Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Mogul of Cromarcky
So much blue text

but seriously, I would like to see some way that evil people could force some sort of violence on the general public in the northern kingdoms since you are absolutely correct, it's impossible to really do much of anything as a "bad guy."

I think it'd be nice, as it would force the "good" players to come together and fight the evil-doers. That'd be fun. Of course no one is going to allow pvp in the north, so oh well.


Lord of Altera
The bandits are already seen as bad guys since they're camping the SW spawn >_> they don't need to attack towns. And really it's like an RP death, if the player doesn't want to RP die, then they wont. If a town doesn't want to be attacked then they wont. Yes it's a problem for evil characters, it's the reason I don't attack towns anymore (that and admins attacking towns in RP is a baaad idea :p) so it's just something we have to deal with. Find some towns that are willing to be attacked for RP.

Also, demanding rads straight up is kinda dumb >_> try be a bit more classy during RP please?


Lord of Altera
Our RP characters aren't very classy. As for not wanting to be raided that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard (along with not wanting to die) you can't just say "I'm. Not gonna get raided/die to day" you can however run away


Lord of Altera
Our RP characters aren't very classy. As for not wanting to be raided that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard (along with not wanting to die) you can't just say "I'm. Not gonna get raided/die to day" you can however run away
I kinda agree with this. Its not really RP if you can just say "no". But i can understand why there are rules like this, i may not like them but i understand them


Lord of Altera
I agree with sally- finding towns that like the idea of a planned raid as an RP can be a very good thing, and can be extremely fun for both parties.
However, just deciding "oh, we're going to attack you today for no apparent reason" can lead to lots of unahppiness and general bans/warnings all around for the attacking party.
This is because most of us mayors simply play the game for the enjoyment of constructing a communnity and witnessing it's growth in real-time, through interactions with real people.
Having all that being torn apart because of some half-hazardly planned raid can lead to a lot of frustration, especially to those of us who would rather be left alone when it comes to violent outsiders.
So, yeah.
Please find towns willing to Rp with you, rather than deciding to attack whomever you please~


Loyal Servant of Altera
Lots of solid points
However, I believe it will add alot more depth seeing as medieval time sort of gives the picture of raids and chaos(while there are these rule implemented so that things are not entirely one sided.) and would open up more rp possibilities. One of which being the slayers which is a great idea for some very interesting rp and would be amplified if these slayers could take the hatred they had for "beasts' and attack one of their settlement or even the reverse where where syrien(sorry if I misused the plural this always confuses me) and/or nakat are angry and attack where the slayers are headquartered at.


Loyal Servant of Altera
The bandits are already seen as bad guys since they're camping the SW spawn >_> they don't need to attack towns. And really it's like an RP death, if the player doesn't want to RP die, then they wont. If a town doesn't want to be attacked then they wont. Yes it's a problem for evil characters, it's the reason I don't attack towns anymore (that and admins attacking towns in RP is a baaad idea :p) so it's just something we have to deal with. Find some towns that are willing to be attacked for RP.

Also, demanding rads straight up is kinda dumb >_> try be a bit more classy during RP please?
Mmm would kinda ruin the immersion if the bandits were very nice and classy wouldn't it also, let's not make this the bandit/spawn camping thread :D


Lord of Altera
Us bad guys strengthen your comunities by giving you a comon enemy. If you quite whining and worked together to survive everyone would have more fun


Lord of Altera
However, I believe it will add alot more depth seeing as medieval time sort of gives the picture of raids and chaos(while there are these rule implemented so that things are not entirely one sided.) and would open up more rp possibilities. One of which being the slayers which is a great idea for some very interesting rp and would be amplified if these slayers could take the hatred they had for "beasts' and attack one of their settlement or even the reverse where where syrien(sorry if I misused the plural this always confuses me) and/or nakat are angry and attack where the slayers are headquartered at.
Yes, our server is very open to evil, ideas, and overall immersion, however, there is one thing we hold above all else-


And, frankly, being attacked isn't fun.
Warnings and bans will continue to be handed out fairly if PVP is committed outside of the southern wilds without consent.

Michaël Dirix

Legend of Altera
Us bad guys strengthen your comunities by giving you a comon enemy. If you quite whining and worked together to survive everyone would have more fun
there's the GoC, the Harbringer, regular Grief attacks,...
I think there are enough common enemies. also, those enemies are official rp's=fun :D


Lord of Altera
As for the slayers-
I am one of those mayors who just wants to be left alone.
I don't want to have anything to do with them, so, I don't attack them.
I've foritifed my town so they can't get in.
And, even if they did get in, they couldn't do anything without fear of being banned/warned for wrongful PvP.

Michaël Dirix

Legend of Altera
As for the slayers-
I am one of those mayors who just wants to be left alone.
I don't want to have anything to do with them, so, I don't attack them.
I've foritifed my town so they can't get in.
And, even if they did get in, they couldn't do anything without fear of being banned/warned for wrongful PvP.
same for me, my character is human but multiple races live in Silverian lands.
I am however writing an rp story involving mobs raiding Caldwell.


Loyal Servant of Altera
there's the GoC, the Harbringer, regular Grief attacks,...
I think there are enough common enemies. also, those enemies are official rp's=fun :D
Yeah those are nice and fun but those minus GoC are all mostly against grief herself and although she is a serious threat it's not as if the time inbetween should be rainbows and lolipops people are going to rub elbows and disagree with each other.


Loyal Servant of Altera
More solid points which take me minutes to think of how to word my words to respond.
Ah while I could see this is a good point and this could lead me into editing some things about maybe a buyout as opposed to a raid so that you could pay (whether in resources or radiants) to appease said raiders. (Would most likely be less than the fee they would gain after raiding you.)


Lord of Altera
Queen Grief does have minions, by the way. She's not alone. They could be carrying out operations for her undercover, and you wouldn't know about it. They're(we're) rather secretive. And there is always people that are bad and not necessarily bandits around. Take Blarg, for example. He's often breaking the law and killing folk, but he's not raiding people's towns without consent of the mayor and causing a big cuffuffle. Then there's politics and racism(all in-character) in Port Silver, and at the end of the day there's almost always some sort of fight going on.

this is RP fighting, by the way.


Lord of Altera
As I have said, you must gain consent before PvPing in the Northern Kingdoms at all.

this is because, as I have said, most of us do not want to be attacked.
At all.
And if you do attack us, that is infringing on our sovereignty within our borders.

Do keep in mind that there are those out there who would welcome the RP, so long as you talked to them beforehand.
But, as I have said, warnings and bans will continue to be handed out for non-consented PvP.
And this is final.

Michaël Dirix

Legend of Altera
Ah while I could see this is a good point and this could lead me into editing some things about maybe a buyout as opposed to a raid so that you could pay (whether in resources or radiants) to appease said raiders. (Would most likely be less than the fee they would gain after raiding you.)
the NK are not the Southern Wilds, stay in your piece of the server if you wish to pvp hunt and raid


Lord of Altera
Hollow World tries to cater to everyone's needs for their ideas for fun.
For the PvP lovers, we have the southern wilds.
However, the Northern Kingdoms is reserved for RP, and building.
If a PvP event fits under consented RP, then it can be carried out in the NK.
However, just plain-old "I feel like killing today" is generally frowned upon.

In short- please stop your pleading, we've made it VERY clear that you are not, and will never be allowed to have unconsented PvP occur in the NK. Whether the intention is to RP or not, it still creates more problems than any good it could possibly do >.>