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Silverline - New plant proposal

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  • May be good eventually, but needs WAY more work before implementation.

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King ForumStalker
Make another thread like this, get in touch with the loremasters, that's pretty much how it works methinks. Or you just send them the proposed lore, I'm not sure.
Either works.

I would quite like to see more people suggesting plants. It is something that isnt seen that often.

Would the server have a rating? Minecraft does but nothing the server does would effect the game rating and most of the RP is text based which isn't rated is it? So someone naming a lilypad a made up drug that isn't in the actual game wouldn't conflict with PG 13? or do I have it all wrong?
When I say PG13 I means sticking to what a 13 year old would be expected to know and experience. Sure a lot of 13 year olds know about illegal substances in this day and age but to imitate actually taking them is a step too far imo.

Don't get me wrong, it's well written and that's the only issue I have with it. If Fitz or the management team feel that i'm wrong then they can overrule me, i'm just making sure that everything is stated.


Lord of Altera
I would like to reiterate: I don't see how someone roleplaying as using tobacco or alcohol is better than this; in fact it seems even worse in my opinion. This plant is not a controlled substance, nor is it even that similar. I don't think that this plant will in any way educate our younger players about drugs, or encourage their use. And, on top of it all, at least in my area most people know and understand the detriments/dangers of drugs by the time they're done with middle school, so essentially by the age of 13, due to in-school education about them and family talks on the matter. I honestly don't believe Silverline conflicts with our server's age and material rating.

When I say PG13 I means sticking to what a 13 year old would be expected to know and experience. Sure a lot of 13 year olds know about illegal substances in this day and age but to imitate actually taking them is a step too far imo.
As I've been pointing our again and again: this is not an illegal substance, nor is it meant to represent one in some sort of sneaky way. It is a unique plant, unrelated to any known controlled substances.


King ForumStalker
It's nothing to do with the education. It's the fact that we are emulating that within a game and that such activites can affect the brain in a way to make it seem okay.


Lord of Altera
Edited to explain how silverline works in-game. It can be represented by lily pads, which must be harvested and then processed with an anvil to change the name to "Silverline" in order to be used as such.


Lord of Altera
Oh, on another note: I think that there would be a balance of people in-game who's characters would disapprove of using silverline, and who would actively discourage using it during RP. So having it in-game does not mean that we encourage drugs in real life any more than allowing bandits and pirates to maraude and kill in game means we encourage marauding and killing in real life.


Lord of Altera
Actually, we wouldn't be dealing it. :p All will be revealed in the upcoming lore(hopefully)!


King ForumStalker
That same "Official lore guy" is still listening in and you can still ask him questions as opposed to bickering with each other :p


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
There is irony in the use of the catnip-like analogy. Catnip does effect humans but in a different way to cats.


Lord of Altera
I think what flowie is trying to say is; Silverline does the same to humans as catnip does to Nakam. Thus, not being allowed Silverline would be rather unfair, especially if the Nakam have catnip.