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Loyal Servant of Altera
So in my short time on this server I've noticed many people dislike everyone choosing to be the hero and how there need to be more dark/evil characters. However today I found out why that can be a hard thing to do, our bandit group attempted a raid on a town with 4 members online while we only had 3. Quickly things got out of hand when attacked by the defenders I retaliated and killed one earning myself a warning(which I believe if enough are given within a set time can result in a ban) thus one defender began to call out for help(all ooc as he accused us of meta gaming). Soon their numbers went from 4 to 12 leaving us extremely outnumbered. Many admins were called and much confusion was caused through everyone attempting to talk at the same time(some ooc some rp) and we just decided it would be best to leave.(Going to ignore the bit about me being attacked again.)Thus I make this thread merely asking for the option to add to the overall idea that we are in a medieval time. Thus I bring up raiding, I believe that this should be allowed to balance out the good/evil groups within the realm. (It is much harder to be evil when there are 6 "good" groups dedicated to wiping out an "evil" group.) Raiding would follow many of the same guidelines as War Rules dictates unplanned skirmishes between cities. Here are what (to me anyway) seem like fair rules for both sides.
1.The mayor or a notable person within the city must be present.(Notable meaning someone with substantial permissions within the city; Enable break, pvp, etc)

2. The defending city must have no less than 60% of the attacking force online to defend.(If you have four they must have 3, but if you have 6 they can have 4.)

3. A 10 minute warning must be given to the defenders allowing them ample time to set up ambushes an pre-war defenses.(This means 10 mins after all negotiations have been made.)

4. If the attacking force is less than 8 strong no one other than the defending city may aid in the defense of said city.(Seeing as the 60% rule is in effect their is at most a 3 man difference until 8.)

5. If attacking force is greater than 8 strong the city may ask from aid only from those they are allied to however the attacking force must be 80% of the new defending force.(This prevents 10 v 6 and 20 v 12 matches and keeps an Rp aspect that although you may have time to call for help there would not be enough time to assemble an entire defense force.)

6. Before battle the two initiating leader must agree upon item return. Whether it be none, yes, or yes with a price.(Depending on type of gear being used will most likely increase cost per person.)

7. Break must be turned on allowing the attackers to be able to attack.

8. Black flag placed in a position that can be walked to.(Can be behind walls, gates, etc. since break would be on.)

9. After death a character may not participate until raid has finished or an hour has passed.

10. Raid is successful if attackers are able to destroy and replace defenders flags or all defenders are dead at the same time.

11. Raid is unsuccessful if defenders kill all attackers or 30 mins have passed and their flag still stands(Raids are suppose to hit hard and fast 30 mins may still be too much time however this is incorporating large scale raids as well.)

12. If attackers win it must be decided before hand whether the attackers will be allowed 10 mins or if a sum shall be paid to attackers.(Sum should range from 3k to 15k depending on size and wealth of the city.)

13. If defenders lose they may be locked into a dungeon and put to trial or until an escape is attempted, or pay their dues to society.(Escape plan is an extremely fun thing I thought about while thinking up these rules depending on whether people like this or not I'll add more. Also their dues should be maybe be about 5k per life taken or be decided before raid.

14. Although the fight would be ooc(actual sword and bow attacks) the results would be Rp.(Much like the battles in GoC results are Rp and battles are Rp.)

15. Be aware that anything with a said base could be subject to a raid!

Ah well that seems to cover it pretty well and I know this will not be implemented immediately I just wish to have what I believe is a good idea up for discussion. Any feedback is greatly appreciated while outright close minded and rude comments will be deleted promptly. :D

Michaël Dirix

Legend of Altera
I logged on receiving news of three attacks on my town, I never received any warning for this.
you are just a bunch of rule breaking troublemakers.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I logged on receiving news of three attacks on my town, I never received any warning for this.
you are just a bunch of rule breaking troublemakers.
Yes I realize that we attacked quickly and without sufficient warning which is why I created this to avoid any future incidents like that one.


Lord of Altera
Technically raiding isn't the same as a War, but you must get permission from the mayor of a town to start a raid. Otherwise admins have to step in and it gets messy.


Loyal Servant of Altera
If you guys keep bickering over this I'll ban everyone who keeps whining :/ it's over, get over it.
Which is why I made this so that rules can be established for the future seeing as it is different from war time although everyone keeps posting the link to wartime.

Michaël Dirix

Legend of Altera
Which is why I made this so that rules can be established for the future seeing as it is different from war time although everyone keeps posting the link to wartime.
the wartime link is official and made by admins, that's why. A normal member of the server can't make these official rules and laws


Lord of Altera
Wow, cris just made an awesome post to prevent further confusion and you are all bickering about the past. This is very similar to War rules yes but a raid and seig are different things, as such I believe the rules should be different. If I meay give some suggestions to furthere the distinction here they are:
1. The percentages are a little confusing, I get where your coming from though, how bout defenders can have no less than two fewer members than the attackers. And reinfocments can only be had if a defender escapes on the towns boat or airship or such.
2. Instead of battling for control of the city (wich is what a seige is for) A raid should be for the stakes of reasources or destruction or such so maybe if the attackers win they get to destroy something and or raid some chests.

Just some ideas, I think there should be seperate raid rules, and for the record michael I let katrina know we were coming ahead of time (pretty sure your wife counts as an important figure)


Lord of Altera
I don't see how the War Time rules applies to this or how it allows sudden raids of towns, it doesn't. I specifically said in that thread that the houses need to agree on a battle. If you're gonna misread the rules, you have to accept fault.