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Slayers 2: Slay Harder

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Lord of Altera
By the end of this week, traveling to neighboring cities will be done through the Heaven's Reach harbour.
To do this, we need to have a ship in HR and in the other city so we can place the portals.
The HR Builders Guild can even provide you with a fantastic ship if you want to.
Please let me know where you want to have the ship and we will place it.

A ship to my fortress? In a Hawklight sided town? :mad:

Secretum cannot be reached by sea, the cliffs walls are too steep.
And no offence but I'd rather walk there than use a Hawklight sided town as a hub, even through that is physically impossible.

But however, thank you for the offer.

I would suggest adding the earthspawn and greylings because they are truly monstrous (even if they are playable races they are still the type of prey the slayers would hunt down), since it seems the target groups are not all evil. I like what you have here, seems like a really cool order. also you may want to add spiritblessed and darkblooded and witches to your list of monsters as they are dangerous and misunderstood creatures.

also the highest powers of altera are religious fanatics (it's hard not to be fanatical when a god actually speaks to you) and if the slayers are a down with the man type of group they will need to be underground and secretive to survive. the alternative could be that they are a branch of the inquisition in which case they could operate much more freely and with the blessing of the gods (something that comes in handy).

just a few thoughts, do with it what you like. most importantly have fun and try not to cause anyone to rage quit cause you keep hunting their character. :)

Well the Earthspawn and Greylings were always a target since the day they were revealed to the public.
But their towns failed and no one ever plays as them, so I can't really hunt anything that isn't there.

I've considered the Spiritblessed and Darkbloods before, but again no one plays as them. :/
I once tried convicting someone of witchcraft before, but then the crowd pointed out that there was no law against being a witch or magic user, so... *shrug*

The Slayers have always been targeted by the common folk and a few higher powers before, that's why we have a massive island mountain fortress in the sea.
It's quite hard to break into you see.
I believe on the first day that the slayers kinda got going, we had to kill over 20 people to continue building in peace.

I think the Inquisition idea was mentioned before actually, but it never really went anywhere.
And I wasn't too sure on being tied to some rules, as The Slayers has a certain freedom to it which I find very appealing.
Also I've heard some strange things about this Inquisition and I'm not too sure on it myself....

Thanks btw


The Undying Scholar.
Retired Staff
Actually there are a few who play spirit blessed but a proper way to seek character approval needs setting up before its official


The Lioness of Davia
There are a few Earthspawns... but I'm the only greyling around.. and making an entire greyling town on my own, for myself only seems kinda pointless :\ So I have had to pause my project for now..


Alteran Cryptid and Renowned Hat-wearer
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
MC Name: WarWolf_1
RP Name: Kharn Sicarus
Race: Human
House: Yearnen
Reasons for joining: I wish to help slay and capture the dark monsters of Altera.
Anything else you want to add: I also hope to make some Nakam fur rugs.


Lord of Altera
I would like to request that the Nakam be taken off of the slayer's kill list :3

You claim to be a righteous and just order, slaughtering the true monsters of Altera to allow for a peaceful existence of Altera's people.

Yes, we are on the denizen list, but we are not literal monsters.
Monstrous not because of what they actually are like but because people are naturally fearful of what is not like themselves.
Also, my friend Michcat has brought up a very excellent point:

I think its accurate.
We LOOK like beasts, we're technically beast-men, and whilst we don't burn and pillage and maim, thats the current stereotype of Nakam.
Stereotypes can be changed, and we shouldn't need a divine intervention to change it for us.
Though, Nakam have been nothing but peaceful since setting foot in Altera, that should say something. We may be labled as monsters because of our looks, but the flying rumor should be of our inherant kindness, and unless your character lives under a rock, your character should take that into a account.
Stereotypes can be changed.
Since our arrival, we have done nothing to be labeled dangerous or monstrous, and a great deal of Altera citizens actually enjoy our company. To say that you are just in killing Nakam is an outright lie.
I honestly wouldn't mind if you were an underground bandit-like assembly of people who're doing what they feel is right, but it would seem as if you're going for a kingdom supported organisation of assassins, almost.

Though I respect your organization's sovereignty and ability to create your own regulations/rules, I do believe that to be outrightly hostile towards a Nakam goes against the current common consensus amongst the people of Altera.

Simply my two cents~

Good luck in the hunt for the true monsters! :3


Lord of Altera
I will discuss this in the slayers private convo.
However i'm not in favour of sparing the lives of monsters

Cats said:
You have no chance to survive make your time.
Note: This has to be at least the 3rd time that someone has complained about the Nakam being on the "kill-list". Instead of us changing it, can't you simply accept your fate and die?
It would cause me a lot less hassle in the long run.


