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Silverline - New plant proposal

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  • May be good eventually, but needs WAY more work before implementation.

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Lord of Altera
As in, click the encyclopaedia section of the wiki and you'll see the plants there. Of course, a sub-section in there would be nice.


Lord of Altera
Oh! Crafting recipe for silverline! You can use lily pads renamed "Silverline" using an anvil to represent Silverline. Or, if you feel like being cheap.. ( ;_; ) you can just pretend to have some..


Lord of Altera
Nonono, taking it to the anvil is what turns it into Silverline, because otherwise it doesn't work.
You can decide that bit, flowie :p


King ForumStalker
Okay, i've had a read through, and while I'm all for increasing the amount of description regarding flora and fauna in roleplay, i'm not exactly sure recreational drug use is what we were aiming for. I'm sure you can understand the implications of that sort of thing on a PG-13 server. Alchohol is fine because it is legal and pretty much commonplace, the same with tobacco (If you want to make an alteran variant, go for it!)

I'm also pro-herbalists, and I'd be more than willing to trawl through pages of plant writings so that we can have accurate descriptions of the plants and flowers you can find in the world.


Would the server have a rating? Minecraft does but nothing the server does would effect the game rating and most of the RP is text based which isn't rated is it? So someone naming a lilypad a made up drug that isn't in the actual game wouldn't conflict with PG 13? or do I have it all wrong?


Lord of Altera
Then there's the RP involved with it, remember. I was actually hoping this would be accepted, due to something I had planned for the demon lore.


Lord of Altera
To be honest, as drugs go this has less of an impact on your health (significantly less) than alcohol or tobacco. It doesn't permanently harm any of your vital organs except slight wear on your liver, unlike both of those, and if it existed in real life I can almost guaruntee it'd be legal. Take that into consideration-alcohol, tobacco, and even caffeine are all recreational-use drugs. The only difference is that they're allowed in most countries.


Lord of Altera
The reason I point that out is because if someone were trying to put marijuana into the server, I'd agree with you. Putting things that are illegal should not be allowed. But Silverline is not marijuana, nor is it meant to be a representation of it. It's meant to be, if anything, a human version of catnip.


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
I would quite like to see more people suggesting plants. It is something that isnt seen that often.


Lord of Altera
Make another thread like this, get in touch with the loremasters, that's pretty much how it works methinks. Or you just send them the proposed lore, I'm not sure.