Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
I am no longer a lore master. (I stepped down)
The magick system is liable to change.

I ask patience from everyone who had pending apps while the solution is sorted out.


Lord of Altera
I'd like to suggest this guy named yoda74. He's intelligent, modest, good at grammar, creative, and he talks in third person.

I'm guessing Naelwyn's taking over?

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
So who do we pester now!?!
Joke but I am interested on the new Lore master, Congratz on early reterirement from Lore Legion, you did a great job!


Magus of Nothing
To be honest I agree with yoda. Although he may have been blowing his own whistle he writes well and, if given the chance, would help a ton.


Magus of Nothing
Although the same applies to almost all of us. I'm sure we would all like to write lore, I certainly would, and I think a new lore system is in order... For anything where there is no lore, us players write some, send it in as a proposal and then if it get declines, oh well. It would help so much more if the playerbase could really get involved with the lore.

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Also a Question, Legion you mentione a small update to all races, or big ones in some occasions, will we still get this?


Lord of House Hawklight
well Naelwyn wrote half the magick lore, so i'm sure he'll be able to contribute in that department