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A guide to Age?

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Lord of Altera
I was just wondering if there is how long and how fast people in age in Altera due to the fact that i saw a child who was 4, he went to seven in a few weeks ;S

Am I missing something or can a Admin fill me in?


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Well, to put it simply, there is no set RP time. So, the child just sped up their own personal time because they dislike playing as a child.


Lord of Altera
Through reading somewhere on the 'Twins' thread, it said something about children ageing very quickly, whereas once they reach the adult age they slow down a lot.


I agree with Blarg, it's up to the player I think. If someone wants to RP as a child then they would have to keep making a new character. Just stick to whatever age you want, if you then decide it's time to age them then just put it up a bit.


Lord of Altera
Bet you it's me you're talking about.

Well yes, I thought that it's appropriate that a character can age based on events in it's life.

We all know time is relative.


Legend of Altera
What you have remeber is some races age more than others

For example 1 human year is 9 syrien years, so a 10yr old would be 90 if they were syrien


Legend of Altera
Itzzaboy said:
Something to note, One year in human age equals nine in Syrien, so a 90 year old Syrien is equivalent to a 9 year old human.
Im right unless your saying Itzzaboy is wrong and he did write the syrien lore and also I have read it almost 100 times because I love the syrien race


Lord of Altera
207 years old. She doesn’t appear to look old, for her appearance she looks like a 23-year old. Her body ages every nine years.
From abbey's profile


Legend of Altera
Think of a syrien like a dog or a cat in a way a human year is not the same in their years if I remember correctly dogs years are 7 to 1 human so really a 2 year old puppy is actually 14 in dog years but 2 years old in human years and still looks very young


Lord of Altera
Think of a syrien like a dog or a cat in a way a human year is not the same in their years if I remember correctly dogs years are 7 to 1 human so really a 2 year old puppy is actually 14 in dog years but 2 years old in human years and still looks very young
Exactly... that's what is said... anyway, I believe this thread will just turn into a discussion...


Legend of Altera
So basically after 2 human years a syrien is an adult

And I think its based on when the player wants there character grow up or get older


Lord of Altera

I'm old. Deal with it.

Im right unless your saying Itzzaboy is wrong and he did write the syrien lore and also I have read it almost 100 times because I love the syrien race
Itzza didn't write it alone. :( I want credit too.. I made most of the major concepts, and Itzza added along to it. I don't think either of us could have wrote it alone. The race itself is originally off me, with amazing updates from Izzy.

But the Syrien age thing is just comparing

Years to appearance
207 years to 23 looking appearance
9 years to 1 look appearance.
Unit sets. :D
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