Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[City] Zuk'Thar


Lord of Altera
I had an idea for what we could do with the old storage if we're not going to do anything else. While the new storage is public, we could make the old storage into a private one where everyone gets their own room to put their valuables and most powerful weapons and armor. We could then put in a gate to block it off in case of attack, and link it to the underground hall and new storage. I already have somewhat of a schematic prepared for us if you're interested.
One word: YES.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I will notify you when I'm online (it should be about 45 minutes-an hour) to show you the town.


Lord of Altera
:confused: I guess I need to go build some houses ey? And since I can now finaly join the server I'll start making designs for the mansion/castle you mentioned earlier. :D


Loyal Servant of Altera
Update - 3/3/2013:

-Old Storage has been linked to the Public Storage.

-Old Storage is now a part of the emergency lockdown area with gate.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I've got two things for you guys. First, is a revised version of the OP:

Settlement Name: Zuk'Thar​
Dominant House: Earkz'Dok​
Chieftain: MrLightyy​
Heir: Frankieba5 , Sir_Firederick​
Population: (Will have to be counted.)​
Accepted Races: Earthspawn (Orcs) , (Others must prove right to live there)​
Description: Zuk'thar is to become a barbaric styled city created by the creatures that inhabit Earkz'Dok [House]. Almost all the structures of the city are dominated by Earthspawn architecture. The city is on a grassy plain. On its right side is a ocean where its mighty fleet may sail from.​
(We are planning on getting our own house a Earthspawn nation sort of thing for our race to unite. We also plan on having the sort of structure where I am Dera'Ko and I'm sort of king of the Earthspawn in my house. Then the other Earthspawn leaders that choose to join under my banner are Ko'Aka {normal kings}. Imagine the High king and his jarls in Skyrim)​
Lore: To be announced.​
Spawn: The spawn is on a large airship built for war. It will over look the city and will be located in a dirty, rotting and smelling dock. In front of you will be a large city with many industrial buildings and Earthspawn fighting inside. On the mountains you will see a large castle with a dragon skull on the front, lava streaming out of its mouth and throughout the city in pools. Inside the city itself are ravines going deep into the ground, with lava flowing through its many holes. You realize this is a place of death for the unworthy. If you are a Earthspawn, enter the ranks of Zuk'Thar!​
Backstories of our Members (PM us your thread)
Recruitment: Please fill out the following format to join.​
1 - Account Name:
2 - IC Name:
3 - Character's Age:
4 - Race:
5 - Link to your backstory if you have one:
6 - Desired field of work [Agriculture, Military, Government, etc.]:
(The second thing I mentioned is an idea for the slums that I will post later.)​