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The Equilibrium

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Lord of Altera
No seriously, have you told anyone in Protaras as this is on the forums and technically that would count as meta-gaming till the 'Guild' is established in Altera


Lord of Altera
Well you see scout of protraras, we are attacking October 34 at exactly 12:81 there will be seven of us and we will set fire to the northern side of protraras.


Lord of Altera
No seriously, have you told anyone in Protaras as this is on the forums and technically that would count as meta-gaming till the 'Guild' is established in Altera
We will officially contact protraras about rp battles when we move to phase two, for now there is no need, but DeadPress is well aware of us.


Lord of Altera
It might not be for a little while though, I am about to get a serious case of vacationitest *cough cough* the last three weeks of july *cough cough* X I


Bandit Overlord
I shall have the full might of Protaras ready for the true date when you announce it and don't think we will just defend, oh no we will retaliate hshot starting with the town you come from.;) So choose wisely before you go through with this, the innocent blood of your towns people will be spilt for your act against the innocent people of Protaras. (not all Protarians are bandits)


Lord of Altera
See now as the scared dog barks. All those of Protraras are guilty as bandits no matter their robbing. The city is built off the blood and belongings of others, staying there is unjustifiable. My town vill fight for dis. Ve vill not be shaken from the right.


Lord of Altera
...They don't live in Thraall at all, Ye cheeky little blighters, ye be living in Heaven's Reach!
How dare ye lot be trying te 'arm Thraall...


Lord of Altera
Pfft That be a lie, they live in Heaven's Reach, I seen 'em there meself, they 'elped in the pooping on of our throne in Thraall!


Lord of Altera
Since that my new character has inherited Mori's old jobs I've edited my old post to make it my new character instead of Mori... Basil is even more heartless then Mori.
*Smacks*Tchel lives in Protaras!She is your great aunt!You are killing no-one!*Drags by ear back to Tauredal*
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