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Welp, guess I'm not going to have fun in this role then. Ah well, Freya have fun it looks like a great experience. And before anyone asks, my last attempt to rp as a woman ended disastrously.
How so Matyio? I do imagine this being a whole bunch of fun, its definatley a unique role of sorts. A legged living the Syrien lifestyle. Its such a shame you don't have an alt.


The original mute
I was more talking about the girl part ninja, also I could get one at the end of the month if I have enough after buying something else. To be fair though, Freya should have a lot of fun in this role, as should you.


The original mute
Name: Lucina Reed
Nickname/Alias: lucy
Age: 3
Gender: female
Race: human
Height: 2ft 6”
Weight: 28lb
Hair: Lightish brown
Eyes: a light shade of green
Skin: in-between pale, and tanned
Identifying Marks: Always carries a cuddly toy with her, a rabbit she calls octi
Appearance: a short thin girl, her usual attire is of a modest red and pink dress.
Strengths: Being so young means she only has her innocence as a strength.
Weaknesses and fears: She fears talking to any human or earthspawn because of a past event that has not left her memory. Is very shy, and will often attempt to hide behind octi when she doesn’t like the person.
Religion and cults: she currently follows no religion, though if she were to be influenced by someone who takes up a parenting figure to her, then she may be swayed.
Profession: At this young age she has no profession.

Backstory: Lucina Reed’s tale is one of misfortune. Her father being killed in a war now long forgotten, and her mother dying giving birth to her meant she grew up in an orphanage, devoid of any real love or care there she started to fear adults, believing them to be evil creatures, and this added to her already shy nature. She lived a mere two years at the orphanage, which despite being a place to stay, was no home. Half way through her second year, and unbeknownst to her, a deal was made with a rich nobleman to have her kidnapped under the premise of being adopted, to be a slave. At the end of her second year of life, that happened. At first she felt relief at leaving the stuffy orphanage, but soon she regretted it.
Her new masters forced her to do backbreaking work, carrying around coal sacks twice her size and weight. She was made to clean all the chimneys at the manor she was enslaved, all 20 of them twice a week. The only solace she got from this was when her master took her on a boat trip with him. One of the others servants chose the moment mid way through the trip to give her a toy rabbit, which lucina named octi. Two months into the trip the ship was attacked and boarded by another armed vessel, they called themselves the “freedm for all sailors” and took every slave off the rich mans ship, leaving him with no crew and no hope of sailing safely to anywhere. They tried to comfort Lucina with gifts of sweets and love, but she clung to the made who had given her octi’s leg the whole 2 day journey to the capital of the northern kingdoms, Port Silver.
Three months passed before another tragic event occurred, mia, the maid who had gifted octi to Lucina came ill, and eventually died of an unknown disease. When men from a nearby orphanage came to take her to their orphanage, she ran. She promised herself she would not go back to the cold walls of an orphanage, she now wanders the streets of port silver, not trusting any folk who walk on land, but taking a keen interest in those who swim the seas.
Have you read the Syrien Lore: yes, I have
Have you Role played with the Syrien before: Several times
What is your interest with this role: I want to A; learn more about syrien roleplay. B; try a new roleplay without sacrficing xenai and C; I want to see what its like to roleplay a child

also may want to hold the gun on this one, I've heard from kk that he wants to apply too so wait till he's done that then compare.


Adorable according to Michcat
Name: Stella Isumi
Nickname/Alias: None at this point in time
Age: Four
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height: 3 feet, 4 inches
Weight: 46 pounds
Hair: Short, Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Fair
Identifying Marks: A birthmark on the upper back
Appearance: Believing herself a Syrie, she adorns herself with clothing that makes her look like a duo-fin. One flaw is that her feet still protrude, revealing her human origins. She refuses to walk around without top clothing, so she resigns herself to covering her chest with rags, or if she is lucky she will use seashells.
Strengths: For a human her swimming is top-notch. She is also somewhat skilled at crafting small trinkets for her friends and family.
Weaknesses and fears: She cannot walk well on land due to nerve damage from prolonged water contact, and although her swimming is extremely fast for a human it is not enough to keep up with the other Syrien resulting in a crippling fear of being left behind.
Backstory: Christine Myling walked through a plain near her home, tears streaming down her face, holding her newborn daughter who was playing with Christine's hair. Upon reaching a river she tied the little girl to a nearby tree with a rope and started to work. She had brought several items with her for this most regrettable task. She began weaving a small, oblong basket out of reeds growing on the bank, being sure to tighten them often. Every once in awhile the infant would whine or cry, prompting Christine to go over and comfort her little girl. After several hours she pulled some pieces of leather from her pack, along with some slimeballs. She smears three slimeballs on one side of the leather, adhering it to the outside of the basket, banging on it as hard as she can without shattering the thing. By this time night was beginning to fall and the baby had fallen asleep. Christine put some wool inside the basket, set her daughter inside, and set the basket adrift without waking the child. Christine made her way home, sobbing because she knew that she had likely given her daughter to die. The basket eventually made its way to the sea where it was tossed and turned in the surf. After about a day the small ark washed up on the beach of Alsaga. The baby's crying grabbed the attention of Sakora Isumi who immediately moved to investigate. She peered inside the tiny boat to see the tiny legged girl. Sakora immediately took the child and her vessel to Queen Abbey Oceana for counsel. Abbey had been curious about the rearing of humans, so she asked Sakora to raise the child as her own with specific instruction to have the girl believe herself a Syrie. Eventually Sakora settled on the name Stella because her eyes resembled a starry night.
Personality: Fully reliant on her mom, Sakora, Stella is almost never seen without her "mommy". The life of a Syrie is so ingrained in her mind she gets very insulted if you even imply she is anything but a Syrie. The love she has for her family and other Syrien is made evident by the constant flow of handmade gifts she gives them. Lately she has been trying her hand at gem cutting but usually winds up shattering the jewels, sometimes hurting herself in the process.
Have you read the Syrien Lore: I have read the Syrien lore in its entirety.
Have you Role played with the Syrien before: Yes, I have.
What is your interest with this role: I heard about it on TeamSpeak and thought I could do the role justice because I have experience playing child characters. The opportunity to experiment with this role has me very excited.


