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Servants – The Syrien Prisoners ~ Character Option


Official Alteran
Name: reelru (sorry abbey for trying so hard :p )
Nickname/Alias: most of her so called "friends" call her by her birth name, but people also refer to her as, "demon girl" referring to her scar, and pointy ears.
Gender: female
Age: 16
Race: elf
Height: 5 foot 3 inches
Weight: 58 lbs
Eyes: dark green
Skin: pale
Identifying marks: her pointed ears, branding her as an elf, and a scar across her left eye, reaching from an inch below her hairline to beside her lip.
Appearance: reelru is a sixteen year old girl who is lower class, and not respected by most. She may appear to others as a slave, or an orphan (two people have tried to turn her into the orphanage) she is an orphan, but refuses to go to an orphanage because of the fear of not belonging
Strengths: reelru is fast and sneaky, and as a child spent most of her time spying on others, so now she is normally very stealthy. She can fight in a situation, but prefers to take her time carefully aiming with a bow, as to not get caught.
Weaknesses and fears: she is very shy and has the most awful social skills I think you will ever see. This is mostly because people tend to stay away from her because an elf with a huge scar just isn't normal. She is also bad with direction in places she's never been, and tends to get in very interesting situations wandering around port silver.
Religions and cults: mostly believes in all gods, and respects them as a normal person would.
Profession: she is studying (waiting for application) in kinetomagery
Back story:
starting from pre-amnesia life then continuing from there
school is ending soon, I can't wait for the run home. Ha, like I'd want that, running away from insults and jeers, just because a boy happened to collapse near me. Sure, I was thinking that i hoped he would die, but that couldn't happen. Thoughts aren't real life. I only wanted him to die because I am fed up with this nastiness. All because of laterns flickering out, and a couple minor explosions. No one got hurt, until the boy. Oh dear, the bell tower has rung. Quick! Grab your bags and run! Ouch! Rocks, hitting me from all angles, and I turned around, to face them. The rocks stopped, the other children probably were surprised I stopped. Usually don't stop until I'm safe at home. I said some nasty things then, and then I walked home, leaving their stunned faces behind me. Later at night I heard footsteps, perhaps my parents? No wait, a gag flew into my mouth and I was tied up almost instantly. The boy who had collapsed had a knife, and a big one. He brought it down over my left eye, and I could not see anymore. The rest was a blur, all I remember was being put in a sack, being dragged and wetness. Lots of wet. I could not say exactly how long I starved, in that flour bag. About four lights I was councious for, and the rest I may never know.

The day of light hit my window, as I woke up. I had a dream about my past again, this time of the knife. It wasn't pleasant so I shall spare you of the knowledge. I have forgotten my past, and probably for the better. As I walked outside I saw the mayor of my small town, quick hide! I haven't payed my rent just yet, and I was actually off to go to port silver to get some money. I quickly boarded the boat leaving for port silver. It was a small boat, and I hoped nothing would happen on the journey. All of a sudden a few days into the journey, a terrible storm rolled in and with it some very big fish in the waters. I believe I saw someone fall, as I saw a spalsh and a face in the water. Oh dear, those weren't faces, or fish, but not fish at all... Oh god, Some were climbing onto the boat with their slippery, wet bodies. One, which all the others seemed to be following me as I ran- more slipped to get away. She reached out for me and I screamed loudly as lightning hit the boat. As she pulled me away my right side and back ripped open from the rough wood of the ships deck. The blonde fish human had a purple tail, and a simple crown. I reached out and screamed for help, but the other passengers were all running away. Most ones being dragged into the water died quickly I could tell. As my captor dragged me away from the ship I screamed and yelled. We fell into the water, and the last thing I remember was her looking at me and saying "hm. I think I shall keep you demon girl."
personality: reelru is very shy and can't look people in the eye very well. She is also insecure and was already broken before she was captured. Whenever someone's mad at her all she can say is "I apologize" and nothing else. She is very humble, modest and thinks lowly of herself. She is also very awkward around guys, and when they might corner her, (it's happened before) she can get snappy.

EDIT: you can kill her if you really want to but I'd prefer if you almost killed her. Hence the "almost" please. And honestly I could stay with this role for about four months to three months, maybe longer.


Lord of Altera
By the way, Abbey, and feel free to delete this if you think it spam, perhaps if you cannot decide on who to have as a servant you could host a forum RP, as with the race applications? They'd only have to be small, I'm more than happy to supply you a second opinion if needed.


