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Weapons Of Altera


The Mogul of Cromarcky


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Was made by a demon, god, or some other otherworldly being
Naelwyn count?

Is a demon, god, or some otherworldly being in weapon form, or trapped in a weapon
Rumor has it, Basil's a demon and part of his soul is Blaze

Cuts through nearly anything
Basil will often claim that his sword is sharp as, if not sharper, than a scalpel

Can limitlessly absorb/redirect/dispell magic or other energy
Heh, apparently what Blaze is made of is very, very magic resistant material. But it's a sword, too thin to really block anything with it....


The Mogul of Cromarcky
I guess.. I have boring weapons.. I win!
I should probably elaborate instead of making sarcastic remarks about people's OP weaponry.

The point I was making is that Super-Amazing-God-Swords are boring. So many people have these kinds of insanely powerful weapons that they are now commonplace. It's more rare to find nonmagical swords, which is simply ridiculous.

Take pride in your ability to roleplay without a crutch.


Lord of Altera
Better yet, yes be in love with your weapon! But still have it be an average non god like blade. Give it a backstory and everything but have it just be normal in physicality.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Eminu wields Hearthblade.
It looks as your standard blade of Golden metals, with engravings around the hilt. It has to be constantly upkept by Eminu, lest it grow dull or break.
Hearthblade was her adoptive fathers, passed through their family, and Eminus only heirloom. She has only taken two lives with it- And if you are slain by Hearthblade, know that you were dear to Eminu.
It is a blade meant for fighting, but spent most of its time sitting above the family Hearth it symbolizes, before Eminu took it with her when she 'left home'.


Lord of Altera
I like how I lost to my own post. :p I guess I dont have such a plain weapon. But the sharpness thing, It dulls she just always sharpens it again.

And it cuts through most things so not everything, but I get the point.


Lord of Altera
I should probably elaborate instead of making sarcastic remarks about people's OP weaponry.

The point I was making is that Super-Amazing-God-Swords are boring. So many people have these kinds of insanely powerful weapons that they are now commonplace. It's more rare to find nonmagical swords, which is simply ridiculous.

Take pride in your ability to roleplay without a crutch.
Doesn't matter.. I win! :D


Lord of Altera
This seems to be the best place to ask this...But how advanced can weapons be? I mean can one have a weapon that folds up somewhat? Like folds down to a third of its size?.


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
Hey my name is Daeron/Triton and this is my weapon called Starlight/Maelstrom
And it looks like Coming soon and it does nothing much really, they're just fine weapons (One of them reaves the souls of the living and uses it to empower the blade! No, just joking..)


Lord of Altera
One of Darko's many weapons: Black Fury.

Here's a rather good picture:

Black Fury was originally found by Darko in one of the forgotten passages of the old Cove. Believing it to be the Cove's old rogue master's cutlass, he took it as his own. It's extremely light weight allows Darko to swing it at intense speed. The Black Steel it's made of matches Darko's dagger Shadow Slicer. Most people in coversation with Darko don't know that the cutlass is actually with him at the time, he keeps it hidden beneath his cloak at most times.


Lord of Altera
Hey there! Pleasure to meet you! My name doesn't really matter, all you need to know is that I'm no one worth thinking twice about. Possibly one of the few things interesting about me is my blade. It's a short dagger, but quite well-made. My father gave it for me for my sixteenth birthday. It was prayed over by my entire family, and supposedly has the blessing of Jax upon it. Not sure if I believe that though... It really doesn't have a name. I'm waiting for it to actually do something amazing before giving it a name. Anyhow, this is it:

(How's that? Note: My character lost this dagger almost as soon as he came to Altera. He hopes to get it back one day...)


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Legion has used for a long time a sword called Vaderung.
Yes it is special.
But in regards to sword-liness, its just a diamond sword, that has been well forged and well enchanted (I.E. it has sharp v, KB II, fire 2, unbr 3)

What makes it special is its use as Legion's only real way to use magic. Without a conduit or an aether vyrden, Legion requires the use of a an artifical channel to cast magic, and even then is severely limited in his ability, as he cannot cast the first strike. All energy has to come from somewhere else.

This particular sword was created by using the Twilight Rift Construct.
None of you know what that is. Most likely none of you will XD
Tis my secret.


Magus of Nothing
So, what we do is stick every mage in altera next to legion and just continously power him up...

All praise the God-Emperor?