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The Second Golden Crusade.


Lord of Altera
Can I aslo add that Andras is responsible for Michaels death, not some stupid bandit boy

(wouldn't of made a scratch if Andras hadn't poisoned him)


I am up to whatever I want. Seeing as my character was magically turned into a nobody and locked in prison for what would be years because nobody gives a crap about the trial that is meant to happen. So I might just kill him off.


Lord of Altera
This is beautiful. I have been waiting for someone to fight back against me for some time. Yes, our official numbers may seem small but you would be surprised who is actually trust worthy and who is aligned to the chaos and riches I promise. Icecloak controls the wilds, for the people, never forget it. This crusade will be crushed.


Lord of Altera
I laugh in the face of your threat! Unfortunately you won't be able to hear it as I will be a long way away. :p

I, being a member of the greatest house, approve of this Crusade!


sparkles emoji
*Realizes that this is great RP, then decides to become a bandit*
Come at me bro………ther.


Lord of Altera
This is beautiful. I have been waiting for someone to fight back against me for some time. Yes, our official numbers may seem small but you would be surprised who is actually trust worthy and who is aligned to the chaos and riches I promise. Icecloak controls the wilds, for the people, never forget it. This crusade will be crushed.
Waiting to see if you would reply to this :D