Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Rp'er wanted..One that can stick close..


Lord of Altera

I'll announce the winning roleplayer..





*still drumrolling*

Almot there{C'mon, make a decison}

*keeps longing his time to make a final decision*


One more scroll..

NiNi! With Sarah Silverian!

Shrimps..You'll get close enough to Limadan thanks to the guild..
This won't be with love intrest though, Shrimps


Lord of Altera
Didnt see that coming xD im happy for you guys though ^^ Even though it was a quite unorthodocs way of getting together :D


Lord of Altera
Heh, kinda obvious that would happen :p

Congratulations NiNi!
Quite a challenging decision though..
I thought quite intense about it..
Didnt see that coming xD im happy for you guys though ^^ Even though it was a quite unorthodocs way of getting together :D
I'm made to be unorthodocs..

Look at my avatar..
Roleplay with me..
You'll see..I'm one of the most wicked or unorthodocs roleplayers..


Lord of Altera
well, i meant an unorthodocs way of getting a hollowworld mate generaly xD but i suppose characters often are like their players aye? :D


Lord of Altera
well, i meant an unorthodocs way of getting a hollowworld mate generaly xD but i suppose characters often are like their players aye? :D
First of all, I'll probably get alot of negative feedback, being 1. Get out and roleplay with someone, wich I do, but won't work for the simple reason, I'm unfriendly..In rp that is..
I hear you saying, then be friendlier..No, why not..Well..
Try to keep friendly when you're constantly pained, and can't feel anything but pure hatred..