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Port Silver is Flooded

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Lord of Altera
I just wouldn't want to spawn there after a couple of months of being inactive.
"Ah, water!" *drowns*
"People still blame the elves for everything, right?"


The Arbiter of the Gods
Well, remember it's a huge city. Can you imagine what the lake would look like if it was to overflow? I don't think it'd be watery any more... more of a browny-yellow sludge....


Lord of Altera
Two options? the fever either multiplies faster in the cold or is limited by it so... either people start dying or a ton of people get infected then once the cold goes away people start dropping since there are so many infected.


We demons of our solemn hour
If the water freezes.. I would not want to miss the look on abbeys face it woulda be like :eek:
Those legged did it again -_-

frank frappuccino

Lord of Altera
It's an easy fix really pour lava on it and then have the dwarves Come clean up the stone

Sent from my iPhone.
Edit: Did I not fix that blasted Forumrunner thing -.-


The Arbiter of the Gods
As of today, the Syrien are no longer our enemies, thanks to their queen's brave decision of stepping down from attacking "the legged".

(*is totally the main hero guy*)
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