Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Child wanted~!


sparkles emoji
Okay, Kairo's girlfriend, Rose (IGN: Littledecca, FN: Decca), is pregnant with a child-ren. And we need YOU to be the RP'er!

Here are the needs/thingamajig:
Half-Elf and half-Human
Similar traits/attitude to Rose and Kairo (will be explained below)
Active (I will only be online on weekends, Decca will be on more often)
Good RP skills
An Alt Account is preferred, or you can kill off your current character and make a new one
I would like to see an Advanced version of a character profile of the child
Ideas for names are welcome! :)
...More to come (maybe)!

Traits and Attitude of Rose and Kairo:
Kairo and Rose are dark-haired so the child-ren must be dark-haired.
Rose and Kairo are pretty quick to getting into fights, so the child-ren should be too.
Kairo and Rose are hunters, so you will probable grow up to be one as well.
Rose is part of the Engem Clan, while Kairo is part of House Silverian, so for now yo'll be part Silverian, part Engem, but soon that will be fixed and you'll be layne of [InsertNameOfClanOrHouse] (The fact that Rose hated Michael Silverian but loved Kairo kinda makes me think of Romeo and Juliette xD Anyways, back to the point >>)
Your eyes will be reddish brown, because Rose's eyes are brown and Kairo's eyes are red.
Tanned skin, a bit Hispanic-like
....More to come!
Does the Engem Clan have a certain native language? If so, I'll write down the fact that they'll learn that language.

-GhostKairo123 :cool:


Lord of Altera
I'll be happy to apply for this position and I also am only online on weekends...
Active, but weekends :p


The Kingdom Crusher
Does the Engem Clan have a certain native language? If so, I'll write down the fact that they'll learn that language.

-GhostKairo123 :cool:
They do, but I keep hearing that other languages are disallowed, even though there are over 7000 recognized languages on Earth, and there is only one sentient species on Earth >.>