Lord of Altera
I would like to request that the Nakam be taken off of the slayer's kill list :3

You claim to be a righteous and just order, slaughtering the true monsters of Altera to allow for a peaceful existence of Altera's people.

Yes, we are on the denizen list, but we are not literal monsters.

Also, my friend Michcat has brought up a very excellent point:

Since our arrival, we have done nothing to be labeled dangerous or monstrous, and a great deal of Altera citizens actually enjoy our company. To say that you are just in killing Nakam is an outright lie.
I honestly wouldn't mind if you were an underground bandit-like assembly of people who're doing what they feel is right, but it would seem as if you're going for a kingdom supported organisation of assassins, almost.

Though I respect your organization's sovereignty and ability to create your own regulations/rules, I do believe that to be outrightly hostile towards a Nakam goes against the current common consensus amongst the people of Altera.

Simply my two cents~

Good luck in the hunt for the true monsters! :3
Right, That's it, I don't like dfoing this bit I am
Will you god damn stop whineing and spamming our thread! You are classed as monsters, You are beast mean. Technically, you would be beasts to the people of Altera as you wouldn't be understood and/or liked! In medieval times they wouldn;t belueve or liek Cat-Men! Your whineing, complaining and generally being a nuisance! Your annoying me IC and OOC! Now Get out this thread before I go any further!


Legend of Altera
Perhaps you should consider some people comments before just writing off them as complaints. Please do not make assumptions for other Alterians, not all of us hate the Nakam. It's these linear racials view that got the Slayers on people's bad side before. Please try take a moment and think about the things you say and do, especially when it directed at other players races.


Lord of Altera
Perhaps you should consider some people comments before just writing off them as complaints. Please do not make assumptions for other Alterians, not all of us hate the Nakam. It's these linear racials view that got the Slayers on people's bad side before. Please try take a moment and think about the things you say and do, especially when it directed at other players races.
I get annoyed because the Nakam bother me all the time with this. Some people's comments don;t work as the Nakam are classified as Monster's, Medieval Times were raceist and it would take years for the Nakam to even forge a small friendship. And people got on the wrong side of us as they confused IC and OOC Hate! We worked this back up from ground level, think about what it feels like for us when we get thing's like this and we get this hate and criticism and people then defend these things! You try organising all this! You try living with it when people just decide to go 'Hey, Let's go screw the lore and make friends with the Nakam in one second!' and then decide 'Oh, The Slayers just follow the lore so we gotta hate on them'. You think about how it feels when we put damn work into it :I
Its like the Admins, they get gnarked off when the server is offendign cos they put so much work in! There Brilliant! So why don't you treat people like the Slayers, who have to put their back in due to the hate they got, like the admins!
p.s. Admins are awesome :I


Legend of Altera
While I believe you are entitled to your own opinion, I'd like to believe that not everyone in this medieval fantasy is as raciest as you think. Perhaps I'm wrong but this still my opinion, yet I will not go as far as to make any assumptions for the general populace or others RPs. Granted there might be some prejudice here and there, but to place a race on a kill list is a different story. The Keepers of Arduin (WileWolf and myself) have already organized a place for Nakam and other races to live together peacefully. Granted we had our up and downs, but that's normal for any growing community. I have said my peace for now and plan to continue further remarks in role play.


The Undying Scholar.
Retired Staff
but to place a race on a kill list is a different story
What your missing is that the slayers did not place them on the list, Its in the lore that they are denizens not citizens. The slayers are just following the servers lore correctly as a lawfully aligned group would.

Im getting sick of people arguing with Seth and Jag and im not even on their side. They're doing whats right by them, its not going to change please just leave them to it or better still use it to get involved in some good rp!


Lord of Altera
What your missing is that the slayers did not place them on the list, Its in the lore that they are denizens not citizens. The slayers are just following the servers lore correctly as a lawfully aligned group would.

Im getting sick of people arguing with Seth and Jag and im not even on their side. They're doing whats right by them, its not going to change please just leave them to it or better still use it to get involved in some good rp!
Thanks Spear! I still wuv you anyway even if your not on our side :heart:

frank frappuccino

Lord of Altera
WildWyvern said:
Perhaps you should consider some people comments before just writing off them as complaints. Please do not make assumptions for other Alterians, not all of us hate the Nakam. It's these linear racials view that got the Slayers on people's bad side before. Please try take a moment and think about the things you say and do, especially when it directed at other players races.
Perhaps but the thing is "The slayers" are thinking periodicaly correct where As everyone else is thinking to much let us sit around a Campfire in bathrobes and disgus our problems " We haven't done anything" So what? Did the leppers do anything wrong? ( Other than losing limbs) Did the poor homeless who stole a Bread really do anything wrong?

( If anyone is wondering I really hate autocorrect)
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