Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Free City] Mirage


I think I might like it here
Your in game name: Woofrog
Your character´s race: Human
Why you wish to join Mirage: Well, RP wise my character is somewhat of a vagabond. He's a farmer but has not yet found a place to settle. He's heard of a town where all are welcome, and work is plenty. OOC wise, I love the idea of a desert town that's based on middle eastern architecture!


Loyal Servant of Altera
I think it's about time I just go ahead and apply. :)
Your in game name: Roe Wolf
Your character´s race: Human
Why you wish to join Mirage: I like working with sandstone, and I like the theme and how the city building is going so far. As for my character, he's basically an unknown wanderer who is tired of struggling to find food, and so is looking for a city to settle in for a time. The last town he lived in was a Druid sanctuary which was destroyed by outsiders. At the moment, he trusts the strength of sandstone bricks over that of tree twigs.


Lord of Altera
Hey, I visited Mirage and it looked fantastic. I love the work you've done so far. I look forward to seeing it progress; the minaret from SP looks amazing.


I think I might like it here
What's the culture of mirage being modeled after? Indian, Pakistani, Afghani, Israeli, Egyptian?? They're all very different. Or is it sort of a blend?


Burner of Worlds
Mirage is growing rapidly. We now have an airship "The Desert Star" moored at our gate which will take you to the airdocks. The airship was kindly designed and built by Roman Artificis (RobotBrom).



I think I might like it here
Your in game name: destroyer
Your character´s race: human
Why you wish to join Mirage: i am a decent builder, but my RP charecter is a mercenary and airship pilot, who is looking for a place to call home for a little, then maybe move on. want to build a permanat house, and maybe a new airship here. mirage looks like a cool place to build.(im more than happy to spend my time building, but lack the resources to do so ).


Lord of Altera
I have already joined Mirage and I want to join the Guard/Watch as an archer not sure is this is the right thread though. My character is a yeoman as he can put up a showing with a sword and a bow but is a massively better with the bow.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
I personally love this city, and ICly my character has a bit of fascination with visiting Mirage because shes never seen so much sand in one place.

A beautiful town with many hidden nooks and crannies :D