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The Equilibrium

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King's Hand
Name: Ulrych Lonmar
Town: Stormhold
House: Lonmar
Reason for joining: As a Stormholdian I was teached to hate Protaras. They are arrogant and evil. I spied Protaras several times and also killed some Protarians.
I agree to fight for balance and am willing to die in battle for the Equilibrium: *takes a feather and ink and write his signatur under the application*


Lord of Altera
Name: Epikus Descartes (epikplayer in-game)
Town: Cutthroat Cove, currently allied with the Protarians. (more info in a pm hshot if you want)
House: Cannot say, it is a secret.
Reason for joining: To end the curse of the Protarians in the Southern Wilds, we have lost many a good man to them, and we intend to lose no more! *takes out le flag of the attackers!*
I agree to fight for balance and I am willing to die in battle for the Equilibrium: Epikus Descartes


Lord of Altera
Yeah, I am gonna need more info epik, better safe then sorry. Same with you jonsak, leave the town then we can talk. We want to cut off all support for Protraras!


Queen of the Wilds
Name: Tchel
Town: Kemmias
House: Saeradin
Reason for joining: I've killed Dead once, I can do it again :3
I agree to fight for balance and am willing to die in battle for the Equilibrium: *scribbles*


Bandit Overlord
Name: Friendly Fred
Town: Witches Brew
House: Happy Tree People
Reason for joining: blah blah blah, i hate bandits blah blah blah i want that PressDead dead blah blah blah
I agree to fight for balance and am willing to die in battle for the Equilibrium: *fake signature*


Lord of Altera
Name: Canoli (Canoli)

Town: SheepVille

House: Sheep

Reason for joining: I pushed Dead Off a Cliff. He came back and hit me.

I agree to fight for balance and am willing to die in battle for the Equilibrium: Sheep


Legend of Altera
Name: Zairen Dren

Town: Kemmias

House: None

Reason for joining: Protarian bandits keep urinating on my treehouse. EDIT: Also, Deadpress spanked my Nether regions while I was under the influence.

I agree to fight for balance and am willing to die in battle for the Equilibrium: Nope, I'm a pacifist.


Bandit Overlord
I am friendly Fred of house Happy Tree People and you wont even give the benifit of the doubt to join your cause !? Well sir i doubt you have what it takes to stand up to that PressDead fellow i might just go and join him instead !


Lord of Altera
Oh, is it really you friendly fred? My appologies, I must have mistaken you because of your skul mask and "*fake signature*"


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Since that my new character has inherited Mori's old jobs I've edited my old post to make it my new character instead of Mori... Basil is even more heartless then Mori.


I a scout of Protaras knows what you are planning you have made the worst choice of your life trying to defeat us you shall tremble before our might.
your end is coming......
watch your back.
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