Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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weekly roleplay challenge


The original mute
Now I know you'll all be wondering, what is this? Well its a thread that is meant to help newer roleplayers in getting an idea of what to do next, and for more experienced roleplayers to get new ways of improving too. This is a challenege for everyone to take part in, and all to take something away from. I shall change the challenge every monday, and if you wish to suggest a challenge pm me on the forums.

This weeks challenge is: Avoid getting involved in roleplays that don't concern your character without a creative cause.

Examples: (bad:) you are a poor, untrained peasant walking around port silver. As you turn a corner you see a port silver guard arresting some, you run up, and attempt to save the person being arrested.
(Good:) same situation, however instead you walk up and ask the officer "anything I can do to help sir?" You then differ to his judgement.


Sounds good. I know youve been trying to let this happen for a while. I sometimes add in a few things like wind and a few other "Unnessacerry" visual actions just for the heck of it, but yeah.


Lord of Altera
Quick question.
By interacting could you be able to use your /fly command, if available, to scale a wall that would be able to be scaled, or does the Build Only rule still apply?


The original mute
If I was allowed to say I'd say yes, but since I'm not the build only rule still applies.


Lord of Altera
I agree with Mat on that one. Hopefully, if I possibly went anywhere with the Phoenix race, /flying would be incorporated more in RP.


Lord of Altera
I agree with Mat on that one. Hopefully, if I possibly went anywhere with the Phoenix race, /flying would be incorporated more in RP.
I can see major abuse to the rule, I.E. "I was just flying because I magically sprouted wings!"
Perhaps it could be an apply-able trait?


The original mute
That would work. But also you'd have to state before using fly something along these lines "(I'm about to use fly to climb this wall)" that would show for people checking logs.


King ForumStalker
The Syrie may only use flymod to "float" in the water, because it is impossible to roleplay in the water while trying to stay afloat otherwise. You can't travel in the water using flymod, Syrie or otherwise.


The original mute
The Syrie may only use flymod to "float" in the water, because it is impossible to roleplay in the water while trying to stay afloat otherwise. You can't travel in the water using flymod, Syrie or otherwise.
thats what i meant.


Lord of Altera
In response to what AJ said, and apologies for straying too far from the subject, but the phoenix would be able to fly. Obviously people wouldn't run around saying that they'd just sprouted wings- they already had them. And, of course, they would only be used in roleplaying circumstances, as Itzza said.


King ForumStalker
In response to what AJ said, and apologies for straying too far from the subject, but the phoenix would be able to fly. Obviously people wouldn't run around saying that they'd just sprouted wings- they already had them. And, of course, they would only be used in roleplaying circumstances, as Itzza said.
Phoenixes do not currently exist, your argument is invalid.


The White Mage
you are only allowed to fly if you are building, the syrie are also allowed for rp.
I thought it meant that you could only "climb" buildings that you yourself had built... How silly i am, cheers for the clarification!