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Rp'er wanted..One that can stick close..


Lord of Altera
Hey guys..It's me again..

I'm looking for someone male or female, preferably female, that can really get through with Limadan..This is for the sole, and pure fun of rp

First of all, I'll probably get alot of negative feedback, being 1. Get out and roleplay with someone, wich I do, but won't work for the simple reason, I'm unfriendly..In rp that is..
I hear you saying, then be friendlier..No, why not..Well..
Try to keep friendly when you're constantly pained, and can't feel anything but pure hatred..
2. I intend on letting the one chosen here to become a potential love interest for Limadan, and the other party. Wich directly leads to 1.Also, since Limadan is male, this will also be frowned upon by homophobes.

Now, let's go ahead shall we?
Well, as I said, most preferably female, but male can also be a potential love option (Yes, gays existed even in middle ages and ancient roman times). Since I got nomore space in this post, I'll add a description and some more in a next post, please don't comment untill I'm done


Lord of Altera
Well..Third time's a charm..

There are a few races I won't accept..Wich are greylings, earthspawn and dwarves..Because greylings creep me out..Dwarves are hairy..Even the female ones..And earthspawn..Are just earthspawn, there are also races, wich need approval, more specifically syrien or Nakam..I will accept these faster..Just for the reason of mixed couple rp, wich will turn out great, I think. Also, you don't need to be plain evil like Limadan..

I want someone, preferably female, to get through with Limadan, wich he will see as a love intrest, so does the other party. Marry, and get a child, for the ones who know Limadan, might think this is a bad idea..Wrong, he's a gentle and loving/caring man whe he trusts you.. When you're chosen..Limadan will basically growl at you, a regular treatment, once he cracks, he'll talk..Further details, will be pm'd

How do I 'apply'?
You fill in the template below, also, I will look at your rp skills, I don't want someone that just entered here one day, get it..?
Identifying Marks:
Religion and cults:

Who's Limadan?
He's probably one of the most evil persons you ever met, stonecold, brutal and dangerous, Also a follower of Grief, he's extremely pessimistic about anything and doesn't speak against the ones he values unworthy..Wich is almost everyone..

When in a fight, both friendly or unfriendly, both armed or unarmed, Limadan will bring his opponement or himself at the edge of death, or even further..


Lord of Altera
One more thing to point out..

This whole thread may seem..arrogant..

First of all..No! This isn't meant arrogant at all, it might sound it would be a privelege to rp with me, wich is totally wrong. I ask you..Someone, to fill in a character description+backstory here, wich I will review, and pick, To then rp with..For my own enjoyment..And, ofcourse, you.

You can also just read this: I don't want to sound arrogant or mean..

Well, open to applicate..Please fill in the template



Lord of Altera
I'll post it here then, without the backstory, as you have read it and I don't wish to spam the thread:

Name: Er'danku Tule
Nickname/Alias: "Er'dy" within the guild... dislikes this.
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Nakat
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 135 lbs.
Fur coloring: Grey, some parts darker, some lighter
Eye color: An emerald green
Identifying marks: A very long scar along his left arm where no hair grows, remaining from his training at age 16
Appearance: His right shoulder is slightly broader then his left, due to it being his throwing arm. He is medium-well built, with an upright posture.
Strengths: Javelin throwing, Axe-fighting
Weaknesses and fears: Archery, and he fears persecution by other villages/races.
Religion: Standard Nakam belief.
Profession: Has now started life as an assassin.


Lord of Altera
Name: Anithola
Age: 72
Gender: male
Interrests: Likes romatic walks along the beach and dinner in the candlelight
weaknesses: Any sort of physical contact makes him blush and freak out
Appearance: Grey beard, grey short hair, a damaged leg which makes his midnight dance kind of slow and stunted.
other: Otherwise he is a jolly fellow which enjoys dark humor and has a sinister personality which he shows if someone mistreats him in any way.


