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Slayers 2: Slay Harder

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Lord of Altera
Dosn't mean the people are ignorant Davy, that means you class all of scoiety as that. Back in Medieval times, if they couldn;t understand something or it was different, they condemned it. The nakam also cause distress to the people, which is another reason to kill them off. Now stop clogging up my thread Valcust with the petty whineings of the Nakam which Im quite frankly punching the wall about... I'm gonna have to get that repaired now...


Lord of Altera
I have.
He has been kind enough to acknoledge my race as I have written it.
Though I think I'm done here.
You clearly do not know a thing about the Nakam.


The Lioness of Davia
Ignorant wasn't meant to be offensive.. I'm not saying that people on altera are stupid. I'm just saying that(as you agreed) that back in medieval times something different was classified as a product of the devil, or something evil anyways..


The Lioness of Davia
I have.
He has been kind enough to acknoledge my race as I have written it.
Though I think I'm done here.
You clearly do not know a thing about the Nakam.
He might do, his character doesn't!!
When will people start to learn distinguishing RP from OOC??


Lord of Altera
I am distinguishing them, Davy.
RP wise, the Nakam come from a port city, which has been trading with all of Altera for ages.
If your character is outrightly racist against something, I could see that as being fine.
Though, after trading with the world for so long, even trading with port silver, word would spread of their kindness and prosperity.
But, I'm not expecting to change your mind, Seth. It seem you'd do anything to keep us on the kill list :/


Lord of Altera
I Read all the Nakam Lore.
And No Offence, but I just don;t like the race, it's like a ton of furries :/
I've seen OOC and RP merged together tons, it's what destroyed the first Slayers! The Nakam have been annoying me, they don;t get that there not MEANT to be liked in RP and acting the way they do OOC just gets people annoyed! n>:I
I've had quite frankly enough and it's good your out your thread! If you wanna moan, then go make a thread and complain about us there! Im sick and tired of this now!



Back with a platter of heart leaches...
Retired Staff
nobody needs to get heated, it is just a game. the slayers are a group of bigots who kill other people in the name of righteousness. SO WHAT not everyone in the game is a good guy. would it be the first time such a group has existed? no. and who are the most dangerous villians? those who believe that they are the heroes. so depending on which side of the sword you are on you may view the slayers as a noble order dedicated to the protection of humanity or as a horrible group of murderers who kill without asking questions and spread fear and lies about your people. sounds very medieval to me.

again this is just a game. everyone try not to get too worked up over any of it.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
nobody needs to get heated, it is just a game. the slayers are a group of bigots who kill other people in the name of righteousness. SO WHAT not everyone in the game is a good guy. would it be the first time such a group has existed? no. and who are the most dangerous villians? those who believe that they are the heroes. so depending on which side of the sword you are on you may view the slayers as a noble order dedicated to the protection of humanity or as a horrible group of murderers who kill without asking questions and spread fear and lies about your people. sounds very medieval to me.

again this is just a game. everyone try not to get too worked up over any of it.
I think... I'm in love.


Lord of Altera
Just curious, have you ever even read any of my lore?
I have.
He has been kind enough to acknoledge my race as I have written it.
Though I think I'm done here.
You clearly do not know a thing about the Nakam.
I personally have read all of the lore on the Nakam and encourage all of my men to do the same.

Sun Tzu said:
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
I believe in knowing everything there is to know about something I'm fighting, after I once upon a time read a little book about war...

So don't come to my thread and imply the reason I have decided to kill you is ignorance, as that is frankly a load of rubbish.
However the fact that I personally know things about the Nakam or anyone for that matter, does not mean someone's Rp character does meaning that we have a legitimate Role-play reason to hunt you.

You've worn out my hospitably by insulting me and my friends,
Now get the heck out of my thread unless you have something constructive to say.


Lord of Altera
I personally have read all of the lore on the Nakam and encourage all of my men to do the same.

I believe in knowing everything there is to know about something I'm fighting, after I once upon a time read a little book about war...

So don't come to my thread and imply the reason I have decided to kill you is ignorance, as that is frankly a load of rubbish.
However the fact that I personally know things about the Nakam or anyone for that matter, does not mean someone's Rp character does meaning that we have a legitimate Role-play reason to hunt you.

You've worn out my hospitably by insulting me and my friends,
Now get the heck out of my thread unless you have something constructive to say.
Exactly, Go Jag! *Waves Clipboard*


The Lioness of Davia
I believe in knowing everything there is to know about something I'm fighting
Remember... you know exactly what you are fighting, your character may make mistakes..
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