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I need you! To cut my hand off.


Lord of Altera
Title says it all. Now with my character, Marcus Arcturus I feel he's a bit dry, and has had no development after being Lord for a while now, and I noticed in Storm of Swords when this happens to a character it changes them, it would be interesting to have this happen as well, it would change my character entirely, which is what I want.

Now I'm looking for a person who would do this, if you are interested in cutting my hand off then fill this application, best one wins! I'm doing this by the way, because I am very bored with my character.

Name of character:
Motive for cutting his hand off:
How would you cut it off? (slow?/quick?):


Lord of Altera
Name of character: That's a secret silly, Lord Icecloak works if you need a title.
Motive for cutting his hand off: Well, you did just start a crusade against me and my family. Also, I really like cutting in general. I'd do it even if I didn't know you.
How would you cut it off? (slow?/quick?): Depends if it is mid battle it'd probably a quick thing. If I capture you I'll make it slow, then again, if I capture you, your gonna lose a lot more than a hand.


Lord of Altera
Name of character: Andras Natrizi'ma
Motive for cutting his hand off: Because he is mental nuff' said
How would you cut it off? (slow?/quick?): quick, with Necrosis so it will become necrotic


Lord of Altera
Name of character: Gildor

Motive: A burst of insanity and hallucination.

How would you cut it off: Quick, as I would probably think you were an enemy or something.


We demons of our solemn hour
Name: Sylvus Nymphaea

Motive: Sylvus is in a rather bad mood lately and is attacking legged anyway

Quick/slow: depending on where and when. . I prefer slow and painful


Lord of Altera
Name of character: Rengar Duskhowl

Motive for cutting his hand off: Rengar is one of the kings personal guards, following him anywhere, you would for some reason get too close to the king and show agression and i would proceed by slicing of your arm in one clean strike. ( this is just a suggestion, naturaly you may decide what makes you loose your hand yourself )

How would you cut it off? (slow?/quick?): Quick, Rengar has a strong sword arm and a sharp bastard sword.

frank frappuccino

Lord of Altera
Name of character: Vidar Lonmar
Motive for cutting his hand off: Alcohol... And well you know I hate holy crusaders.
How would you cut it off? (slow?/quick?): Quickly with a heated blade.


The original mute
Name of character: Xeenal
Motive for cutting of his hand: Fun. Xeenal does everything he does for fun.
How would you cut it off? (slow?/quick?) if he caught you, it would be extremely slow, and possibly with a spoon (joking). In combat you'd be lucky to come out with your arm if he got the chance.


Lord of Altera
Name of character: Johanna
Motive for cutting his hand off: Yolo
How would you cut it off? (slow?/quick?): Quick as all hell, then i'd stab my blade into what remains of your arm.


The White Mage
Name of character: Xeenal
Motive for cutting of his hand: Fun. Xeenal does everything he does for fun.
How would you cut it off? (slow?/quick?) if he caught you, it would be extremely slow, and possibly with a spoon
The simple nature of this character is somewhat evil + he now terrifies me ;_;


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
If I had her?
If you'd have her do it, that is.

Name of character: Eminu Sephyn
Motive for cutting his hand off: Too many people think shes dead. Her name must be feared. Her presence will be known.
How would you cut it off? (slow?/quick?): Slow. In public. Languidly. While whispering sweet nothings into his ear, so he may spread the horror that is Sephyn.


The White Mage
If you'd have her do it, that is.

Name of character: Eminu Sephyn
Motive for cutting his hand off: Too many people think shes dead. Her name must be feared. Her presence will be known.
How would you cut it off? (slow?/quick?): Slow. In public. Languidly. While whispering sweet nothings into his ear, so he may spread the horror that is Sephyn.
She...She isn't dead?
*Eye twitches*
Oooh, she'll soon wish she stayed dead...
(Fun fact of the day - Matt, the rp character, was never even aware that she was "dead"! He was still hunting her all the same!)


The White Mage
Am i the only one who actually have a valid reason to chop his hand off? xD

OMG Matto that signature O_O
Well, hshotwell is a bandit ;)

And yes, I love my signature :heart: Its too big though, go onto my profile then click the "Information" tab to see it in its true glory ^.^


The original mute
Actually my reason was legitimate, Xeenal does everything for fun. Fighting, taunting, debating. If he's not having fun he gets bored and finds fun. Not many people are more dangerous than a bored Xeenal.