Lord of Altera
Name: Eric Arka
Nickname/Alias: Stick
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 140
Hair: Blonde almost White
Eyes: Grey/Green
Skin: White
Identifying Marks: Almost white hair, tall appearance, light eyes.
Appearance: Tall and skinny obviously not the type for fighting.
Religion and cults: Agnostic
Profession: Takes up oddjobs
Backstory: As a young boy Eric was always taller than his piers, this made him feel left out, but his family always reassured him his being tall was a good thing. What further caused ridicule was his nearly colorless eyes. As a result Eric spent his childhood studying other cultures, but never really learned much outside of basic Elven and Dwarven cultures. He has always been a calm and collected person, branching from countless hours studying, but, occasional situations can make him become hostile. When he reached his late teens Eric took up an apprenticeship with a boat builder. He became relatively skilled but with the relative saturation of boats in Port Silver he cannot make money from one of his few skills. So, he does whatever work he can find from tree cutting to bartending.

I have little chance against the 3/4 of a page Nakam...


I feel like i'm not done with this... but here's what i have so far!

Name: Sarah Silverian
Nickname/Alias: None.
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Elf
Height: 1.4m
Weight: 114lbs
Hair: Brown, longish
Eyes: Blue, although she has been blind since the age of 9, and is using an alternative vision.
Skin: Pale
Identifying Marks: A rather large scar on her right arm from when she was attacked as a child. She also has the distinguishing features of a level 2 waterblessed.
Appearance: She is quite short for her age, and seems to favor darker colours in her attire, despite not being able to see colors.
Religion and cults: None, she is confused in her beliefs, and thus does not follow a religion or cult, but can be swayed by another.
Profession: None, She is unemployed due to her visual impairment. She still seeks work in the fear of becoming homeless again.
Backstory: From a very young age, Sarah was forced to suffer at the hands of her father, who was an abusive pyromancer, in which forced her to learn magics way beyond the capabilities of her three year old body... Eventually she was forced to set fire to her home village in which almost perished except for a select group of survivors.

Her father was caught by one of the residents, Sekori. As a result of this his father was captures by the remaining survivors and burned at the stake, but Sarah was spared because she could be saved.

She was really an innocent child that was corrupted by her father, but didn't deserve to suffer the same fate.

She was sent to an orphanage who "Purified" her using methods unknown to this day. However, after 3 years, Sarah managed to escape and started hitched a ride on a boat. She managed the journey, savaging what she could off the crew members for a fair few days before she was discovered.

The crew saw her as a stowaway, and they began to discuss what they should do with the young child.
They kept her in the cargo section of the boat until they reached port, in which they gave her a small amount of bread and sent her on her way.

Almost half a year passed with her living homeless in the darkest areas of Port silver, mostly going unnoticed, taking only what she needed to get by from a local bakery without ever getting noticed.

A few weeks after her Seventh birthday, she was found and Adopted by Michael Silverian, who took her on and raised her as his child. However she did not support his morals or ways of life and did not follow him except for what she had to.

When she turned Eight, a local healer discovered a problem with her eyesight, in that she was slowly losing her vision. Predicting that by the age of Nine, she would be totally unable to see, this healer took her to see a variety of magicians, in the hope of assistance. Many attempts to prevent or heal her eyesight failed, but she was taught methods in which to use sound to navigate her surroundings. She also learned something special that she keeps very secretive to herself, and hasn't to this day told anyone.

After the death of her adopted Father Michael, she felt alone again, but continued to live in his home for many years onwards. However she has come to a severe dilemma. She is now at the age of 19, and she is running out of money, and with the constant fear that if she doesnt find work soon she will be forced onto the streets alone again, a childhood fear but thistime without the hope of rescue.


Lord of Altera
The two top competitors now are:

Er'danku, nakam, 22 years

Sarah Silverian, elf, 19 years

Still open to applications..


Lord of Altera
Last bump of today..

You can write an app untill friday, then I won't look at them..For now..

I bump daily, you have time until thursday 11:59:59 gmt+1

I will be loose..You have about an hour you can be late..