Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Roleplay, The Hall Of Fame!


We demons of our solemn hour
Okay.. Would everyone posting a third vote please vote for someone else
no voting on people in the hall

Some others


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
(People voted for me what is this madness?!)

Pretty baws and absolutely awesome in RP combat.


Lord of Altera
My favourite demon, followed closely by wakerman4.

Oh, and about demons... *hint hint*


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Soooo many choices... Gaaaahhh.
I'm going to have to say Seth_Jenkins.
For a rather beautiful Dwarven dialect, and some very witty RPs.


Roleplay keeper
Mother of god..
Well I love rp'ing with, NinjaiKotoba, Blargh, Jeroxia
Jstar, Chaotic, Vestigial_Limb, Scoot, and a lot of other people :p And Karasu of course!
They're all amazing rp'ers..
>:3 and to add ontop of all of it.. Matyio is the right person to rp with, in ANY situations.. You can't find a more unqiue rp'er ;w;