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the death of Michael Silverian

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Michaël Dirix

Legend of Altera
because of the dragon rp events that are currently being worked on, I'm thinking about letting someone kill Michael Silverian.
if you would like to do this, please apply here.
give your rp name, reason and the way you would kill Michael.
I'd also like to know if you want your character killed together with mine, or afterwards by the dragon or Kataja (I'd rather be chased by the dragon :p)

Sigurd Selmon

Lord of Altera
Okay, you know I have to say here: Challenge excepted :p

RP name: Reltimus Selmon (But you already knew that)
Reason: My char thinks he is a tyrant plus he would do it for Kataja and to clear his own name
Way to kill Michael: Well, since Relt is exiled from Sliverian lands, he could go to Silverwatch, looking for Kataja and Michael attacks him, one thing leads to another and Michael dies

Sigurd Selmon

Lord of Altera
So, heres the plan, me and louis break Jeroxia out, then, aided by Kharn, The Birdman and Dav'id (Who we also brake out along with Jeroxia) kill him :p


Lord of Altera
if it has to be that way it has to be sowhat epic
so everyone remembers
pushing him off somewhere is not very epic, and not worthy for that character
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