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Postal Service


Lord of Altera
Helloes! I had an idea for an amazing rp organisation, which would basically be a postal service (feel free to call it something else though) (okay, maybe I stole it from an old post :p).
I sadly have no rp opportunity to start up this organisation, hence this post being not in the organisations thread, since my rp character is a Kilrox following, murdering and slightly disturbing person. I think this offers many opportunities in rp, sending letters gives far more immersion then sending a pm. Also for the people wishing to run this organisation, it gives them a good lot of people to meet (especially when establishing a postal office in a town), and a decent source of money too, if they promote their work enough and ask for not too large amounts of rads.

I can luckily help in some way or form. My town, Uliima Gurum, could, if wanted, house the headquarters of this organisation. I know several cities still have postal offices still, from former tries at a type of organisation like this, so if this is started up, you do not need to start entirely from scratch.

If you decide to start this up, but you fear that you are all alone and this will fail, then don't worry!
I already spoke to Michcat who'd love to help with such an organisation being started up!


Lord of Altera
Yeah, there once was a postal guild, but im not sure what happened to it. If im not mistaken, Xyena was in charge of it.


Lord of Altera
There indeed used to be a postal service organisation, but it never really got off the ground (I think at least)
That is why I said
(okay, maybe I stole it from an old post :p).
Either way, if anyone's character is able to host these services (this will give you one of the few businesses available in every alteran town (unless someone hates getting mail :p)) and would like to do so, please go ahead and take this idea!


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Perchance, the Postal Office could be based in Spawn? I was thinking that their function would not only be to send letters for the RP value, but to send a letter to one who is Offline- or someone your character would not normally be speaking with (But still needs to ICly communicate.)

Friends Offline? Drop off your letter with a member of the Postal Guild! We'll stick it on our message board, and get it delivered by hand as soon as a member sees them around!

You need to somehow garner the attention of a Higher-up? Perhaps a member of an enemy House? Fear not, the Postal Service is entirely neutral and rankless! We'll get your message to the right person!

You wish to send an anonymous love letter, or perhaps an anonymous threat to your sworn rival? Every letter that falls into our possession gets delivered.


I would gladly head such an organization- However, I face the same issue. My character is not one suited for postal whatnot, and my secondary character whos still alive (And who I need to kill off >_< ) is also not one suited for postal shenanigans.
I do not object to holding two storylines in my hands, but I wish first for confirmation from a moderator or admin before I attempt such. ( Second guy is the dragging tail that has yet to be snipped, I'm holding off so I might attend Basils Trial. )


I like this plan!
'Jus make sure my post DOES get delivered :3

There is also an abandon post office in the tower at Karuk-Thol.


*ahem* You know...Gromm is kind of a worker.
I would like to sign up for the postal service! Although, some places, I have no idea where I am bloody going.
Which is a flaw, but the airships do confuse me at times.
Yet, I would like to sign up as a postman.

Postman Gromm, Postman Gromm, Postman Gromm and his dark chocolate cookie...


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Postman Gromm, Postman Gromm, Postman Gromm and his dark chocolate cookie...

Currently, there is no postal service, but if I see one I'll send you thataway!
And if I start one up, I'll let you know

However, I am on vacation, and I shouldn't be as forum active as I am until I get back. Dohooho...


El programming zorro
Retired Staff
Hi guys :)
I'm just new on the server, and quite frankly the activity here gives me desires of getting involved a "little" more ! (ok, MUCH more ^^)

My first character (and only character for the moment :) ) has quite the exact background needed for that (see this post for its presentation), if not building the whole thing, at least for taking part in it...
For the moment, I'm mostly taking my marks in the server's world, getting some little things to start with, but I must admit this idea of having a post service is quite seductive ! (I was thinking about simple messagers service just not long ago, but the two can blend quite well)

I might interested to try getting that thing started, if someone with more experience on the server would lend me a hand or even just give me advices about how they would see that...

I'm gonna watch this topic with the greatest interest !


Lord of Altera
I'm certain anyone who offered help in this thread, including me would give you any help needed OOCly, for IC help you should try and decide if you're going through with it or not, then post an organisation thread in the organisations forum, that'll get you people to help you, and people who'd like to have you settle in their town (if you choose to organise it that way, I know the previous person did) in an easy to manage place.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I'm willing to join, this should be an orginisation. (Even though this might be my idea, I still want to join)


El programming zorro
Retired Staff
Ok, so I think there really is some space for that to happen !

wolfpilot : I didn't know that you had created something like that, but I'm sure there would be enough space for both organisations, and even more I'm sure we could make it work together !

What I would think of :

- A post office in each important city, in which you can send messages over to other people.

- To send a message, buy a Book&Quill at the office, write down your message (including the name & location of the recipient), sign it and leave it in the Office Departing box.

- You will have of course to pay a small fee for having your message delivered (for example 3 to 5 Radiants...?)

- Each sending might be accompanied by 1 or more stack of items, with an additional fee that depends on the number of stacks you want to send (for example an additional cost of 2 Radiants per stack ?...). Just write down on your message's first page the exact number of items your are sending along.

- When your message arrive at the recipient's city post Office, it will be carried over the recipient Mail box, with the accompanying items if there are.

Using a Book&Quill to write the message and a "Departing box" in the Offices are meant to allow people to deposit messages even when no Post officers are present at that moment.
Messages in each offices would be picked up on a regular basis and then carried to the recipient's city's office for a dispatch as soon as possible.

What still needs to be determined is :
- Is there a safe way to deliver the message & items, other than giving it directly by hand ? What could be cool is each person having a personnal mail box (a chest), either directly in the post office (but could take a lot of space and then would need a huge building ! :-( ) or better in front of everyone's house. But then how to allow the post officer to access the chest but make it safe for other people not to steal what's in it ? (same question for the message & items in the office departing box).

- How to handle the sending fees ? Buying a Book&Quill at the office could be the way of doing that (with a cost a little higher than usual, it could cover both the book & the sending fees). But what about someone bringing its book with him and thus not paying the sending fees...? Obviously this method is flawed ^^
And the second point that was destroying that is : what about if you want to add some items ?... I suppose using the /money pay command does not leave any trace in a log or anything like that, so how to be sure that people have paid the exact amount ?...
The solution I'm thinking of is : maybe depositting an item that is known to have an exact value could be used as a workaround... (for the sake of an example, lets say that an Feather worth 1 Radiant. Sending a message having a cost of 5 Rads, the sender must leave 5 feathers along with the message. If they want to send a single item along with the message, they must leave 2 other feathers to cover the item's additional fee. Of course that's a silly example with random values chosen, but its meant to explain my thoughts !...)

I'd love to hear your thoughts about that, am I trying to over-think that and is it dedicated to perish because of nobody would us it, or do you think it might be a good idea (at least for RPers) and that should be started ?...

Thanks a lot guys ! :)


I think, of course, the person must write the message inside the post office to avoid fraud. Sounds legit :D

And, like any mailbox, have a chest in front of people's homes, and directly putting the mail into the chest, so the person can wake up in the morning and get mail out there box, like anyone does.

The postman will, of course, have to run like hell to get thing delivered, otherwise the thieves will get to 'em.
Like a wild west horseman.

Every town MUST have a post office though.
And a postmaster, if not, a postman, MUST visit to see what mail is there, and quickly deliver it :D
If a city has no post office, get it built :D
Me and Lemarc are already planning one on Gemstone Isles.

This is great, I'm excited!


:D Of course, my offer to be a postman, of course, still stands too!