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the death of Michael Silverian

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Alteran Cryptid and Renowned Hat-wearer
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
How could I decline such an offer? :D

RP name: Kharn Sicarus
Reason: My Char thinks you are a tyrant, evil, and all around bad. :p To put simply.
Way to kill Michael: Well, as you know Kharn is an Assassin. So it could bet that someone has put a contract on you.
Or he could team up with Reltimus. Anything really.

Michaël Dirix

Legend of Altera
How could I decline such an offer? :D

RP name: Kharn Sicarus
Reason: My Char thinks you are a tyrant, evil, and all around bad. :p To put simply.
Way to kill Michael: Well, as you know Kharn is an Assassin. So it could bet that someone has put a contract on you.
Or he could team up with Reltimus. Anything really.
all right, but would you accept Aeroch to burn xd


Alteran Cryptid and Renowned Hat-wearer
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
Well you can try.

But good luck burning the city of STONE. >: )


Lord of Altera
RP name: Andras Natrizi'ma
Reason: My Char hates everyone, Plus your corpse wil be reanimated (when my plans go through)
Way to kill Michael: I am going to stab you in the heart with my Rapier then nail your corpse to caldwells wall, with "Regards from Arcturus" on it to create another blood feud and the only assassin in Arcturus is Reltimus so I am in the claer until I admit to it

Michaël Dirix

Legend of Altera
RP name: Andras Natrizi'ma
Reason: My Char hates everyone, Plus your corpse wil be reanimated (when my plans go through)
Way to kill Michael: I am going to stab you in the heart with my Rapier then nail your corpse to caldwells wall, with "Regards from Arcturus" on it to create another blood feud and the only assassin in Arcturus is Reltimus so I am in the claer until I admit to it
will Arcturus accept dragon raids?
I like that idea

Michaël Dirix

Legend of Altera
Overlord, because you literally ruined rp's in the past, I don't want to rp with you anymore= 0%=nimmer=never

this is the idea so far: a horde of enemies including Aeroch's guild, Arcturians,....


Loyal Servant of Altera
Eh you migh not like us either but here goes.
RP name: Lucius Catus
Reason: There is clear bad blood between us bandit s and you merchants just needing a robbing
Way to kill Michael: Us bandits are having a nice drink in the pub when you walk in harsh words used arrogance and a feeling of being better than us would help. You leave we follow you into an alley and we "have an interesting discussion."(there would most likely be 3 bandits available for this encounter.)


Lord of Altera
RP name: Darten Dareanage
Reason: Darten is an Assassin as well as a good friend with Reltimus... He is really pissed that Reltimus may be giving up his chances with Kataja, so Darten wants the Tyrant Michael dead
Way to Kill Michael: Try and talk it over; when that doesn't work, Darten will simply fight Michael, resulting in Darten plugging his sword into Michael's chest, then ripping off his limbs, tearing out his guts, and throwing him off a cliff to the sharks.... Sound good?


Lord of Altera
RP name: Andras Natrizi'ma
Reason: My Char hates everyone, Plus your corpse wil be reanimated (when my plans go through)
Way to kill Michael: I am going to stab you in the heart with my Rapier then nail your corpse to caldwells wall, with "Regards from Arcturus" on it to create another blood feud and the only assassin in Arcturus is Reltimus so I am in the claer until I admit to it

There is also me and Deathmoron in Arcturus


sparkles emoji
RP name: Kairo Sarcos Silverian
Reason: I just really like to RP, so maybe someone can like hypnotize him and make him turn into super bamf assassin? Heh. Michael's own advisor killing him. And it's not even by his own will. xD
Way to kill Michael: I would take out my tomahawk and fight you to the death and then THIS IS SPARTA you off the Stormbringer and I would after wake up from my hypnotizing and then realize my terrible mistake. Pretty epic, eh? :p
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