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Songs, chants and other things of Altera


The Arbiter of the Gods
Let's make a thread dedicated to you lot making up songs of Altera. I'm sure you all have something either rhythmic and happy, or just pure demonic to make up that can be used in RP as a form of humming or singing and the likes.

Here are some I came up with on spot:

Shine my Sun, shine,
Let the Darkness die.
Flow my water, flow,
let the fire go.

for every night, there comes a day,
for every death, there comes a life,
so shine my Sun, shine,
Let all of Darkness die.

Sleep, oh child sleep,
Let fatigue be healed.
Fight, brave warrior fight,
Your name will soon thrive.

For every night, there comes a day,
for every death, there comes a life,
So flow my water, flow,
Let the fire go.

When the time arrives,
we will be waiting.
You too, my dearest child,
will feel all evil ending...

For every night, there comes a day,
for every death, there comes a life,
some things we do are not so just,
yet we are what is right...

-A Lullaby by Hathredge Merloy
(make names up by the way, or use your RP character's name if you want to ;) )

Together we'll march,
From December 'til March,
for we are the free company,
and we will do anything
for money!

Together we'll chop and kill,
together we will plunder and steal,
for we are the free company,
and we will do anything
for money!

Together we'll be cut and die,
ready to fall side by side,
for we are the free company,
and we will do anything
for money!

Together we'll live til death,
together with our bags of loot,
for we are the free company,
and we will do anything
for money!

-Mercenary marching song


El programming zorro
Retired Staff
Wouldn't it be nice to have in-game collection of theses songs and poems ?... Books of some sorts, that could be bought/found in many places around the world ?...
Tales, songs and poems that would be told by some characters, written on books by a scribe to be shared in the game ! :)

(is there a way of duplicating a book ?... I suppose not, means that needs a copier-scribe :D)


The Arbiter of the Gods
With Bookworm you can simply put a book in a bookshelf and copy it as many times as you want :p


El programming zorro
Retired Staff
With Bookworm you can simply put a book in a bookshelf and copy it as many times as you want :p
Too easy ! ^^
Yeah ok, right... and for "real" books (that I really prefer over bookworms books...) there's that solution thanks to the shopkeeper plugin, but that's not really the solution I'd like to have...


The Arbiter of the Gods
Bookworm books are far better in my opinion. You can actually have some space per page, and it appears in chat :p


El programming zorro
Retired Staff
Yeah I know, but I don't know, I really don't like the "appearing in the chat" part, I'd prefer having the same interface (or another, don't mind) for reading the book... In fact all the thing using chat commands (even if I understand them perfectly) doesn't suits to me, its not player-friendly at all... but I suppose I'll have to do with it ^^


We demons of our solemn hour
People of altera by: Jeroxia whitemore

When I Look around I see them jumping an walking on the ground..
People of altera, some small like a twig, climbing on roofs they are not allowed
Some pretty like the the sea twinkling in the stars
Sometimes even mad people fighting their own little wars,
People of altera: legs or tails, big or small are All the same.
All think of theirselves in their lives and game

Some just want it all: A Dwarf who is a pirate, and a syrie loving a legged
Well I tell you people of altera if we all go to the lamb to drink beer that has been carefully kegged
We are all the same: elves, dwarves , earthspawn, syrien and even us: the legged

Lets stop these wars because it's my job to be insane!

(I added in characters from altera, when they are guessed i add more


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Hmmm... I wrote this poem ages ago to charter the Siege of Cobblefist Keep when we held the fortress in the Wilds against the bandits for over six hours, real time. :D
Of course, after that we invaded their teamspeak channel and starting singing "we are the champions" at the top of our voices... But maturity has to end somewhere... Right?
Anyway, poem:

Black and red, the banner flies,
In the South, the raven cries,
Red as blood and black as night,
Even shadows fear the light.
Standing guard upon the Gate,
There the rogues and bandits wait,
With sharpened spear and bloodied knife,
It pains them not, to take a life.
A cursed stain upon the land,
The Bandit King hath shown his hand,
Behind the mask and deadly blade,
A coward leads his men astray.
Our flag will rise, to end this fight,
Turn red to valour, black to white,
The sun will rise, our foes will fall,
And thus will cease the raven’s call.


Lord of Altera
Hmmm... I wrote this derp yesterday to charter the Siege of Basil's Mansion. We held the shower against the bandits for over six minutes, real time. :(
Of course, after that we invaded their teamspeak channel and starting singing "Derp derpy herp derp" at the top of our voices... But maturity has to dissappear... Right?
Anyway here's the derp...

Herp da derp derpa derp. A herp derpity derp.
Mad skills. I wish I could derp like that Q.Q


Lord of Altera
Warchant- General Grok
Eatz the hummies, make sure were feared!
Pumble the elves, then make em' speared!
Chop the dwarves up, CUT THERE BEARDS!
Thats what Orcs are all about!