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Looking for a trainer


Lord of Altera
Wyvern... I'm hurt.... Just because I haven't been able to get on recently doesn't mean you can go galavanting off to new trainers...
xD Well, nearly getting killed everyday, and my growing number of enemies and betrayers grow... had to act fast.


Sorrows Warrior
Laiset can teach you daggers and shortswords, as well as other... less-than-legal pursuits. However, as long as you don't mind another apprentice attempting to kill you to gain favor . :I


Sorrows Warrior
*puts up hands* Hey, I was just throwing my name out there. I already have one apprentice, and I doubt Wyvern will wanna deal with someone who most likely will want to kill him. So for all it's worth, he's still probably gonna be "your trainee."


Lord of Altera
Indeed, but I rarely manage to see you on, and the other training may help me succeed in your training- it isn't very easy to keep up with 7ft tall muscly Earthspawn xD


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Eminu would train with you, and gladly show the nuances of dual-blade battle.


Lord of Altera
There's one guy that uses ridicilously exotic weapons: A double lanced glaïve, Two daggers, with brass knuckles attached to it, a bow etc. etc.

So yeah..Mist is your man


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
Ced can teach you how to be the very best, like no one ever was!

But seriously, he's one of the best bowmen in Altera, recurve and longbow, so if you ever want a touch up! Leave a letter in the Ranger's mailbox in Kavdam.

*Has blatantly not read the rest of the thread.*