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[City] Zuk'Thar


Loyal Servant of Altera
Second, my idea for the slums:

After we finish the wall, we surround it with a gravel path. By this gravel path will be the slums and near it, the chicken, pig, and spruce tree farms. The slums will be the homes of non-Earthspawn that wish for the (soon to be) unmatched protective power of Zuk'Thar. While not a part of Earkz'Dok (and thus not affected by the house tax), they will be required to give weekly tribute in the form of produce from the farms or emeralds. (Those who work hard and give more than the bare minimum will gain some favor with the Earthspawn, and may even be accepted into the inner city at some point.) This opens up many opportunities for Earthspawn/non-Earthspawn roleplay in the same city, while not going against what Zuk'Thar generally stands for. Who knows, this could even lead to some master/servant type roleplay (which might then lead to some master/servant romance~).

This is what I imagine the slums and 'houses' to generally look like:

(The random chest is the 'tribute box'. Take note of how the tunnel to the home goes under the chicken farm.)

(Wood planks are my poor imitation of the Zuk'Thar wall. Slum path around the city probably won't hug the wall completely like this.)

(This is what it looks like going down the stairs.)

(Take note at the poor interior design. This is intentional, as the slums should look as cheap as possible.)

Welp, that's all I've got for now. Tell me what you think. (Yeah, the overall execution was terrible; it'll need a lot of revamping from the base design if the idea is approved.)

King Oguk

Earthspawn King
Second, my idea for the slums:

After we finish the wall, we surround it with a gravel path. By this gravel path will be the slums and near it, the chicken, pig, and spruce tree farms. The slums will be the homes of non-Earthspawn that wish for the (soon to be) unmatched protective power of Zuk'Thar. While not a part of Earkz'Dok (and thus not affected by the house tax), they will be required to give weekly tribute in the form of produce from the farms or emeralds. (Those who work hard and give more than the bare minimum will gain some favor with the Earthspawn, and may even be accepted into the inner city at some point.) This opens up many opportunities for Earthspawn/non-Earthspawn roleplay in the same city, while not going against what Zuk'Thar generally stands for. Who knows, this could even lead to some master/servant type roleplay (which might then lead to some master/servant romance~).

This is what I imagine the slums and 'houses' to generally look like:

(The random chest is the 'tribute box'. Take note of how the tunnel to the home goes under the chicken farm.)

(Wood planks are my poor imitation of the Zuk'Thar wall. Slum path around the city probably won't hug the wall completely like this.)

(This is what it looks like going down the stairs.)

(Take note at the poor interior design. This is intentional, as the slums should look as cheap as possible.)

Welp, that's all I've got for now. Tell me what you think. (Yeah, the overall execution was terrible; it'll need a lot of revamping from the base design if the idea is approved.)
Accepted. I am fixing the info page Tomoz, I will talk to you IG or inbox you due to the promotion you have earned!


  1. Account Name: PederBaracov
  2. IC Name: Uurek
  3. Character Age: 58
  4. Race: Orc/ earthspawn
  5. Link to your backstory if you have one: not written yet
  6. Desired Field of Work: Librarian


Loyal Servant of Altera
  1. Account Name: PederBaracov
  2. IC Name: Uurek
  3. Character Age: 58
  4. Race: Orc/ earthspawn
  5. Link to your backstory if you have one: not written yet
  6. Desired Field of Work: Librarian
I'll meet you at spawn. (IGN: joncalf) I'll take you to Zuk'Thar and show you around.


Loyal Servant of Altera
3/23/13 Update: Floor B2 of the storage has been improved: small new section, enchantment room has been finished and moved to new section, total of 11 storage rooms (3 occupied), fully stocked with chests (with signs inside for locking), potential to extend (details below).

New idea: Through the sign to the right of the enchantment room, I thought we could make a library, with a small balcony sticking out into the ravine. (Not sure if this would be a good idea since Earthspawn aren't exactly known for collecting books, but that forerunner guy wanted to be a librarian and I think its location would make it look good .)
Finished enchantment room..pngFinished storage rooms..pngFirst sight of B2 floor..pngSmall extension..pngWhere balcony library might be..png

EDIT: Other new idea: Once we have the wall finished, I think it'd be good to have wolves roaming around the town to give some nice aesthetic value.

SECOND EDIT: The library could make sense actually. It could just be there so we'd have somewhere to put all the books we loot from various places.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Well, the Zuk'Thar thread has reached 2,500 views! This is quite an achievement, and I'd like to personally thank everyone who took interest in this project!


Loyal Servant of Altera
Another new idea (because PsychoCreep mentioned moving the farms underground): We connect the underground farms we make to the storage and to the slums. This way, it adds more to the whole "emergency lockdown" theme I've started for the city, and allows us to have one farm location for the inner city inhabitants and the slum inhabitants.

There will be two gateways: one connected to the city and one to the slums. Only one can be open at a time, and the switch is located in the inner city. This way, the slum inhabitants (or intruders) can't sneak through it into the city, and it isn't an obstacle to any Earthspawn who wants to farm.

What do you think? If you like the idea, I might start working on a schematic for us to work on in the future.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Account Name: wolfpilot
IC Name: Wolf
Character Age: 32
Race: Earthspawn
Link to your backstory if you have one
Desired Field of Work [Agriculture, Military/Government, etc]: Government or Agriculture


Loyal Servant of Altera
Account Name: wolfpilot
IC Name: Wolf
Character Age: 32
Race: Earthspawn
Link to your backstory if you have one
Desired Field of Work [Agriculture, Military/Government, etc]: Government or Agriculture
I'll show you around. When's good for you? (I only have about 20-30 minutes after this post.)


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
You know what? I think I'll make an app. I'm friendly enough with some Earthspawn already7

Account Name: K9_Diarmuid
IC Name: Elrohir Ancalimé Engem.
Character Age: 191
Race: Wood Elf
Link to your backstory if you have one:é-engem.21250/
Desired Field of Work [Agriculture, Military/Government, etc]: Elrohir doesn't care, he just likes to brew potions.



Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Yeah once before. Why?
