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Well this one i had to put some thaught into before i typed it up.
Here is the situation. Sakora and her Brother Silver were having a conversation about the legged being corrupt, and savages when a point was made about legged children.
A legged child is often pure, but what if one was to be raised by a Syrien? What would happen then?

Why would i play this role?
This role is a rather unique one. It will be one of the exceptions where you can play a legged character and not be completely hated by the Syrien, but not in a situation where you are forced to be a servant/slave to them. The character will be treated as one of the race. By Sakora at least, and then those who she convinces that your "Pure". However if the child is rebellious and fails and Sakora takes the fall for it, it may end badly, for both party.

Some information on this role:

  • This is a long term role, the child in question will live with Sakora and will only progress/age when both myself and the whoever gets this position agrees. Please don't apply if you don't want this to be a long term role.
  • Your actions will affect the success of this project.
  • The child needs to be of a suitable age, preferably lower than 8
  • You wont be taught Sewade, the child will use common. (Unless you have a Syrie character already and this would be one of your alts.)
  • Earthspawn and Greylings aren't liked by Sakora, thus she would avoid one.
  • The character will be raised in a Syrie home with Syrien morals and beliefs
  • The water blessed trait is recommended.
  • The character wont be too heavily restricted. Whilst the Syrie lifestyle will be forced upon the character in one way or another, you will have freedom to play the character however you like. Although the end goal will most likely result in a child that hates "other legged".
  • It will be fun, i promise.
To apply, please fill in the application as follows:
Identifying Marks:
Weaknesses and fears:
Have you read the Syrien Lore:
Have you Role played with the Syrien before:
What is your interest with this role:

Any questions then please ask. This may be changed/added to but not without good reason. Suggestions are welcome. Thanks!

A quick side note, i do recommend with all characters, that this may be an alt. I am in the GMT timezone so this role may be a little difficult to play outside of that.


Anyone can abbeh!

Although If you did, my alt is your Child, and your alt would be my child... Thats A strange thaught!


I've modified the main post a bit, and added a few more bits of information to it. I do recommend that this is an ALT character for someone but it isn't totally unnecessary as i wont confine the child to Okeanos or Alsaga all of the time.

Also if you don't have to make an entirely new character. If you have a relatively young child character that you think might work for this role then you may use that. I say that because it may have a better effect in RP, with people knowing the child already and being able to see the potential change in them. That and i know some people hate killing characters... I do too.


Child RP is very fun. This will remain open for a while either way. This RP can't start until Sakora asks Queen Abbey for approval on this


Lord of Altera
Need anything else?Just ask. It's my alt:

Name: Galan Perydew
Nickname/Alias: Galan (or sometimes Gal)
Age: 8 in human years ( profile sayss otherwise)
Gender: Male
Race: Halfling
Height:0.56 metres
Weight: 30 pounds
Hair: Ginger/red,
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Pale Pink
Identifying Marks: Always carries a book
Strengths: Good with words, and poetry. Loves to read and write, sometimes draw. Can trick with riddles.
Weaknesses and fears: Shouting,bugs,demons,greylings, Dwarves, and a lot of other things.
Not much to say here..
He was brought up an only, and normal child,smiling,playing, reading and learning. His mother always sat and sew, his father always cooked, until one day..
(On the 19th September 2012) He ventured with his parents into the dangerous grounds of Port Silver. Galan was allowed to explore a shop by himself, but the second he turned around - they were gone. He didn't laugh,nor play,nor fight. He asked the adults around,he asked his only friend and asked his friend's friend! No - they were gone - suspected never to return. Orphaned, he is looking for some safety.

Galan is quite a shy person, he likes to keep to himself,though if he has friends he is not afraid to hold big parties. Oftern you will find him sitting in the sun engrossed in a book. He has never met a syrien before, and he'd probably be scared of one at first sight - but I'm sure that would conclude. He isn't very familiar with the world, and still has much to learn about places,people and the fact not everything is perfect...

Have you read the Syrien Lore: Aye..
Have you Role played with the Syrien before:Aye!
What is your interest with this role: Currently, my halfling character either stays afk, or randomly walking around, because nobody talks to him, and he isn't the person to go up and talk to random people.


Need anything else?Just ask. It's my alt:

Name: Galan Perydew
Nickname/Alias: Galan (or sometimes Gal)
Sorry for the late response, i think this is all good. I'm going to leave this open until i have Role played with abbey about this at least in case there is further interest.
Does this character have a waterblessed spirit or is he normal?


Magus of Nothing
Well, all the types of kin normally makes itself evident at puberty. I think. So it could be water-blessed :p


Freya, I'm approving you for this role!

Also a little side note, this is still open. A Female Character slot for this is still open. As part of the experiment that is being done here, Gender is a factor that Sakora wants to observe, s yes she will be adopting a Female child as well as a male.


The original mute
Welp, guess I'm not going to have fun in this role then. Ah well, Freya have fun it looks like a great experience. And before anyone asks, my last attempt to rp as a woman ended disastrously.


The original mute
Lets just say the end result was me being chased out of that community by all of the women, and a few of the guys... Something about "you don't portray a real woman, just a man in woman's clothing" it still kinda hurts... Ah well hollowworld is a much better community anyway.