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The Golden Crusade

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Its all been doubled.

Admin/mod-18 because they are pretty much legend rank but with admin/mod powers xD
Edit- just realised Val already said it... *goes to sleep*


Lord of Altera

The Crusade now have a castle in the Southern Wilds, named Wildlight Keep, its pretty well defended, and just ask ingame to know where it is.


Lord of Altera
1.weekly payment of the Heaven's Reach Embassy: 30%​
2.Purchase nobility (required so i can buy Harlaus and its plots) : 100%​
3. Purchase Harlaus and plots: 50%​
4. Build a keep in the Southern Wilds: 100%​
5. Build several Embassies in large cities: -planned-​
6. Seize a stronghold in the Nether: -being planned-​
7. Potentially create a house: 0% (idea)​
9. Become a major force in Alteran politics: -to do-​
10. Become the Greatest army of Altera: 20%​


Loyal Servant of Altera
Forum name: Satouroes
Ingame name: Satouroes
Rp name: Satouroes
Are you connected often?: Yes
What would you bring to the Crusade?: Iron discipline, single minded determination and years of experience in commanding troops.
A reason or two why you would like to join the Crusade: (rp) There are things in this world which defy all that is good and people who would prey on others for their own gain. I want to join the fight to rid the world of these things.
Are you ready to serve His Holiness Harateth, the god of justice?: Yes


Lord of Altera

1.weekly payment of the Heaven's Reach barracks: 30%

2.Purchase nobility (required so i can buy Harlaus and its plots) : 75%

3. Purchase Harlaus and plots: 0%

4. Build a keep in the Southern Wilds: 100%

5. Seize a stronghold in the Nether: -being planned-

6. Potentially create a house: 0% (idea)

7. Become a major force in Alteran politics: -to do-

8. Become the Greatest army of Altera: 20%


Loyal Servant of Altera
Forum name: Benijim
Ingame name: Benijim

Rp name: Bronn Collpin
Are you connected often?: Very
What would you bring to the Crusade?: Planning Skills and supplies
A reason or two why you would like to join the Crusade: I was asked to/forced to
Are you ready to serve His Holiness Harateth, the god of justice?: Depends


Lord of Altera
Forum name: Benijim
Ingame name: Benijim
Rp name: Bronn Collpin
Are you connected often?: Very
What would you bring to the Crusade?: Planning Skills and supplies
A reason or two why you would like to join the Crusade: I was asked to/forced to
Are you ready to serve His Holiness Harateth, the god of justice?: Depends


Lord of Altera
Harlaus: The next step on our great plan is the building of Harlaus. A reminder, Harlaus will be an holy city where all the believers of the Great Faith can reach as a pilgrim destination. Harlaus will be set in the desert.​
Stuff i already said about Harlaus:​
-Harlaus will be a crusade-era type city/fortress similar to the medieval arabic cities such as Jerusalem.
Harlaus will be composed of a large sandstone/sand/stone slabs city surrounding a high and huge stronghold on a small hill, surrounded by 3 small walls. Harlaus will possess a unique building style related to medieval holy cities, with a mix of european structures. This holy town will feature souks (a souk is a typical arabic-style market), small living districts with narrow streets and high buildings with platforms. Harlaus will shine from the desert from its opulence, its military power and its size. The castle will be a both defensive and nice-to-look-at building, with lots of small towers and balconies.
First step: gather the money. currently, we are at 15k.​
Second step:​
-the building of the main building, the huge castle-cathedral that would stand over the town, with its golden spires and its huge dome to let the light pass.​
third step: the building of the Market, the District, and the Military grounds.​


Legend of Altera
Forum name: Benijim
Ingame name: Benijim
Rp name: Bronn Collpin
Are you connected often?: Very
What would you bring to the Crusade?: Planning Skills and supplies
A reason or two why you would like to join the Crusade: I was asked to/forced to
Are you ready to serve His Holiness Harateth, the god of justice?: Depends
Could you explain what you meant by you were forced?


Loyal Servant of Altera

Harlaus: The next step on our great plan is the building of Harlaus. A reminder, Harlaus will be an holy city where all the believers of the Great Faith can reach as a pilgrim destination. Harlaus will be set in the desert.

Stuff i already said about Harlaus:

-Harlaus will be a crusade-era type city/fortress similar to the medieval arabic cities such as Jerusalem.
Harlaus will be composed of a large sandstone/sand/stone slabs city surrounding a high and huge stronghold on a small hill, surrounded by 3 small walls. Harlaus will possess a unique building style related to medieval holy cities, with a mix of european structures. This holy town will feature souks (a souk is a typical arabic-style market), small living districts with narrow streets and high buildings with platforms. Harlaus will shine from the desert from its opulence, its military power and its size. The castle will be a both defensive and nice-to-look-at building, with lots of small towers and balconies.

First step: gather the money. currently, we are at 15k.
Second step:
-the building of the main building, the huge castle-cathedral that would stand over the town, with its golden spires and its huge dome to let the light pass.
third step: the building of the Market, the District, and the Military grounds.
I'm not being a guard just in case a man dressed in white stabs me with a hidden blade!


Loyal Servant of Altera
Hilter, i was wrongly thought that i was part of the Crusade, then i was told if i wanted to partake, i must join the Crusade.
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