. I understand that this would make this whole new system pointless.
Why didn't you receive your money, and why did you not speak about this before?

Lords will not be called lords anymore, we will make new names for donators. Nobility is a thing that is seperate from the current ranking system.


Lord of Altera
150k is a fair bit for the average Alteran, I can't really think of anyone outside of a town who can afford the creation of a house really, so it's going to be restricted mainly to current towns, and even then, it's not viable for places like Shipwreck to have a house considering they are pirates etc.
Actually we're thinking of making a house, we're already brothers and sisters in crime, so we figured why not?


Lord of House Hawklight
Well, it makes sense you'd try and profit somehow, why not buy nobility and go for the crown! ;D


Lord of Altera
So, do members of Altera who previously paid 50,000 Radiants but then later on donated to become a higher rank still become part of the nobility? For example myself and a few others have gone through the whole rank list.


Lord of Altera
Lars would Assistant mayors get nobility aswell? Since me and my friend valtyrS formed the town together and i already donated for lord and he payed for most the town? And since we share all the money anyway my money's his money. And he is Mayor just like me, we just cant have 2 mayors :(