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Let the Game of Crowns Begin: Choose Your House


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Thought he was more interested in joining axex's house? Remember, if he starts in our house already it won't matter, if he isn't in our house already then he still won't be in both.


Lord of Altera
I payed 50k rads for noble/knight back in 1.7. Me and Valtyrs also payed 50k for the town + lots of rads for about 7 plots i think. Would that get him and me a noble rank? If not we'll just save up for him like tha good ol' times :cool:


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
You are right billy, that isnt even close to proper. I know all of those words and yet i cant figure out what its supposed to mean.


<3 Hollow World
It's not meant to make sense tbh, that's partly why it's amusing as it only makes sense in English :p

I know, as I have google-fu.


Real life redstone crafter
Ok... Come on... Who doesn't know this one!

Veni, vidi, vici!

(Well, I only remember this one because of Settlers II! :D)


Settling in Altera
Curious on the one issue. That would be that of lesser houses. Lets use the Game of Thrones for example. The Starks were the main house of the North, but when they called their banners all the lesser houses under them had to rally: Karstark, Umber, Flint, Mormont, Hornwood, Cerwyn, Reed, Manderly, Glover, Tallhart, and Bolton. These men had their own banners but they were always flown under the Stark banner. My question is if I had to pose one, is there a way to be part of a greater house, as I am to be of the Stormhold house and have your own noble house on the side of sorts that pledges to the greater house? Is there a way to have you own sigil and motto and serve under a greater house?


<3 Hollow World
I think you'd just make a house as normal then take the other house leader as your liege, I'm not sure the plugin would reflect that though but you could show it on your family tree etc, simply have the House you support shown too.

Hopefully if people are betraying each other too often we could build a graphic to show which houses are allied, which are vassals of another house and which are at war or dislike each other. We won't know until we start though.


We could think of a good system of major and lesser houses, respect and honour and such, and work that into the plugin. All the for future :)


Settling in Altera
Ok, so for now should I just swear into the Stormhold house as was planned or make my own house with hopes that I'll be able to swear to a major house later down the line? Thanks for all the help!