Name: Lucina Reed
Nickname/Alias: lucy
Age: 3
Gender: female
Race: human
Height: 2ft 6”
Weight: 28lb
Hair: Lightish brown
Eyes: a light shade of green
Skin: in-between pale, and tanned
Identifying Marks: Always carries a cuddly toy with her, a rabbit she calls octi
Appearance: a short thin girl, her usual attire is of a modest red and pink dress.
Strengths: Being so young means she only has her innocence as a strength.
Weaknesses and fears: She fears talking to any human or earthspawn because of a past event that has not left her memory. Is very shy, and will often attempt to hide behind octi when she doesn’t like the person.
Religion and cults: she currently follows no religion, though if she were to be influenced by someone who takes up a parenting figure to her, then she may be swayed.
Profession: At this young age she has no profession.

Backstory: Lucina Reed’s tale is one of misfortune. Her father being killed in a war now long forgotten, and her mother dying giving birth to her meant she grew up in an orphanage, devoid of any real love or care there she started to fear adults, believing them to be evil creatures, and this added to her already shy nature. She lived a mere two years at the orphanage, which despite being a place to stay, was no home. Half way through her second year, and unbeknownst to her, a deal was made with a rich nobleman to have her kidnapped under the premise of being adopted, to be a slave. At the end of her second year of life, that happened. At first she felt relief at leaving the stuffy orphanage, but soon she regretted it.
Her new masters forced her to do backbreaking work, carrying around coal sacks twice her size and weight. She was made to clean all the chimneys at the manor she was enslaved, all 20 of them twice a week. The only solace she got from this was when her master took her on a boat trip with him. One of the others servants chose the moment mid way through the trip to give her a toy rabbit, which lucina named octi. Two months into the trip the ship was attacked and boarded by another armed vessel, they called themselves the “freedm for all sailors” and took every slave off the rich mans ship, leaving him with no crew and no hope of sailing safely to anywhere. They tried to comfort Lucina with gifts of sweets and love, but she clung to the made who had given her octi’s leg the whole 2 day journey to the capital of the northern kingdoms, Port Silver.
Three months passed before another tragic event occurred, mia, the maid who had gifted octi to Lucina came ill, and eventually died of an unknown disease. When men from a nearby orphanage came to take her to their orphanage, she ran. She promised herself she would not go back to the cold walls of an orphanage, she now wanders the streets of port silver, not trusting any folk who walk on land, but taking a keen interest in those who swim the seas.
Have you read the Syrien Lore: yes, I have
Have you Role played with the Syrien before: Several times
What is your interest with this role: I want to A; learn more about syrien roleplay. B; try a new roleplay without sacrficing xenai and C; I want to see what its like to roleplay a child

also may want to hold the gun on this one, I've heard from kk that he wants to apply too so wait till he's done that then compare.
Tell me when you have the alt, i quite like this one =] It does seem off a 3 year old being subject to hard labor though


Adorable according to Michcat
So... How am I going to get the Alt to play this character? It'll be at least another four months before I can afford it myself, and that's if I somehow manage to scrounge up double what I'm able to now.


The original mute
It's fine... Actually depending who ninja is more interested in will depend on who should get the first alt.


Adorable according to Michcat
I spoke with Ninja on TS and he said it's only a matter of fairness that you should get the alt first. You're the one purchasing it, you're struggling for RP, and you got your app in first. I can wait a month to play as Stella.