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Basil Brush Phoenix


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Name: Before he died, he was known as Basil Brush Phoenix, he was born as Basil Brush, however.
Nickname/Alias: A handful over the years, a life of crime made him accustomed to changing his name.
Age: He lived fifty eight summer, before finally dying. Not counting the two years he spent "dead" and the week or two where he was... "back".
Gender: Most undeniably male.
Race: Elf, with an equal mix of Forest and Silver Elf in his bloodline.
Build: Lanky, but graceful. Basil always had trouble putting on weight, and throughout life was never very strong.
Hair: Black as pitch, a common trait in his family- like how Lannisters usually have some variation of blonde hair.
Eyes: Red, firey red or blood red depends on who you ask, or which paintings you look at.
Skin: Remarkably pale, remarkably unblemished and scarred, he lacks calluses, etc. That is due entirely to an... operation he had Lathan to to himself, to remark his extensive network of scars.
Tattoos/Scars: None, look above. He used to be covered in them, under the robe.
Distinguishing Features: His eyes, his personality, his reputation- his sword, as well.
Traits or Blessings: A fireblessed of the second degree, his affinity for Pyromancy. Truly a master of the art of thermal manipulation through Evocation.
Physical Flaws: Not very strong, can't take too strong of a blow due to his thin build, etc.
Physical Qualities: Remarkably nimble and fast, almost fearfully so. What was truly worthy of fear would be his... affinity for manipulating thermals through Evocation, and willingness to use it.
Clothes: A robe black as pitch with red lining, simple grey cotton clothing worn beneath that.
Hygiene: Throughout life, he never payed that much attention to his physical appearance. That said, his teeth never resembled corn, and his hair was never overly greasy.
Voice: Rough, gravelly, but not overly deep. Sad, as well. Basil was a remarkably... pitiful fellow.
Family Heritage: A long life with a short childhood means that he does not remember his parent's names. That said, his ancestry is almost entirely Eastern folk, and he had a very large family.
Object(s) owned of sentimental value: His robe, and an unremarkable but highly prized stiletto- a family heirloom that is now in Nwalme's possession.
Worships: Salanna is his goddess, all of the rest of the Pantheon are known to exist- but not overly respected or worshiped.
Disabilities/Illnesses: The utterly absurd amount of bridges he's burned.
Intelligence Level: Average, if not slightly below.
Known Languages: Verba, albeit accented. Eldarin, and lastly Common.
Title: Pyromagus, self-proclaimed "Tormentor of the Peasantry".
Political alignment: He's not fit for politics, in all honesty.
Sexuality: Heterosexual, most definitely.
Marital Status: During the last days of his life, he was somewhat single. He never really recovered from Eminu's betrayal of himself, and died as a direct result of it- he killed himself.
Personality: Prone to talking out of his arse, over-doing many things, easy to anger easy to forget, etc.
Fears/Insecurities/Phobias: Death and betrayal, also Legion.
Short Term Goals: He's dead, dummies.
Long Term Goals: He's dead, dummies.
Alignment: Near the end, neutral neutral. Near the beginning and middle, chaotic evil.
Profession: He lacks one, and lacked one. If he ever had need for money, he was accustomed to scaring people into giving himself said money- that goes for everything else, as well.
Hometown: A village that is now gone, in the far East.
Current Home(s): [Redacted]

Color: Black, for it lacks all feeling and emotion.
Food/drinks: Strong wine and well-spiced meat- be it bear or boar, it mattered not to him.
Animal: He didn't care too strongly for any animal- but was very fond of his phoenix and other birds.
Activity: Near the end, he was essentially a shell of a man who liked essentially nothing.
Person: ... He could never bring himself to hate Eminu.

Least Favorite:
Color: Anything too colorful.
Food/drinks: Urine, and also most fruits.
Animal: People.
Activity: Causing or experiencing death, a close second would be remembering.
Person: Legion.

Backstory: A mess that I lack motivation to fix.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Following a bit of a habit, I decided to delete the old character thread, and rewrite a new one when a bit of massive development occurs in a short amount of time.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff're almost as unlucky as me.
Unlucky? While annoying at times, Basil loves the Voices. Before, when he was under the Demon's influence, the Demon would influence his decisions... Gave out "advice" as Basil calls it, and he never felt alone... Now, he has that once again. In the form of several weak spirits that are strong enough to influence him, but can't do anything more... Yet.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff

I count your "nu" with a double....



Check mate, good sir.