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Barging into RP


Lord of Altera
I personally find barging into an RP is just absolutely unacceptable. You were not invited in so do not try to but in and make yourself look like an idiot.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
This is simply the tip of a much bigger RP destroying iceberg. The problem isn't just that people OP themselves, or they use metagame knowledge, or they don't stick to what is logical for their character. It's a simple fact that all of these things stem from a single, concrete issue that the vast majority of freeform roleplayers have.

They want to win.

A concept that shouldn't even be a part of rolepaying, but it is in the minds of most. Roleplaying is about cooperative storytelling. Cooperative. You pick a role, and you play out your role in relation to the other players. The bad guys do bad things and the good guys do good things, a story unfolds, and everyone wins because a good time was had making a story together. Unfortunately most people are selfish, they have to have their character be victorious, their character has to hog the spotlight, become the be-all do-all, because it's not about the story for them. It's so they can show how they are better than their opponent. Opponent.... He or she is a fellow story creator for gods' sake, not a combatant that you must defeat at all costs.


I've roleplayed a good bit on this server. The absolute best times have all been the noncombat ones. Why? Because when the setting is "a group of people at a bar just talking" People will actually play their character, and we get to know each other through organic roleplay. It's great, and simple, and no one is trying to win. Unfortunately every single combat I've ever been in, or witnessed, has never been two (or more) players cooperatively creating a story. It's who's able to more subtly be OP, and who can write the other into a corner faster so their opponent has no choice but to either die or do something blatantly OP, and then there is almost always an angry ooc discussion about the outcome.... In what way is any of that fun?

How do you fix something like this?

The short answer is I don't think you can. Despite how many likes or agreeing comments I get from this rant, there will probably always be a majority of players that roleplay so they can win rather than roleplay to create a story together. There is some things that could be done to help lessen this issue, like enforcing stricter rules on alignment and affiliation, as well as a tighter examination of character backgrounds/sheets. Unfortunately there's not really a way to remove that thought of "I must win, I'm the hero of the story, everyone else is second to me" from people's minds.

I guess the hope is that with enough positive examples from the better roleplayers in the community, mixed with guidance and encouragement from the community and staff to create stories cooperatively rather than the "must win" thought pattern, maybe we could see a reduction in this kind of RP ruining behavior.


Lord of Altera
Sometimes I growl at random people or start a fight with some random passer-by. Does this count as barging in?


Frankieba5 said:
Sometimes I growl at random people or start a fight with some random passer-by. Does this count as barging in?
Well if people are rping and you walk into the middle of the conversation and beat someone up, yes. Otherwise no.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
I can't stand it when people do force their characters to do something completely out of character for that individual simply to get in on the act... And especially when they choose to react to something in a way contrary to the supposed "typical" Alteran.

For example, peasants eager to help pirates... That want to loot their homes and burn their crops? Knights befriending bandits...? This makes about as much sense as a lion befriending a donkey. Humans, Elves and Dwarves openly accepting Earthspawn, Greylings, Caparii, Nakam and Syrien? Sure, some of the less common races might actually be harmless, but do our characters know and accept that? No, they do not.

People are ignoring the lore, and even the ideas on which they build their own fictional characters, simply out of this blind desperation to be at the centre of everything... Which is infuriating.


Lord of Altera
IAwesome Sauce.
I totally agree, I am tired of people trying to help Caspian when he is hurt, (the man tried to eat a childs hand and was a known conspirator of the rising of the tides, plus some people know he is a Darkblood) Yet people are still civil and don't bat a eyelid
(To be honest: the only people who should help him are: Lonmar, Syrien and the some random-er who could probably just chuck him into a lake, not take a stranger to a damn healer)


Carpet Monkey
I totally agree, I am tired of people trying to help Caspian when he is hurt, (the man tried to eat a childs hand and was a known conspirator of the rising of the tides, plus some people know he is a Darkblood) Yet people are still civil and don't bat a eyelid
well i arrested you and nearly got beheaded xD can't say the other way works too.


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
Thread coming up about entering and exiting RP courtesy of the RP management team.
Find a way to incorporate some of the points that Pyrocide made? I think it's important.

I found myself agreeing to all of this, and then worrying about whether I'm guilty of some of the awful RPs described here. So sorry if that's the case :/

But yeah, I couldn't agree more. I think people need to develop characters more in-depth, and follow that development strictly when it comes to RP. Though I'm not saying I'm great at this.


Here's my view:
I was not part of this, but I wish you guys (and lasses) would stop complaining and going on.
What's done has been done.
We simply need to move on. It's a disaster, I know, but you can work around it somehow.
You always have!
People are wanted, yes, and you can roleplay that out.

Lesson learnt, okay?
Do. Not. Trust. Pirates.


wakerman4 said:
Here's my view:
I was not part of this, but I wish you guys (and lasses) would stop complaining and going on.
What's done has been done.
We simply need to move on. It's a disaster, I know, but you can work around it somehow.
You always have!
People are wanted, yes, and you can roleplay that out.

Lesson learnt, okay?
Do. Not. Trust. Pirates.
Yes but to stop it from happening again it needs to be discussed.


Carpet Monkey
i think it is perfectly fine for the comunity to comment, wakerman. and the admins will work on a way to prevent it too and apart from this

btw @freya you darted past 3 guards with drawn swords, next time rp it out, technically we could have stopped you but everyone just jumped and ran around >.<)


Lord of Altera
i think it is perfectly fine for the comunity to comment, wakerman. and the admins will work on a way to prevent it too and apart from this

btw @freya you darted past 3 guards with drawn swords, next time rp it out, technically we could have stopped you but everyone just jumped and ran around >.<)
...Really? I saw 1 guard with no sword..and I did kinda just run out, I apologise


Lord of Altera
I think people being afraid of nakam, earthspawn, caparii, and graylings and people barging into RP are 2 very important issues, the should be resolved in 2 different thread.


Lord of Altera
I think people being afraid of nakam, earthspawn, caparii, and graylings and people barging into RP are 2 very important issues, the should be resolved in 2 different thread.
Don't forget Syrien, bedtime stories portray us eating humans in some backwater cave


Carpet Monkey
i still haven't heard anyone asking or baging Lord Commander Axex to think his decision over again guys.......

he did a great job and left permanently and noone says at least "awww, we will miss you"

*Salutes in the highes respect for Axex work*
If you can find it in your heart, Axex, come back as soon as this mess it cleaned up, just like i will.