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[Village] Elkron [Old thread - Closed]

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The White Mage
Applicants, please read the full post! Important information is here!
Settlement Name: Elkron
Mayor: QriHyewon/Matto225
Population: 8
Description / Introduction: Elkron initially started off as home to Qri and Matt, however, it soon turned into a small village. Now we're looking for more people to join!

Elkron is situated on the same island as Witch's brew, on the North-eastern corner. It's a small village in a forest, which will be open to people who want to Rp and to those who merely want to live in a town.

The population currently consists of Humans and Elves. A mermaid also co-owns the art boutique that is there!

The town also has very stong ties with House Miris.

More info later
Residents: Matto225, QriHyewon, Teirakie(?), Edward1878, nicmower, SKecox, Backstay
Town assistants: Edward1878 (Edward)
Want to join the town? Just tell me what your character plans are and what role would you like in Elkron!
I'm looking for the staff for the inn a baker, a butcher, sheep herder, miners, farmers, hunters, etc
Are there any requirements ?
1) We'd like you to have an RP profile for your character!
2) You must choose a job, so that you benefit the town and the communtiy in general- this doesn't mean you have to work 24/7 - just put in some time every so often! (There are benefits!)
These are optional, but will mean you are far more likely to get in!
1) Have experiance on the server (been around, have a good record for behaviour, rp and stuff)
(More will be added later!)
Current jobs:
  • Farmers
  • Woodsmen/Lumberjacks
  • Hunters
  • Miners
  • Something you yourself could suggest, according to your abilities. However, in case we do not feel it is needed, please could you post a second job from the list above to speed up the process!
Additional information
To own your own house in Elkron, you must buy a plot of land from us (a 16x16 area) for 3,000 radiants. A second plot can also be purchased, for a lower price than the first. We are also looking into cheap accomodation for those who don't have enough money for a plot/ don't really want a house. On this plot you may build your own house! However, it must fit in with the local style of architechture, and if we ask you to change something, please follow our instructions! If you don't want to build your house, we can organize someone to make it for you, for a fee of course! The comission fee will be split between the town and the builder (the builder gets most of the money, obviously). An important note, unauthorized mines are prohibited. Also, any project on your land you feel we may have an issue with, please consult Matto225 or QriHyewon before hand (or Edward if were not around!).
Recent Screenshots
2012-07-10_10.43.30.png2012-07-10_10.44.14.png 2012-07-10_10.44.24.png


The White Mage
If you want to apply to join Elkron, please copy-paste and fill in the following form:
Minecraft Username:
Roleplay Name:
Rp profile: <Link>
Preferred job:
What you feel you could add to the town:
How do you feel about Humans, Elves and Mermaids?:


Lord of Altera
Oh im also ambassador for any other town mayors that wish to start allaiances, but im talkin about that with Matt later so probably now isnt a good time! :D


Minecraft Username: nicmower
Roleplay Name: Netio Mogenicius
Race: Human
Rp profile: Here
Preferred job: Woodsman/Lumberjack
What you feel you could add to the town: I'm pretty experienced with building house/castles and such. I could also "beautify" if needed, like clean up mountains, and add natural looking structures. If you want examples of my capabilities, I could provide pictures, or I could show you my house in the Eastern Frontier.
How do you feel about Humans, Elves and Mermaids?: Being a human, I'm fine with others. I also don't judge other beings, including elves and mermaids. Overall I feel like they should all live happily among one another.

I'm basically just looking for another place to pour my overflowing resources into. I've already claimed 3 chunks and there's not much more I can do between the Eastern Frontier and Southern Wilds. I already have around 30 diamonds :p


The White Mage
Minecraft Username: nicmower
Roleplay Name: Netio Mogenicius
Race: Human
Rp profile: Here
Preferred job: Woodsman/Lumberjack
What you feel you could add to the town: I'm pretty experienced with building house/castles and such. I could also "beautify" if needed, like clean up mountains, and add natural looking structures. If you want examples of my capabilities, I could provide pictures, or I could show you my house in the Eastern Frontier.
How do you feel about Humans, Elves and Mermaids?: Being a human, I'm fine with others. I also don't judge other beings, including elves and mermaids. Overall I feel like they should all live happily among one another.

I'm basically just looking for another place to pour my overflowing resources into. I've already claimed 3 chunks and there's not much more I can do between the Eastern Frontier and Southern Wilds. I already have around 30 diamonds :p
Alright! Welcome to the town, the final step of the process is to have an RP interview with me and/or Qri! Just let me know when your online, and we can get that done! :)


Minecraft Username:SKecox
Roleplay Name:Loxford SKecox
Rp profile: <>
Preferred job:I have good abilities at building.But im not afraid of anything.
What you feel you could add to the town:I'm experienced at building as i said twice i think :p So I will be happy if I can build anything for you.Includes community buildings , such as castle or whatever buildings , also lot decorations for town.
How do you feel about Humans, Elves and Mermaids?I don't hate noone except pirates and monsters.I'm fine with Elves and Mermaids.


The White Mage
Minecraft Username:SKecox
Roleplay Name:Loxford SKecox
Preferred job:I have good abilities at building.But im not afraid of anything.
What you feel you could add to the town:I'm experienced at building as i said twice i think :p So I will be happy if I can build anything for you.Includes community buildings , such as castle or whatever buildings , also lot decorations for town.
How do you feel about Humans, Elves and Mermaids?I don't hate noone except pirates and monsters.I'm fine with Elves and Mermaids.
Application approved, you just need to undergothe RP interview with me and/or Qri!


Lord of Altera
Hi, thanks for checking Elkron out, but you are a bandit, I donk know if they are welcome here but if they are I look forward to seeing you!


The White Mage
Hi, thanks for checking Elkron out, but you are a bandit, I donk know if they are welcome here but if they are I look forward to seeing you!
We talked for a reasonable while in-game, he's agreed to rein it in a bit (i.e. no slaughtering of the innocent townspeople) and a hunter would be handy for the town.


Lord of Altera
Ok, I will probably need to speak to you on forums about these terms with bandits coming in, I'll pm you later tonight, look forward to seein you if your accepted lemon


The White Mage


Lord of Altera
Minecraft Username: Backstay
Roleplay Name: Arcano
Race: Human
Rp profile: Linked :)
Preferred job: Alchemist or something like that. Also I'm a good builder (of what i've heard) so I could help build something
What you feel you could add to the town: Cakes! A town is nothing without cakes! And potions.. Also some buildings maybe?
How do you feel about Humans, Elves and Mermaids?: I'm a human myself, I like elves, and mermaids too.

Backstay awaaaay!


Lord of Altera
Hey backstay, unfortunely I can't put the link in now cause I'm on my phone aswell, but your app looks good :)
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