Lord of Altera
Rose Ayne
Wood Elf
Unknown (if it is really needed I shall give one)
Medium Brown
Dark purple
Identifying Marks:
Dark Purple eyes
Has long-ish hair, side fringe that comes slightly over her face, a top with short sleeves across her arms (light brown-ish top) and grey long pants
Fast and strong
Weaknesses and fears:
Religion and cults:
None, enjoys some hunting and archery
The strong wind is catching well in the sails, making us travel at high speeds, I’m looking for a place to restart, because everything seems so different now. A fine mist is draped over the horizon and the waves are large, spraying me with a fine coat of water.
After Mother died, I left to live on my own. Recently, I found out of my Father’s death, but also found my Uncle. I don’t like to travel, but I have to find somewhere to start fresh, build a life of my own, with a family and a business. I’ll be happy, then.
The boat is tipping, I think we've hit something. Everyone is jumping overboard, I’m scared now, I don’t what to do, so I copy everyone else, put something grabs me as I hit the water, and pulls me into the murky depths…
Loud and always trying to pick fights, not scared by most things, confident sometimes a bit emo and she never gives up on something if she wants it


Official Alteran
I hope I can get this. *whispers to self* I got this I got this... Phew this would be a great rp experience


Loyal Servant of Altera
Name: Mevolent Ayne

Nickname/Alias: Mev.

Age: 127 (Human years)

Gender: Male

Race: Elf

Height: 6'9"

Weight: 139 kg

Hair: Straight dark brown hair peppered with some blonde.

Eyes: A deep, strong dark blue.

Skin: Slightly tanned with a few scars from wars and encounters with bandits/mercenaries

Identifying Marks: A large scar on his back.

Appearance: Mevolent has a rather large muscular frame. He has a devilishly handsome face, he usually has a relaxed look on him. He usually towers over people and intimidates most.

Strengths: He is well built for almost any challenge, he can use almost any weapon with deadly precision and strength. Is rather fast for his height and build.

Weaknesses and fears: Not that agile. Fears for his brother and only what after death scares him

Religion and cults: None.

Profession: Mercenary, doing what ever jobs he can for money. Recently he had survived a fire, loosing one of his brothers in it, he had to fight off bandit group after bandit group to get the information from a new "friend".

After finding myself going to different towns each day looking for a bed and food, I eventually found my brother, Arvellon. He gave me food, a bed, and warm house. I only found him after I survived a fire in an inn, I lost my other brother in the fire, Naruon. After searching for so long I had found him, life was so good. But his brother was going somewhere, he told me about a journey across the sea escorting a caravan, I was going to meet him in the town that they were going to dock at. I took the next ship, I waited 3 days for it. The ship docked the next day and took its cargo off and put new cargo back on. I had talked to the captain of the ship and asked if I could tag along, he said sure as long as I helped around on the ship and paid a bit of a fee for food. I paid and after a few hours we were off, we left the dock, the sea was the limit for now. We rode under cloudy skies, the weather turned on us and a storm bellowed. I was below deck waiting the storm out. Above I heard the captain yelling orders, he was getting louder commanding the crew. There was a snap of wood and a bright light streaked in front of my eyes, I was blinded and there was such a loud blast of sound, the next thing I new I was in the water slowly falling, deeper and deeper. I closed my eyes hoping it would all go away, I kept on falling. I felt hands grab onto me, and I was moving forward well...what I thought was forward. I somehow was breathing, I was alive! I woke up chained in some cave, I groaned and tested the chains. Looks like I was staying here for a while.
Relaxed and kind unless he is provoked to be otherwise. He is intelligent and will assess the situation before acting. He is used to tough situations/surroundings and shows a strong and resilient character. He will get stressed if there is a mountain load of pressure put on him. He otherwise is a happy go lucky person who is laid back and relaxed.

Note: I'd Like to keep Mevolent alive C: Thanks.


Lord of Altera
I'm closing this for now.

It has been stressing me out. :/
(Led me to say some stupid things on TS from frustration, which isn't like me at all.)

I'm going to free all the current ones, and allow you to keep some of the RP things. My apologies that I didn't enter this idea well.
It is a good idea. I just didn't put enough time before starting it. No one had anything to do. My bad.. I've been getting grumpy because I've been pestered. :D

Hope you understand!

I'll reopen if I feel like it.

The slave thing just has brought so much extra drama to my race. I'll unlock this for questions.