Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

The Equilibrium

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I think this should be renamed to "The Alteran sit on a sand castle and pot spam society" and that's coming from me :p


Bandit Overlord
What does fear mean? *laughs* Take the ships all i want is the pleasure to etch the protarian mask symbol onto Hshot's face!


Magus of Nothing
Status Report:
We built a sand castle.

Status Update:
After holding off the bandits from our fort (we may have died a few times) and at the dear expense of some stone swords we repeled them. (I think). I count this as a victory!


Lord of Altera
Status Report:
We built a sand castle.

Status Update:
After holding off the bandits from our fort (we may have died a few times) and at the dear expense of some stone swords we repeled them. (I think). I count this as a victory!
Total lie we had owned your fort about 4 times over and left because we were bored... No need to lie just because the bandit force is ten times better than yours. Bandits 1 - Silly anti-Bandits 0


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
I blame it on bad planning... And not informing other members what they're doing... We shall stop you all eventually!


Magus of Nothing
It is true jak, this battle was a loss, we were outnumbered and got flanked, we will win another day.
All I lost was stone swords... You may have lost about three sets of dia armor shotwell, but not I.
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