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Barging into RP


Lord of Altera
Now I dunno bout everyone else. But my character (and assuming the crew as well) don't have many allies. In my characters eyes, if they aren't crew, they're enemies.

The Pirates attacked the courthouse in an attempt to rescue Ormild, but were overwhelmed. Silent was captured by the town guards, however she was smashed over the head and was suffering from it in the dungeon, Sally managed to escape at the last moment, needing to nurse her wounds before she could return to get Silent and Ormild out.

while recovering, a heap of people were watching the RP and started barging in.

Now I understand wanting to be part of it, but when everyone tries to rescue the pirate, it seems really illogical. Helloooo, these guys attacked Port Silver >_>.. if you rescue em, you risk becoming wanted as well. It doesn't matter if you knew em in the past, the Pirates have NO current alliances because they'd rather raid everyone..

In the end, the RP was ruined by players barging in, OPing and generally being illogical. Seriously, Silent should've died after she was dragged outta there with that injury. Everyone kept trying to rush heal her and get her out. This aint an anime, it takes time to heal.


I hope you guys seriously think over your actions with these type of RP's. When someones in a dungeon, it'd be for a good reason.

Also, head injuries cause memory problems, learn ta be injured :I.


The original mute
If I see anyone trying to barge into an rp that means they don't stay true to their characters morals when I'm Roleplaying as Xeenal will be challenged to a duel, one you can't refuse, and losing would mean your character gets a death tally (I.e. you go to sisterhood)


I wish I was in this RP.
But I know when I am and am not needed.

People really did this?
That's like trying to stab The Leader on his first speech :3


The original mute
Well when you're rp is going to get ruined by people not following their characters morals, then I can see why.


Lord of Altera
Was I in the wrong at all here...?
I left around the start of this but I wasn't there when this happened and I had my own reasons myself for being there... sooo sorry Saleeh if I did mess up anything...


Lord of Altera
Was I in the wrong at all here...?
I left around the start of this but I wasn't there when this happened and I had my own reasons myself for being there... sooo sorry Saleeh if I did mess up anything...
Oh no, you didn't ruin it at all seth xD you were pretty much dragged into that RP, not barging in.


Lord of Altera
We will post a law soon. Once thats up, lawbreakers will have dire consequences. So it is fine for bandits/pirates to break the law because they are already outlawed, but if a normal citizen attacks the guard/court... dire consequences.


It reminds me of the event of Pirate's and mine. 'Gold and Auld' or something.
There was a lot of people there....
But I think two at least had a reason to be in Gemstone made no sense why everyone else was there xD


Lord of Altera
personally I like that I can't enter PS without being attacked or nearly captured. But it kinda sucks that I can just walk up to some people and just go "How yah doing" and they wont be fazed.

...maybe I should start saying hello with my sword.


Lord of Altera
Oh no, you didn't ruin it at all seth xD you were pretty much dragged into that RP, not barging in.
Phew...I don't like barging into RPs when I can, it's one reason I don't RP as much as I'd like

It reminds me of the event of Pirate's and mine. 'Gold and Auld' or something.
There was a lot of people there....
But I think two at least had a reason to be in Gemstone made no sense why everyone else was there xD
I remember that well...I was visiting the Graveyard at the time


Lord of Altera
No one didn't chop it's hand off.
*In EF, zombie, Diamond sword - dead*
*In NK, zombie, invites people in for a cup of tea - trusted*
No-one would let anyone attack it! We had Elves there 'Guuysss, nooo, dooon't huuurt the zzooombie'

It's one of those pieces that people need to get straight for their character's motives... it's like the Slayers all over again


Carpet Monkey
to come back at the immadiate problem:

Axex permanently resigned. so to get the commander of the Silvercloacks back you guys all would realy need to bag him and it is still his decision. That would make me the commander, as i am seccond in command, at least until draco would assign someone else with the position.

but at the same time i retired temporally as SiC/Seargent. I don't see a reason anymore in my position as people ignore me, laugh at me, randomly fight me and in general don't respect the position of a guard. everyone just thinks he is stronger then me so he doesn't need to listion to reason or the law.

there is no fun for me in that.

i am willing to come back as either commander or SiC, but only when this can get sorted out and guards can actually dotheir work. i don't need to be killed once a day, just cause someone else is again op-fleeing the prision and such.

as the only two leader positions resigned, the Silvercloacks itself can't realy work anymore. at least for now