Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Race transformation through magic?


Toa_Key said:
they can make worlds? Then how come race change isnt possible @~@ mass confuzion!
"...the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" -some guy on a space ship

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
I will repeat myself...
Somebody WAS allowed to do this , they had to ask admins and got permission. Seeing as they where aloud, I presume you are.
BUT you have to ask Fitz/Itzza/etc and provide a good backstory.
I may be wrong but know for sure someone has done this fairly recently!


I will repeat myself...
Somebody WAS allowed to do this , they had to ask admins and got permission. Seeing as they where aloud, I presume you are.
BUT you have to ask Fitz/Itzza/etc and provide a good backstory.
I may be wrong but know for sure someone has done this fairly recently!
That person was kk. A one of a kind item allowed human to nakam. Either way its probably not going to happen again.


Retired Staff
You can ask the loremasters (Naelwyn & Itzzaboy) about it, but it's really best to apply for the Syrie spot while it's still open.