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RPing threats


Lord of Altera
I'm trying to break into the bad guy business and recently I've just found that its really hard to be scary or threatening in any real way. I mean it is very difficult to be ominous when everyone is a hero with no fears. But the worst part is the inability for any real threats to happen. In a real life scenario when there is say, a head gangster, if he says something it is respected because you know that he will just break your legs if he doesn't get his way. But here you get booted for so much as punching someone to add some reality to a RP brawl. Obviosly I understand why we can't just all go around PvPing to make a point. Its fine because I actually prefer the detail you are able to create while having a text based duel instead of the rather simplistic PvP of minecraft. The real problem is that your not able to do anything serious or lasting in these battles without being accussed of godmodding or being OP or the like. If there is a conflict and swords are involved, odds are that people aren't just gonna be walking away with only a couple scars (or at least not as often as that always seems to happen). People, there has to be more bloodshed! Don't get so attached to your character, the rise and fall is what makes interesting stories. And to an even worse degree is when a player simply refuses to go along with you. If they decline your offer to duel in character, sure, totally fair. But if you have a bow aimed at their head then they say just say "I'm out" it seems rather ludicrous. Again I understand that we have most of these things implemented for a reason, but it does seem like at this point we are a little too nerfed. If anyone has suggestions on their tactics for creating better drama or wants to brainstorm some possibilities please do tell. If you just wanna tell me to shut up, that's fine too, I get that a lot. Maybe I'm just being overly ambitious and power crazed, whateva whatevs.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
I agree. My old man character (The one who needs to die) is blind, and someone once shot an arrow at him. It hit him, of course, and he was injured for about a month and hobbling around more then usual. And bleeding and whatnot... In fact, he could have easily been killed in that time.

I find a good way to create drama is for your character to be 'witty'. Whenever someone calls the obviously elderly guy "Old", he adopts a sailors tongue and is most certainly miffed. If that guy strutting about has a precious ego, knock it down and watch the fire fly.
Instigate high emotion and ride on the wave it sends out. I would like to imagine most people on this server would gladly participate in exciting happenings, instead of shoving it off and shuffling by. When you create a reason to bring everyone together, most... hopefully... will take advantage of it.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Have you seen Basil fight people? I mean legitimately want to kill them? I once nearly ripped someone's arm off!

Also, to those who call me OP or things of this nature, I gladly respond in this manner: I'm not forcing you to RP with me. Or: Point out that you learned it through legitimate RP and had your character for much longer than they probably have.


Retired Staff
One of my characters isn't exactly capable of being injured like a human can be, and my other isn't the most stable of people. Neither of them would care much about getting shot at. Vorar would let the arrow clang against him and Irus would pull it out and stab you with it, laughing at your expression and angry at the hole in his jacket.


Lord of Altera
I agree. My old man character (The one who needs to die) is blind, and someone once shot an arrow at him. It hit him, of course, and he was injured for about a month and hobbling around more then usual. And bleeding and whatnot... In fact, he could have easily been killed in that time.

I find a good way to create drama is for your character to be 'witty'. Whenever someone calls the obviously elderly guy "Old", he adopts a sailors tongue and is most certainly miffed. If that guy strutting about has a precious ego, knock it down and watch the fire fly.
Instigate high emotion and ride on the wave it sends out. I would like to imagine most people on this server would gladly participate in exciting happenings, instead of shoving it off and shuffling by. When you create a reason to bring everyone together, most... hopefully... will take advantage of it.
That just leads to a bicker fest though, at least in my experience. I'm talking about getting some cold blooded wordless badasery up in here, The most powerful scene in a movie to me is always when someone (usually the main villian) walks in with dead serious eyes and just does something totally ruthless then walks off again without saying a word.

Have you seen Basil fight people? I mean legitimately want to kill them? I once nearly ripped someone's arm off!

Also, to those who call me OP or things of this nature, I gladly respond in this manner: I'm not forcing you to RP with me. Or: Point out that you learned it through legitimate RP and had your character for much longer than they probably have.
I'll admit I haven't seen you do anything of that caliber blarg, I didn't get the chance to observe basil's rise to fame. I'm happy that there is such an established crazy bad guy I just wish you were a little classier about it. Half your RPs (that I have seen) are just you talking or explaining how great basil is. And I'm not accusing you of being OP but that incident today where you just walked away from me shooting an arrow at you was pretty lame on your part. Yes basil isn't gonna die from a rooftop archer but be smart about how you avoid situations. I started doing a cliche villian monologue so you could get to cover before I snipped you for Christ sake, if your gonna have a keystone character you should know how to avoid a guy with a bow.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Well, I do not want Basil to die from a character that is months younger than him.

Also, you haven't seen many of my RPs.


Lord of Altera
I will put this bluntly, the little act you tried to pull on Basil was quite 'bland'. Also your little option of "We PVP or RP roll" made me cringe. I am happy to help you try to become a villain, I may even run a temp character to help you. I understand being a villain is quite hard. I was one on my other server for quite a bit before it got bland for me. As a villain, you don't aim to go all powerful and stuff, but to make enjoyable roleplay experiences. Other wise you're just being as much as a douche that bandits are in the SW that have near no rp. Go after people by themselves and get close and personal. Bows from a rooftop, while invisible, while having some weird echo magic. Is just... No. Feel free to pm me for any pointers as I don't want to see a repeat of what happened earlier. The main point of my post is. "If you're going to be a villain, you need to learn to rp losing or you fail miserably." And fix up your rp aswell, which I and many other members of the server can help you with.

Well, I do not want Basil to die from a character that is months younger than him.

Also, you haven't seen many of my RPs.
Who gives a crap about dying... It's not like people would ever follow a perma-kill rule


Lord of Altera
I wasn't trying to kill you, well I was but I was expecting you to escape. Have you honestly not had to deal with someone shooting an arrow at you before? A character as hated as basil should be constantly vigilant for such an average attack, just quitting the rp is not very creative or brave.

Thank you for the pointers grim. Although I do resent both of you saying I don't RP often, I've been on the server almost a year now. I do lose very often in RP, I am just saying (and this is what the thread is about) that people need to take the risk into consideration. If basil came and burned my house down while I was still in It I wouldn't be surprised, I would probably die. But that being said, rooftops are something to be scared of. It is petty yet very true so just use your sense and think of a clever way to get out of there. I am honestly shocked no one else has ever tried to do Basil in in this manner. And for the record I offered PvP, Roll, Or text, because I am fine with any style. What am I supposed to do when you deny all three?


Lord of Altera
Blarg, if you don't mind, I'm gonna use your character as an example...

Trying to "break into" the bad guy business is difficult. If you don't let yourself slowly become either respected or feared over time, no one will take your threats seriously. For example, with Basil, everyone knows him. He's killed, or marked over a dozen people at this point. Most know to tread lightly around him. However, if I were to go up to someone and threaten to burn them with my fire magic, first of all they'd be ticked OOC because I don't have permission, BUT secondly, no one would believe I can do anything serious, because I would have no reputation.

Hope this helps!


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
I did not quit the RP, it continued for quite some time after you left, and naturally Basil had just offered to duel someone; he was getting up. So, the arrow would of missed. And if I insulted you in any manner, I apologize... or if I do so in a future post.


Lord of Altera
Reputation is a very good point Erlewis, but its kinda a win more situation. If you got no reputation its hard to earn more and if you have a ton you get more easily. Oh well back to the grindstone.

I had been stalking basil for quite some time, just saying "the arrow misses" is rather...uncreative and OP to say the least.